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5 Tips for Expats in Thailand to combat depression


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Moving to a new country is often overwhelming, whether for a job or to move in with your partner. In addition, finding a new house, making new friends, and staying away from family could get stressful and affect your mental health. However, you can do plenty of things to help ensure you keep yourself mentally healthy and combat depression.


Lucky for you, our wonderful friends at Pacific Prime Thailand have put together some tips to help maintain good mental health.



Understanding expat depression


Depression is more than feeling sad or low for a couple of days. When someone is depressed, they feel persistently sad for weeks or months. And expat depression can be described as a period of sadness experienced by people who move abroad for work.


Why do expats in Thailand experience depression?

Generally speaking, depression is not caused by one event, but can be triggered by different situations or reasons. And when it comes to expats, relocating for work requires a lot of drive, energy, confidence, and optimism. However, living in a foreign country does come with a long list of challenges, such as learning the language and depending on locals for help with things ranging from sourcing medicine to finding a house - something that, over time, can damage one's sense of competency.


What are the symptoms of depression?

The systems for depression vary from one person to another and are complex. For instance, if you are depressed, you may feel sad and hopeless and lose interest in the things you once enjoyed. The symptoms may last for weeks or months on end and are severe enough to interfere with work, social life, and family life. Most expats try and cope with their symptoms without realizing they are unwell. Keep an eye out for the following signs:


     Always feeling low or sad

     Feeling hopeless



     Irregular appetite

     Unusual weight gain or loss

     Low attention span and more


Here's how you can maintain good mental health and cope with depression


1. Seek professional help at the earliest

If you are constantly feeling sad or "out of it" more than usual, you might be suffering from a mental health issue. So, during times like this, it's better to see an expert for help and get proper treatment as early as possible.


2. Do your research and be prepared

Moving to a new country can be challenging; hence, being prepared is a good idea. Research the kind of help you can get in Thailand for mental health and ensure your health insurance covers clinic visits and treatment for mental health.


Related reading: Where to find mental health support in Thailand as an expat


3. Maintain a healthy work-life balance

Set aside time for yourself and your loved ones. Do not compromise on quality time doing things that are important to you.


4. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep

Research on depression and anxiety shows that exercise and sleep can ease symptoms. So, try to exercise daily and get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. And if you are unable to sleep through the night or cannot bring yourself to exercise, consult a doctor as they could be early symptoms of depression.


5. Make local friends and build a connection with the country

Join an activity group or a language class in Thailand where you can learn something new about the country and in the process make some local friends as well!


Secure comprehensive medical insurance with mental health coverage

Pacific Prime Thailand can help you find the right insurance plan that meets your budget and requirements. With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and a robust global presence, Pacific Prime has helped expats from different parts of the world secure the right medical insurance. Get in touch with one of Pacific Prime's advisors for a free quote today!


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