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A Warning Note From Neighbors


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This was my first topic on TV. And so far most of the posts have been somewhat not very helpful, like many postings I read, ranging all the way from I don't exist, I am making up the whole story, to personal insults or attacks that my whole life is a disaster, to comments about what kind of b/f I have chosen for myself, and then on to somewhat on topic to things about that I must be a jerk of a pet owner even though I have said things which should make this clear that I am not, unless you just think that all pet owners are jerks because all pets make noise, etc. And even saying things like "etc" in my posts have been made fun of, and not in a nice, "funny" way. I was even told that my "karma" must deserve these things. What bad things have I ever told about myself on this forum that would lead anyone to believe that I have bad karma?

I know not all of the farangs out there are <deleted> but there are certainly a large portion of you who think you are better, know better, have better, than every other person who writes here. Well I am not buying it. I think those of you who continue to respond like this are either feeling lower than most people and think that if you continue to find what makes you different than every other person you feel better than then, rather then finding areas where you are the same. Well every farang here in Thailand already had enough of feeling different and we come here to feel the same, in my opinion, and to look for good, practical advise.

I am not coming here to play devil's advocate or to show you how Thai I am. If I want to see the Thai way, all I have to do is walk into the street. If you want to show me how Thai you are, please don't resond to me. I have enough Thai. I either need to interpret Thai ways, if I ask for that, or I need a farang point of view because I am lacking that here, BECAUSE I LIVE IN THAILAND, NOT BEACAUSE I VACATION HERE ONCE A YEAR or dream of living here someday.

If SOME dogs barking are bothering you where YOU live well I am sorry, but I would be willing to bet you any amount of money, they are NOT MY dogs bothering you so I don't need your stupid comments to be lumped in with irresponsible Thai dog owners, as you should be able to guess, as a farang, most farang, are not those!!! And if some chicken was making noise outside your guesthouse then I guess you should know I don't keep chickens and either you should expect this in Thailand or stay at the Four Seasons because Thailand has chickens!!!

Why do I have to get included with the people who keep 20 dogs in the street, who keep chickens, why don't some people say I keep a brothel with child sex workers, that I also have children making rugs and shoes for Nike, and any other stupid thing? It is really pointless to have this forum unless we state it is for entetainment only and everyone who posts is up for mindless jabs and any kind of stupid statements for the fun of others, if others find this to be fun.

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This note seems obviously written by a farang.

As you live next to a guest house.....farangs are expected I presume.

Referring to calling "authorities" (a Thai wouldn't say this) and the 10 to 9 schedule (sounds like a USA local regulation for disturbing the peace) solidifies my hypothesis.

You have created a nice drama for yourself in my opinion.

Perhaps your hermit like lifestyle needs a little spicing up.....you may find you'll think less conspiratorially if you get out more.

I would suggest a drink at the guest house, followed by a few games of pool.

Your and your boyfriend sound very much alike, jumping to conclusions and creating havoc unnecessarily.

Lighten up.

I don't mean to offend......this was just, in my opinion, handled foolishly.

Good luck in your new home.....please make a point to meet and greet your neighbors. A housewarming party could ease a lot of tension, and make new friends.

Again....Choke dee khrap

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Well to compare to my new neighbors, who I have gotten to know just by going there to water the garden, the next door lady who has lived there for 20 years asked my b/f to complain because one of the village people lets out their 3 goldens three or four times a day to poo in the street which ends up in front of her house or our house usually, because I guess they are too lazy to pick up poo in their own yard. Why does she ask my b/f to do this? Because she thinks he has power. So he does it and now it is getting better.

We were NOT, NOT friends with the guest house next door, even though I never went and played with them, I never complained about them, I thought that was pretty good. But since the complaint happened they have been trying to do favors for us, trying to go to the market for us, if they see one of us walking when they are driving a motorbike, they stop and try to drive us, but I didn't know why, because I didn't know what had happened. One time I tried to tip them for going to the store for me late at night and they wouldn't take the money, asked me if I wanted to drink with them, which I found strange and didn't do, so I would say that my b/f/s reaction didn't have a bad effect, in fact it has them bowing down to us every time they see us, I think the farangs on this forum expect it would have a bad effect, but this did not come from a farang going over there with a gun, I don't know what that would do, however when I faked that with Thai people, I have gotten a good response, and nothing but respect, and since he did what he did, we are also getting nothing but respect.

