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Debt Collecting In Bankgkok


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--- Kinda Urgent ---

hey guys,

Being a newbie, I'm really not sure where to put this post...

I have some customers (one Thai and the other Indian) that owe me some money, as hard as I chase, they are in no hurry... if it ever happens.

Do they have such things as Debt Collectors here?

Any recommendations on a hard nosed, persistent debt collector?



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I think you need to post more info as to what you have tied into these people? Are these friends? Do you have contracts? Do you have property you can collect on? Do you live here? Do you have any power? Do they have any power? Do you have any powerful friends who can help you?

The only way I have been able to collect is by having Thai people, who have somewhat powerful connections by comparision, both legal and not, go to the people who owe me money, every month, who are not very powerful, and collect, bit by bit.

Otherwise, I would have gotten not one baht back and that was surely what was intended by the people who took money from me.

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I think you need to post more info as to what you have tied into these people? Are these friends? Do you have contracts? Do you have property you can collect on? Do you live here? Do you have any power? Do they have any power? Do you have any powerful friends who can help you?

The only way I have been able to collect is by having Thai people, who have somewhat powerful connections by comparision, both legal and not, go to the people who owe me money, every month, who are not very powerful, and collect, bit by bit.

Otherwise, I would have gotten not one baht back and that was surely what was intended by the people who took money from me.

Alternatively, you could have sent your bf round with his gun. Hey, here's an idea. Lease him out to Belinda as a debt collector.

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Your local police will no doubt do this for a %age if you have some proof of monies due. If your debtor can't pay you may get carte blanche pick of assets at their place of business so don't warn them. This is generally a last resort if you hadn't guessed. If the amount isn't large, write it off to the university of experience.

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I think you need to post more info as to what you have tied into these people? Are these friends? Do you have contracts? Do you have property you can collect on? Do you live here? Do you have any power? Do they have any power? Do you have any powerful friends who can help you?

The only way I have been able to collect is by having Thai people, who have somewhat powerful connections by comparision, both legal and not, go to the people who owe me money, every month, who are not very powerful, and collect, bit by bit.

Otherwise, I would have gotten not one baht back and that was surely what was intended by the people who took money from me.

Alternatively, you could have sent your bf round with his gun. Hey, here's an idea. Lease him out to Belinda as a debt collector.




Disclaimer: I don't support resolution of pesonal disputes through violent actions! Especially with people who don't know which end is dangerous.

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I guess all you very funny farang wound rather see your fellow farang women ripped off by her fake bullshit Thai friends?????

No my b/f didn't have to go to collect with a gun but he is the one who goes to collect for me. And because he has some power in our town, they do pay me. And if I was alone, as I was when I gave them the money, they would be paying me nothing now. That is what they were planning on doing. Would that make you happier???

Would it make you happier if I had to give up my internet connection and UBC because they never paid me but yet they had an internet cafe and UBC where they watched football with their pals and got drunk every night??? Because they always have those things no matter if they can pay me or not. And my friend got all new fake teeth even when she could not pay me one baht for a year, and got UBC installed and paid the monthtly payment, and went on a vacation in Viet Nam, and bought a new TV, even though they have 3 TVs, and has new clothes every time I see her, and they drink a bottle of red label every night, and has new jewelry that "somebody gave her" every time I see her" but no money to pay me, and has had lottery tickets every two weeks, since I have known her, for 4 years, but no money to pay me, plus has new decorations for her hotel every week but no money to pay me every week, she has new furniture every week, but no money for me, and you would think I was a jerk if I showed up with a gun to get a payment?? I would be a jerk to NOT show up with a gun to get a payment!!!

Should I be a monk in the street begging for food that she doesn't give me with money I gave her before I FREAK OUT? Or should I come to your door begging for food and shelter before I freak out?? Or when am I acting like like a vctim like jdinasia has so kidlly poited out? Maybe I can show up at his buddisht door?

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Just to make it clear here, since you are the man here, please, collect the money from my friend, because, for one thing, I don't really exsist, and my t/b/f is just a mafioso and my Thai friends are wonderful people and I am a jerk who ripped them off.

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To the op:

Anyone that runs a "hard-nosed" debt collection service in Bangkok probably isn't the type of person you should be doing business with.

You haven't stated what it is that they owe you for, but maybe it would be possible to hire a couple of locals to repossess the items.

You could also try regretfully informing them that you will have to start charging interest on the outstanding amounts. It might focus their minds a little.

Other than that, I'd go with Toasted's suggestion.


What do you mean, before you freak out?

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Sorry to say, you got took, fair and square, MTW. You have the receipts go to the police. Your BF doesn't seem to be doing such a good job collecting, either. I'd get rid of him, forget the debts, move to the new house, and get two more big dogs. Oh, and don't talk to any of the new neighbours. They'll ask you for a loan and you'll give it to them. And then we'll hear about it for the next five years.

Quit being a f* victim.

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Um, he isn't going to collect for me now, what do you wise people suggest I do now? I don't have any money or any food.


Boy that 10 mil went fast. At first I was pulling for you especially if Bendix and Jet Gordan were in your face, I figured you had to be OK.

You're not really "wrapped to tight" are you?

