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Condé Nast Traveler has included the Philippines in its list of 40 Most Beautiful Countries in the World.

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So, another award for the Philippine tourist industry.


Tourism Authorities love to win awards.


Recently Lifestyle travel magazine Condé Nast Traveler has included the Philippines in its list of 40 Most Beautiful Countries in the World.


Condé Nast used the data from the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report, particularly its section on natural resources, and polled among the magazine's editors for personal picks to come up with a Top 40.


In considering natural resources, the WEF takes note of a country's total animal species, number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and number of protected ecosystems.


They took note of the over 7,000 islands found around the country, many among them counted as the world's most beautiful.



 Kayangan Lake in Coron


Travel destinations mentioned include the Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park in Palawan, the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, and the famous Banaue Rice Terraces. Traveler even included a photo of Kayangan Lake in Coron, Palawan to further show the island's beauty.


Other countries that made the list include Australia, Mexico, Brazil, China, Kenya, Canada, Japan, Greece, New Zealand, and the United States, while Southeast Asian neighbors include Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam.


Marketing awards is big business


Now I am sure the Philippines deserved this acknowledgment however magazines set up these types of awards to attract readers and PR for that issue, but primarily to sell advertising.


If you work for a tourist board and you get advanced knowledge that you are up for an award or a good listing, then you will most likely take an advert to milk the publicity as much as possible.


Awards are given out for everything these days from the best beach to the best tourist attraction, even the best immigration service.


Therefore, all I am saying is sometimes we need to take these awards with a pinch of salt.


That said I am sure the Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park in Palawan deserves a mention as it is a unique experience.


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