Maybe Thai people respect threats that they feel you can back up, or that they feel are worthy. I mean, if those guys did not write the note, maybe they thought it said they were going to remove us from our house. My b/f used the note to show them what it said and their English is worse then his. So maybe if they thought the farang really wrote that, they thought my b/f was right to threaten what he did, then they thought he did have the power to back up what he said, so they respect that, and now they feel bad. So now they are being nice to us.

I just found it hard to imagine that some guy who paid 80 or 100 baht for a room that doesn't even have a private bath could write a note that I would not write if I were staying at a 5 star hotel. And if he wrote it, why he didn't deliver it himself. And why the farang who cared so much was gone, when we got the note?

Probably the only real mistake my b/f made so far, was telling me about it at all, since there have been no problems, other than me writing this, and what I have felt about it. But he got drunk one night, talked to one of our other neighbors who hate the guesthouse and then decided to tell me.

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But since the complaint happened they have been trying to do favors for us, trying to go to the market for us, if they see one of us walking when they are driving a motorbike, they stop and try to drive us, but I didn't know why, because I didn't know what had happened.


I think you now have the absolute perfect opportunity to turn this situation around and make these people your friends. Accept their favors and be nice to them - they may well be "quaking in their boots" wondering what your b/f will do next.

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Hi Jet,

He looked up some words in our Thai/English dictionary okay? If you like I can scan the actual note where he wrote some word that he translated from the dictionary next to the English words. This doesn't mean that he understood everything that he didn't look up because he thought he already understood everything else.

You know, I believe someone has pointed out to you already that I am one of your fellow female farang here. Are you aware of some of us farang women who tend to be liars? I have given you references, per your request to check me out, that you never followed through with. I have PM'd you that you never answered. If you want to keep doubting me out in the open I just don't know what to say other than you have a problem that I suggest you keep to yourself because you are making yourself look bad, not me.

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Lucifer, I am surprised at you, I thought we were friends. Haven't you ever read a Russian novel?

We are friends, and I'm still impressed with your writing. I was just kidding.

However, you've stumped me with the Russian novel bit.

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This was my first topic on TV. And so far most of the posts have been somewhat not very helpful, like many postings I read, ranging all the way from I don't exist, I am making up the whole story, to personal insults or attacks that my whole life is a disaster, to comments about what kind of b/f I have chosen for myself, and then on to somewhat on topic to things about that I must be a jerk of a pet owner even though I have said things which should make this clear that I am not, unless you just think that all pet owners are jerks because all pets make noise, etc. And even saying things like "etc" in my posts have been made fun of, and not in a nice, "funny" way. I was even told that my "karma" must deserve these things. What bad things have I ever told about myself on this forum that would lead anyone to believe that I have bad karma?

I know not all of the farangs out there are &lt;deleted&gt; but there are certainly a large portion of you who think you are better, know better, have better, than every other person who writes here. Well I am not buying it. I think those of you who continue to respond like this are either feeling lower than most people and think that if you continue to find what makes you different than every other person you feel better than then, rather then finding areas where you are the same. Well every farang here in Thailand already had enough of feeling different and we come here to feel the same, in my opinion, and to look for good, practical advise.

I am not coming here to play devil's advocate or to show you how Thai I am. If I want to see the Thai way, all I have to do is walk into the street. If you want to show me how Thai you are, please don't resond to me. I have enough Thai. I either need to interpret Thai ways, if I ask for that, or I need a farang point of view because I am lacking that here, BECAUSE I LIVE IN THAILAND, NOT BEACAUSE I VACATION HERE ONCE A YEAR or dream of living here someday.

If SOME dogs barking are bothering you where YOU live well I am sorry, but I would be willing to bet you any amount of money, they are NOT MY dogs bothering you so I don't need your stupid comments to be lumped in with irresponsible Thai dog owners, as you should be able to guess, as a farang, most farang, are not those!!! And if some chicken was making noise outside your guesthouse then I guess you should know I don't keep chickens and either you should expect this in Thailand or stay at the Four Seasons because Thailand has chickens!!!

