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AIS Fiber international speed?


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I'm a happy 1000/1000 3BB user, but AIS 2000/500 package sounds interesting for me. Besides, AIS bought 3BB and I don't know what will happen next.


I assume AIS uses different paths for different AIS fiber products, so cheaper packages gets more congested routes while top packages are routed differently.


I was wondering if AIS power users (those who download a lot) happy with their AIS fibre? Another question is, is it possible to get static or public ipv4 with every package (I can't find info on that anymore)


For comparison, I'm able to download at least 80 - 160 Mbps from France using a single connection with 3BB, which is pretty good. Speeds on HTTP is slower but HTTPS works fast for me almost everywhere. For singapore, it is minimum 120 - 160 mbps for most servers (single connection) and up to 650 Mbps over ipv6 towards misaka.io / CDN77 network, which is awesome.


Thanks in Advance.

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After being here for a good number of years I have had all the main ISP's at some time or another and can categorically state that they all work fine when used within the Thai domestic network. However it's a different story when you need international connections for streaming, torrenting etc as all ISP's have to pay CAT for international bandwith usage, and as they all may work fine initially, after time you will have problems with buffering and freezing due to the ISP throttling your international bandwith I am currently having this problem with current provider from 7pm to 11.30pm every day (peak international demand) . I have 500/500 package and when I do WIFI speed test (using nPerf) to server in Pattaya I get ping 5.5ms and average 250/200Mb/s, when I do speed test to London server I get ping around 270ms and average 44/168Mb/s, which proves they are constantly throttling download speed but not upload. However when i do speed test to same London server when experiencing buffering/freezing between 7pm and 11.30pm my results drop considerably to between 3 and 9 Mb/s download, 35 and 70 Mb/s upload with ping anywhere between 420ms and 780ms.

I have spoken to them about this issue and they actually admitted that yes they throttle international connections when they see a heavy download demand being used for streaming services, as apparently this has a knock-on effect with the domestic internet network, not sure how and they couldn't explain it either. Their final statement was that upgrading package will not make any difference as speed figures quoted are guaranteed only for domestic internet market and no guarantees for DL/UL speeds for international connections.


Solution - get a VPN, problem solved.


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8 hours ago, muratremix said:

is it possible to get static or public ipv4 with every package

you should visit the office instead of calling their support because "1st level" support personnel doesn't even know what a static or public IP is.

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2 hours ago, Cardano said:

Solution - get a VPN, problem solved.

yep, it could really do wonders.

Thailand's internet is routed ass-backwards - some connections to Europe go through USA, and sometimes I get higher ping and lower speed when connecting directly from Thailand to European servers than when connecting via Singapore VPN.

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8 hours ago, muratremix said:

AIS 2000/500 package

What's the price?


My 300/300 is so much faster and cheaper than the US.  That's fastest available with True in upper Sakon Nakhon.  399 baht. 



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I've found that whatever the initial price is if you call up and ask for a better price they'll usually do it.  They cut my internet bill by 50% just for asking.  I have to call every 6 months for the price cut. 

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I use a fixed ip address with 3bb, other companies like NT (former TOT) and True do not offer this other than in their business offerings, AIS I don't know. 


Internet down- and upload speed depend on various factors. Do a traceroute to understand the nodes your data travels through, then you might find the bottleneck. It's usually not Thailand but Europe or in between, and ... connecting through the US in most cases gives you better results as the infrastructure through the Atlantic, Pacific and the US is superior. The only downside is that the latency increases (packet response time which is indicated by ping), in most cases you won't notice. Make a WhatsApp call to Europe and you will notice the latency. 


Going from 1000 to 2000 will not give you any benefit when accessing servers in Europe as those servers and most nodes are not capable of handling such speeds. You could even reduce your contract to 500 or 300, your data travels through the same infrastructure. 


The peak demand for international data transfer may be after 7pm, but certainly not from Thailand to Europe. All major streaming services run or use servers in Asia (mostly Singapore relevant for Thailand). For the reference to the "London server" do a traceroute to find the culprit.

