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Chances of getting my GF a first time visitor visa to UK?

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I was hoping to get some advice regarding our chances of getting a first time visitor visa to the UK for a 3 week stay. We are about to go with an agency, but hoping to get a feel as to if we have a chance or not.


We've been together 2 and a half years. In that time l've spent about 13 months in Thailand with my GF over 3 trips.


I support my girlfriend financially (condo, living expenses etc) and can prove this with statements from both myself and my GF's accounts.


I'll be funding the trip and have enough saved to show I can pay for the flight and living costs over 3 weeks.


I've been working since mid June, full time. However this is with an agency and not a perm contract. Is this an issue? I have pay slips for each week since June.


She is on the first year of a three-year university course - of which I think should be reason to believe her return? We will request documents from her uni proving this.


We will be staying with my mother, who can provide a rent tenancy agreement which shows we have enough occupancy.


We of course have numerous photos and chat logs etc too.


Based on the above, do we have a good chance? I'm mostly worried about my employment status not being a contracted perm position will have an affect.


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Kind regards


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What's her travel history, has she shown a pattern of travelling abroad and returning? will she be applying on a fresh clean passport? First time traveler with clean passport is not looked on favorably, if she has not, take her somewhere thais can get in without visas to have some entry/exit stamps in her passports first.


having your relatives with accommodation counts as significant ties or reason enough for her to be able to 'extend' her stay in the UK so it could count against her in some case especially with your support. She might stand a better chance booking a holiday with guided tour groups with other thais, but then her source of funds from you needs to be explained.


It can be done, but you need to be aware of potential questions or red flags raised and provide supporting evidence in anticipation, 

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Hey, thank you for your reply.


Unfortunately this would be her first trip outside Thailand, however passport was issued a year or so ago.


I'm hoping her being on a 3 year uni course would be enough to prove she would return.


As to accommodation, at best I could add a week or so in a London hotel or somthing 


Thank you for your thoughts, we will try and hopefully get some luck.

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53 minutes ago, DarChana said:

I was hoping to get some advice regarding our chances of getting a first time visitor visa to the UK for a 3 week stay. We are about to go with an agency, but hoping to get a feel as to if we have a chance or not.


When your girlfriend applies for a Standard Visit Visa, it's she that needs to convince the Entry Clearance Officer, the person who makes the decision on her application, that her proposed visit is genuine, affordable and, that on the balance of probabilities, she would return to her home country at the conclusion of her proposed visit, the latter part probably being the most important part of her application.


Many applicants use an agent to guide them through the process, which can be quite daunting, and there's nothing wrong with doing so, but when deciding on an agent she should pick one who is properly qualified, not somebody who is a travel agent, or simply has a plush office in Pattya, I would strongly recommend that she seeks out an agent who has OISC Accreditation, whilst not a legal requirement here in Thailand, an accredited agent is a safer bet.


Going through your various points, you mention that financially support your girlfriend, accomodation rental and living expenses, whilst this may suggest you're in a relationship, the ECO would need to be satisfied that she doesn't intend to remain in the UK with her benefactor.


Her University course might go towards satisfying the ECO that she might return, but she would need to provide compelling evidence of her comitment to her studies, and her proposed visit is outside of term time.


If she intends to stay with you at your mothers house, your mother should write and confirm that there is sufficient accomodation available, and that she is welcome to stay with you at her home. Booking a hotel in London wouldn't add anything to her application, unless a trip to London is part of her trip.


If you are providing financial support for her trip, along with financial support for her life in Thailand, you will need to provide evidence to confirm that it's realistically affordable. You state you work via an agency, you should provide evidence of your employment, now, in the past ane in the future. The fact that you've spent a third of the last 30 months in Thailand may be of concern to the ECO.


By all means supply chat logs, it would help if chats were initiated by both of you, rather than just you, however the UKVI specifically advise that photos should not be sent as supporting evidence.


In all honesty, I don't think a trip to a neighbouring country, where entry clearance isn't required, will add anything to her application. 


To be quite frank with everything you've mentioned, it's not going to be easy for her, but not impossible, everyone has to make their first application some time. Using a qualified agent, be careful there are a lot of cowboys out there, won't guarantee her a visa, but they will help her draft the application and the supporting evidence along with the covering letters.


Good luck 


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Thank you for your advice.


Making our trip outside of term time definitely makes sense, and as you say shows commitment to the course. Which is important. We will definitely do this.


A letter from my mother and and past/present pay slips/employment status is ok. Future may be difficult as with agency work that's not guaranteed.


I'll check the OISC status of this agent too. If our chances of success are low I was thinking to try without agency, as I heard having a previous attempt even if failed and trying again..can show commitment to the process - if that makes sense. But if we actually have a chance, I'd like to do as much as possible to succeed - hence an agent's help.


We certainly have the best chance possible ATM so hopefully we get some luck.


Thanks again 

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