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Dear all,

Finally back in some civilised cuntry and do I have some story to tell y'all.

I was asked to be involved on finding a solution to prevent a loss of face for the department of foreign policy of a certain world power.

As you all know there is a constant batlle between world powers, to secure energy supplies.

Strategic pipelines that transfer gas and oil, I guess you all are aware of the recent conflict in the Caucus.

Anyway, when I arrived I wasted no time and arranged a vehicle and driver to transport me from A to B.

We directly went to the meeting point and had our first meeting.

After the meeting finished (about ten minutes later) I went back to the parking area where our vehicle was parked.

And found this:




I understood the message and fled to a safe house where I currently reside.

Gampaan, thanks for the 'Call' to our active cells to start a rescue mission.

But please tell and explain that it would be a mission they could not return from.

It would be a 5S mission and you all know what that means.

For my next mission I need a few thrusthworthy peeps, and I will be honest with ya all, it could be your last ride.

Anyone interested?

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And all of you that are following this magnificent Fred.

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I am not a native speaker.

I know I have to end with a question so I do.

Where/when is our meeting to take place in October?

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Hi Alex,

I am scheduled to be in Chalong on 16th October, should be staying AO Chalong Inn, on the street running down to the pier.

Drinking hole is Come On Bar opposite.

I hope to be flying to Manila on the 20th.

Hope to be back well befor Loy Krathong.

Will you be down thataway?

Or Bangers suit better?

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Dear Zpete,

I have no idea where Chalong is, and I am worried as to why ya wanna be there.

Same as to going to PH, why?

I strongly suggest you do not go to the PH, looking at recent developements and knowing what is about to take place.

Meeting in BKK would be a safe bet but it is up to you.

Where to meet?

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Hi Alex,

Yeah, be great to meet up and have :D ..or 3. hehe

If ya knew what was in store for me in Lucena :o .. :D , PH, you would not be likely to make that comment.

As for Chalong, it is the main dive port at the bottom of Phuket.

My nephew owns a scuba dive school, boat excursion business there. He is a 22 year resident.

Gunna be there for Loy Krathong, leaving next day for Bangers, Bangkok Centre Sukumvit 25.

I fly out for God's Own Country, New Zealand, on Sunday Nov 16th.

I will be there, nites of November 13th, 14th and 15th.

Possibly some other nites during my trip, nothing planned, as I go here and there.

Soi Cowboy just a few blocks away for drinks and watch the passing parade.

Would you be able to make any of those dates?

Anybody else like to join in?

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Hi Alex,

Yeah, be great to meet up and have :D ..or 3. hehe

If ya knew what was in store for me in Lucena :o .. :D , PH, you would not be likely to make that comment.

As for Chalong, it is the main dive port at the bottom of Phuket.

My nephew owns a scuba dive school, boat excursion business there. He is a 22 year resident.

Gunna be there for Loy Krathong, leaving next day for Bangers, Bangkok Centre Sukumvit 25.

I fly out for God's Own Country, New Zealand, on Sunday Nov 16th.

I will be there, nites of November 13th, 14th and 15th.

Possibly some other nites during my trip, nothing planned, as I go here and there.

Soi Cowboy just a few blocks away for drinks and watch the passing parade.

Would you be able to make any of those dates?

Anybody else like to join in?

Dear Zpete,

Sounds good.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

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ssssst , thought to remember I saw Alex in a particular forum ,

should not make a difference , so long he's not wearing

the wrong kind of clothes ...Or am I terribly mistaken ? :o

Love to join in to watch , but got commitments in Chiang mai .....

Edited by tijnebijn
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Dear Zpete,

Don't worry about being gay, if you know the original meaning of the word. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay

The November dates you mentioned look fine to me, no schedule yet but as you know it all depends on the "Iraaaaan" issues that need to be resolved.

The diving in Chalong sounds tempting as I did not have a real holiday for about ten years now, sorry I am a workaholic.

And DPNBCO, have you ever thought about joining "The Company" your online name suggest you know more.......feel free to join the madness here.

Tijnebijn, it is a pitty you cannot join, maybe another time.

Zpete would it be possible to bring some seeds of the fruit we talked about earlier?

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LOL, DNPBC0, funny, but I have been in threads where only a cupla ppl seem to be

intersted, responding.

Join in by all means.

Are you a genuine Kiwi, who cums, eats roots and leaves, just wundrin.

Join the club, more the merrier, mate.

Alex, I am well aware of what I call, "real gay".

One of my fovourite authors of many moons back, Corneilla Otis Skinner, wrote a hilarious book called, "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay".

It was a really GAY time, proper meaning, loved her books, and all 100% clean, just plain hilarious.

Be lucky if you could find any now, but if ya do, read 'em.

See following post for book.

Them fruit, I have only seen them as plants, dunno if I could smuggle one in.

They grow well from cuttings, but seasons are opposite, enquiries, I shall make.

No fruit around now, they blossom in spring, which starts today, fruit falls in March - May, depending on variety.

You wouldn't want an innocenter one like me, to smuggle contraband would you? Alex.

