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Hiya All,

I know alot of you out there suffer from this and I would like to ask rather than just coping everyday with it, do you have any exercises you find strengthen and elleviate pain? I know this may seem silly as I have never went for gimics, but a friend at work tells me he uses the Six Second Abs fitness thingy and it helps alot.

Any ideas people?

Thanks :o

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Try the "Bridge". Will strengthen your hips and back beyond belief. Your neck wil also become a bundle of pain-free muscle. Not for those who are weak or afraid though. :D

You will have to elaborate my friend "The Bridge" what is this? Maybe different what I am thinking of!


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coldcrush, I have sciatica also and have found several stretches to be useful.

I do a straight leg stretch and a bent leg stretch --illustrated here

I also do one similar to the straight leg stretch except I cross the leg of the painful side across the non-painful side (leg bent, ankle of sore leg on knee of good leg) and then pull (or get my husband to push) the straightened leg towards my body, push slowly and gently.

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Forget the above stretches, swiss balls, chiropractors, osteopaths, anti inflams et etc. Work steadfastly on holding a good wrestlers bridge (nose to the matt) and I guarantee you'll be pain -free. You'll hit some really interesting spots too, pretty much all your body's weak links. Combine this was some Hindu push ups and some dynamic deep breathing and report back here with the results. You'll be a changed man.

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According to this website it is not for the amateur:

Neck bridge (wrestlers bridge)

This is a controversial exercise that is highly productive when safely performed, yet can be very dangerous if not performed correctly. This is a very advanced exercise. You need to have very strong neck muscles just to be able to perform this movement.

This exercise should only be used by advanced athletes who need very strong neck muscles; such as boxers, wrestlers, martial artists, etc. You should get proper instruction from a knowledgeable coach prior to trying to perform a neck bridge.

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The sooner you start bridging the sooner you'll NOT be an amateur. Coaching isn't needed. Most, if not nearly ALL people who know the potential benefit of the movement teach it incorrectly anyway. You should centre the weight on your forehead, NOT the top of your head. You also need to understand the mind-body connection to command the resistance of probably years of tension to relax, let go etc. Once you can hold the position for a good 3 minutes whilst taking fewer than 10 breaths your doing really well. Take great care who you learn this movement from.........If I was in Thailand I could teach you

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Hiya SBK and Geevlus,

good replies and I will look into them somemore. I think the traditional methods you have shown SBK will be enough for me tobe getting on with for now, as for the neck exercises I may ask my friend about those as they may cause more pain than help at the moment.

Thanks :o

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