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I use 3BB 1000/1000 and always used top tier package (before 1gbps packages arrived) and there is a speed difference even in local tests. When I moved 3BB to my new home, they assigned 1000/100 or 1000/300 speed by mistake and it was taking forever to reach 850 mbps in local speedtest servers. When I asked them why my upload is lower, they realized the mistake, made a call, and immediately my speed was unlocked.


In short:

1000/1000 can reach domestic speedtest.net peak speeds in a few seconds, while cheaper package takes much longer (and albeit a lower speed even domestically). I didn't test international speed but it could be the same, I'm not sure.


I guess I'll stick to 3BB just to be safe then. 

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14 hours ago, Thalueng said:

I use a fixed ip address with 3bb, other companies like NT (former TOT) and True do not offer this other than in their business offerings, AIS I don't know. 


Internet down- and upload speed depend on various factors. Do a traceroute to understand the nodes your data travels through, then you might find the bottleneck. It's usually not Thailand but Europe or in between, and ... connecting through the US in most cases gives you better results as the infrastructure through the Atlantic, Pacific and the US is superior. The only downside is that the latency increases (packet response time which is indicated by ping), in most cases you won't notice. Make a WhatsApp call to Europe and you will notice the latency. 


Going from 1000 to 2000 will not give you any benefit when accessing servers in Europe as those servers and most nodes are not capable of handling such speeds. You could even reduce your contract to 500 or 300, your data travels through the same infrastructure. 


The peak demand for international data transfer may be after 7pm, but certainly not from Thailand to Europe. All major streaming services run or use servers in Asia (mostly Singapore relevant for Thailand). For the reference to the "London server" do a traceroute to find the culprit.

Thanks for your advice but I'm only reiterating what AIS told me, spoke with one of their technicians yesterday and he confirmed that IP addresses seen to be using high data downloads at peak times through the international gateway are throttled and that is done to preserve the integrity and capacity of their local Thai network, I can understand this logic as their guarantee only relates to DL/UL speeds on their local network. Ironically he said try using a VPN, ironically I do and problem solved.
So doesn't matter whether Europe, Singapore or anywhere outside of Thailand all data comes through the portion of the international gateway leased by AIS from CAT and if they notice high loads on this they will identify IP address and throttle it.
What this does highlight is that their infrastructure was design based primarily on their perceived demand of the local Thailand network and did not take in to account the high rate of data transmitted via international connections. And it's not just us expats that are streaming internationally, many Thais and Thai bars are also doing the same for sporting events, one large Thai bar near me has 4 android STB's all streaming English Sky sports channels via VPN.

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When VPN helps, it does primarily because Singapore bandwidth is plenty and throttled less compared to EU or US bandwidth. I don't feel the need to use VPN with 3BB, it would suck if I had to use VPN on a daily basis with any internet provider.


A sample speed test result, single threaded, from Amsterdam (3BB 1000/1000)

root@Synology:~# wget -4 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.novoserve.com/files/10GB.bin
--2022-08-22 07:54:49--  http://speedtest.novoserve.com/files/10GB.bin
Resolving speedtest.novoserve.com...
Connecting to speedtest.novoserve.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10737418240 (10G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: '/dev/null'

/dev/null                       2%[>                                                 ] 
207.84M  13.2MB/s    eta 14m 12s^C

root@Synology:~# wget -6 -O /dev/null http://speedtest.novoserve.com/files/10GB.bin
--2022-08-22 07:55:13--  http://speedtest.novoserve.com/files/10GB.bin
Resolving speedtest.novoserve.com... 2001:968:1326::2
Connecting to speedtest.novoserve.com|2001:968:1326::2|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10737418240 (10G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: '/dev/null'

/dev/null                       2%[>                                                 ] 
221.54M  14.2MB/s    eta 13m 19s^C

105.6 Mbps and 113.6 Mbps respectively.


And yes, I usually get better speed on IPv6 over IPv4.

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