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Oh my, Alex and Pete together in a bar......could be an International incident! Alas, I can't join this year. But I am looking forward to 2009, we WILL get away again!! I must monitor things in the US for now. Once we have that settled, it's time to get out for some R&R (and drinking :o). Will you all be alright without my presence? :D

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Gamps, we will look forward to you when ever you get to LoS.

Mind you, mite need advance notice, could be anywhere.

Bin wondering if any others mite like pop along.

Any more out there who would enjoy a mini meet in Bangers, Asoke area 2nd week in Nov, after Loy Krathong?

(Will NOT mention Soi Cowboy nearby. :o )

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Hi Zpete, dear all

I am here to tell you I have been chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice.

It has been a pleasure to meet and talk with eachother through this forum.

You all are friends for live.

Please to all of you, keep fighting for justice.

In the end, the truth will win.

God is great!


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Gamps, we will look forward to you when ever you get to LoS.

Mind you, mite need advance notice, could be anywhere.

Bin wondering if any others mite like pop along.

Any more out there who would enjoy a mini meet in Bangers, Asoke area 2nd week in Nov, after Loy Krathong?

(Will NOT mention Soi Cowboy nearby. :o )

You'll have plenty of notice. Am anxious to get away from this place. 2009 is almost here. Then all things will be right again. Ain't that right, Alex? :D

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As things are going now, I may be spending a lot time in Lucena, Philippines, found a comely wench in TV.

Going there from HKT next month, mite be taking her home, via Chiang Mai for few days, inc Tuskers BBQ, back to HKT and few days in BKK.... wheeeeee..... 5 weeks.

Ya reckon that sounds good?

Gamps, I will be looking forward to IRL catchup.


Alex, cardinal sin, no QUESTION, you OK?

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As things are going now, I may be spending a lot time in Lucena, Philippines, found a comely wench in TV.

Going there from HKT next month, mite be taking her home, via Chiang Mai for few days, inc Tuskers BBQ, back to HKT and few days in BKK.... wheeeeee..... 5 weeks.

Ya reckon that sounds good?

Gamps, I will be looking forward to IRL catchup.


Alex, cardinal sin, no QUESTION, you OK?

Sounds like you have it figured out for the immediate future... :D

I think Alex's calling must have had him go to China. You know how sensitive they are about allowing internet access there.

Do you reckon he hooked up with a gymnast?? :o

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Gamps, quite likely.

Possibly a femme, 16 y/o trampolinist.

Imagine the bouncing if they slept on a trampoline.... wheeee

Alex's internet doing mite bounce back at him too.

Ya think they would let him come home?

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Hi di haai,hai di hooooo!!!!!!!!

Yes dear all very well respected members en followers/contribitors of/to this wonderfull thread.

I would like to apologise for my previous post as it sounded a bit dramatic and some people even send me PM's begging not to do it.

Anyway making that post served a reason and by making that post we have now inside knowledge as to what the real plans are with the LHC.

Don't worry, we are in full invisible control and will intervene when they want to start their real experiments.

OK, I have to go black again for a few days.

By the way does anyone know why there are still ashtrays in the airplane lavatory on the in and outside?

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Welcome home old mate.

Dunno Alex, but so many aircraft were designed before the WONDERUL non smoking agreements came about.

It will take time for those oldies to be replaced.

Do you think the aircraft were designed by orientals, who smoke like steam engines?

Has the Airbus 380 ashtrays?

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Hi all,

I have just been told that I am fired due to abusive language use in E-Mail.

Thing is that I wanted to save our most important key account and it included some alcohol containing drink.

As I m not a regular drinke,r after two drinks I already felt drunk so I wanted to go back my hotel room and so I did.

Apparantly I sended some very bad e-Mail to the big guys in charche.

I have no rememberance of it and I was really shocked when I saw those mails to them.

I had a similair thing about a year earlier when I lost an entire day of memory, Waked up in a strange room and girl telling me she saved me from predators as she felt I was not really with both feet on the ground.

It is called an alcohol black out and it can happen even when you drink a beer or two.


When I had this experience I went to the hospital to check my blood on any drugs as I thought they might have added something to my drink.

The result of the test was that there where no drugs in my blood.

Doctor then asked me if I drinked some alcohol and I told yes I did but only two whiskey.

Did you eat before he asked, I responded no I did not.

He then explained me about alcohol black out and that it could happen to anyone.

So now I am fired becouse of use of abusive languge in E-Mail.

I was really shocked when I see the e-mails, it really is not me talking, it was very foul language which I never use.

I work for my company for 14 years and this has never happened and yes I love my company and am devoted.

I have helped them to improve and invent new products in order to improve our sales, train the local staff, improve QC procedures and now because of a silly mistake problem they fire me.

I really feel so sad and feel sorry and asked for forgive me to those higher management but they say they have to keep up the standards of bizz conduct.

My friends, I feel so sad, I was just trying to help The compny keeping this most important key account and as a result I get fired.

Goodby all, this is no joke for sure!

And I mean it!

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