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Entities urged to accept residence card of foreigners as legal document


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The Ministry of Interior has urged relevant ministries, institutions, sub-national administrations and private sector to accept permanent residence cards held by foreign immigrants in Cambodia as a legal document for every day use.

General Por Pheak, secretary general of Interior Ministry’s General Secretariat, said yesterday that as per the Immigration Law, promulgated on September 22, 1994, the Ministry has issued permanent residence cards to foreign immigrants for daily use, such as applying for administrative and public services, health, banking, purchasing movables, doing business, applying for employment etc.

He added that in 2019, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) also issued instructions on the issuance of administrative letters and civil status documents to the Cambodian federation, children and foreign immigrants, which confirmed the value of using the permanent residence cards issued by the Ministry to foreign immigrants.



read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501140934/entities-urged-to-accept-residence-card-of-foreigners-as-legal-document/



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