I can be wrong occasionally.. :o

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collect with a gun ..... power in our town, ..... paying me nothing now..... their pals and got drunk every night??.... they can pay me or not..... fake teeth even when she could not pay me one baht for a year....... vacation in Viet Nam... bought a new TV....... they have 3 TVs... new clothes every.... red label every night.. new jewelry .... no money to pay me... for 4 years, but no money to pay me... new decorations for her hotel.. new furniture every week.. FREAK OUT ...

Wow, MTW, you left me with a headache reading this.....

Thailand Rule Number 23: A loan is not a loan, it is a gift. Do not expect a loan to be repaid by anyone. The more you loan the greater amount you are not getting back (pretty simple maths)

Thailand Rule Number 39: When your gift is not returned (as expected in Rule 23), go stay in your friends hotel for XX years without paying for the room, eat free and enjoy Johnnie Walker Red label every night (always promiss payment at the end of next month when payment will come through from your great great uncles inheritance, always make this a HUGE figure, at least 9 digits in Thai baht)


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And my friend got all new fake teeth even when she could not pay me one baht for a year

And the award for the most hilarious line of the year goes to . . .

Honestly, MTW. You are a riot. There isnt this much whine in the whole of France.

I'm curious. Where, exactly, did you learn English?

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Also, a general rule... make sure all loans are secured by collateral. You can register loans with pre-written buy/sell contracts at up to 15% a year interest secured by property with the land department. Beats pickin' stocks.


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I guess all you very funny farang wound rather see your fellow farang women ripped off by her fake bullshit Thai friends?????

Normally I wouldn't, but in your case I am willing to make an exception!

Edited by qualtrough
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I was being sarcastic you guys, since all my ways are the wrong ways, I thought if I gave up, you could do if for me, being the nice, kind gentlemen that I know you are.

Where do you think I learned English? From my mafia pals, when I was doing time in jail, duh! But with all the dogs barking, I couldn't hear very well.

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I was being sarcastic you guys, since all my ways are the wrong ways, I thought if I gave up, you could do if for me, being the nice, kind gentlemen that I know you are.

Where do you think I learned English? From my mafia pals, when I was doing time in jail, duh! But with all the dogs barking, I couldn't hear very well.

MTW, do you really have friends with no teeth? I can't say as I have had that pleasure yet. Kind of reminds me of an old dirty joke, something about being gummed to death...

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No, I had a friend with very ugly, terrible teeth, like some people have in poor countries. One of the reasons why maybe she probably never got a farang b/f and had to stick with Thais. Because she is very pretty. So, instead of trying to take care of them one by one, getting braces or something, she went with a fist full of money one day, and got them all capped, and whole mouthfull. And because her teeth were so crooked, it still looks strange but at least they are white and clean, for now.

That isn't cheap, and since she never spent a dime in her life on her teeth, I was slightly annoyed that she chose to do this, after buying many other things, starting her business, and still not "finding any money to pay me one measly baht yet" in over a year at that point.

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I guess all you very funny farang wound rather see your fellow farang women ripped off by her fake bullshit Thai friends?????



Sorry MTW but I really think you need to find a new definition of 'friend'. I honestly can't understand why don't you just walk away from all that BS and find it truly remarkable that you go public with all these tales, if they are as true as you claim, you really should write a book, "damage done" sold incredibly well...

To the OP. Persistence.

and Bendix you have one wicked sense of humour :D :D "fake teeth", sorry MTW but really its the way you said it... :o

Edited by quiksilva
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Well I know now they aren't my friends but if I was writing the stories and said I gave some "dishonest bastards I hate some money" what would you think of me then??? At the time, I thought they were my friends, hence what I call them when I talk about them.

And sorry, but I don't get the joke about fake teeth? What would you call them?

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And based on the responses I've gotten on TV from my stories I rather imagine there would be some sort of picket line protesting me rather than a best selling book if I were to write it down and try to sell it!

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The one thing about using "heavy connections" in any country to collect debts is this, unless you know them, or a mutual contact trusted by you and them introduces you, your usually ok, of course they charge their cut.

Say your an unkown person, manage to find a debt collector(s) on the "heavy" side... you can be shark bait to these type of guys too. A week know one, is they go to collect get the money, and then tell you they could not get it, and keep it all. if you got no conections, and a bit of a weed, what you going to do?

another one, they get their fee in advance, do down to the persons home/permises cause a big showy loud in public shouting and shoving match. someone sees it (that heavies what this to happen) calls the police, and they come and give all a warning and send them home. So the Heavy Collector, say..." hey we went down, tried our hardest, had some trouble, cops come, moved us on, nothing we can do" but you owe us the fee, because we really tried.

I my business back in ireland, which is a Staffing business, we would get companies not pay us, so I used to collect myself, and drive out, suited and professional, and request to see boss in a calm but cold manner (great acting) if the PA said he is in meetings all day, I say no problem I wait, and I sit down ouside bosses door, take out my mobile and call everyone in their from old grand aunts, to cousins, to friends, and talk every loud, and make an almighty racket, usually within 30 mins, i got to see boss.

To I would be interested to how Thai Law position on this,. but in ireland making threats is a very serious offence, and can land you in jail, so you have to be careful how you might word something to a slippery bad debtor.

It used to help that I have aNorthern Ireland ring in accent even though I am Rep of Ireland, as this was a great trick in ireland, people use to assume you were connected to the IRA and pay up real quick! 100s of business people in ireland got great use out of that one fotr years! LOL!!!

Now for bad debts I use a debt collection service all legit and within the law, who follow procedure and in end can go legal up to a company wind up order. etc.

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