Why do I have to get included with the people who keep 20 dogs in the street, who keep chickens, why don't some people say I keep a brothel with child sex workers, that I also have children making rugs and shoes for Nike, and any other stupid thing? It is really pointless to have this forum unless we state it is for entetainment only and everyone who posts is up for mindless jabs and any kind of stupid statements for the fun of others, if others find this to be fun.


I'm with you. After reading so many of your threads in all other tropics. I feel like I know you as well as my closed friend. You're a very opened up person who tells the story like it is. But some people are not geared to accept your problems; as you already found out from many negative responds to you. Pleas don't let that bother you. Apathy is not a bliss.

Your respond to Richard about offering your time to look after his child while he is attending class at PYAP Univ (sorry if I got the name wrong) is showing what a good-hearted person you are.

Please continue to share your exciting life with us.

Good luck on your new house. I hope you still living in C/M ?

Tinkelbell !

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Your neighbors don't respect you, they fear you. It's not some imaginary cultural difference here.

You better hope your husband doesn't walk alone in any alleys....the opportunity to kill this chest thumping disrespectful gorilla will be very tempting to all the people he has offended. They will relish kicking him when he's down.

Your illusions of respect are disgusting.

Get off your hi-so horse.

People are people, Thai or farang, no one respects threats at gunpont....you two are just a@@holes.

I suppose you want to threaten me with mafia visits and gun play now?

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Thanks Tinkelbell,

And yes, I am still living in CM. And that guy never answered me! Probably he thinks I am too crazy to watch his kid! I shouldn't have talked about guns! Other than that I am probably one of the most conservative people here. (And isn't it conservative people who believe in owning guns anyway? But I have never shot anyone!)

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i have 3 dogs and i have a hel_l of a time stopping their barking, so i feel for the OP. then again, the 2 that do the most barking are street dogs that i adopted as adults- my other one i have had since she was a baby and she is very obedient. if MTW has had all her dogs since puppies it shouldn't be too much of a problem. i do think people are too hard on her. just because you might not put yourself out there honestly (on this forum) doesn't mean you shouldn't treat people who do with some sensitivity. it would be better to teach than to criticize, don't you think?


Yes but this is the wrong forum for that, OBVIOUSLY!

On a lighter note. Two years ago, long story short, there was a farang guy that my wife introduced her cousin too in Samut Sakorn. I didn't like him as soon as I met him.

It soon became obvious that this guy was a lunatic. My wife's cousin became very upset and told him too leave as did I my wife and all the family.

He would not leave and became quite hostile. I know crazy, hey I didn't make the introduction it was my darling ex wife.

She got on the phone and ten minutes later two local mafioso dudes pull up on their motor cycles with 45s stuck in the front of their pants. God ya gotta love it,

broad daylight in the middle of the city.

Now that's entertainment. This crazy farang started giving these two guys sh@t.

They proceeded to pistol whip him until he was hanging on for dear life.

Just then the cops pulled up, another one of wifey's "cousins", he and his buddy dragged him out to the main street, threw him in a cab and told the driver to take him to the airport.

Cool huh!

Wait it gets better. The next day this wacko shows back up again at night starting sh@t again. I can't imagine how he even found the place.

One phone call the two mafioso cousins show up in a pick up. Proceed to beat the krap out of him again throw him in the back of the pick up and drive off to a nearby klong.

A few minutes later we heard one shot ring out in the distance.

Then these two guys roll back in and said they were hungry. So we proceed to eat and drink and had a good old time.

I asked the one dude, still with the 45 stuck down his pants, Hey where is he?"

His answer, "food for da crab." We high fived and had another 'Sing.

Reminded me of the "good old days growing up in Newark. No respect, pay the price.

Needless to say I skipped the crab that night.

Talk is cheap... :o

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Oh Pumpuiman,

You don't know me at all, if you knew me I am sure you would like me. Please don't take what I say about some stupid crap in CM to be what I think to be the life of the world. I am a totally conservative 40 year old woman who went to law school, loves animals, has followed the law every day of her life, even in Thailand, even so has my Thai b/f.

I don't do drugs, I don't abuse people, I am a nice person. I am a too nice person and have gotten taken advantage of to the extreme here. Some times I fight back because I have to. If you think because what I write sometimes when I am angry, when I am in the fight back mode, that that makes me an ######, well, I can only say, I am sure you don't have a full picture of me and if you did, you wouldn't think that, because I have read other things you have written and think we may often think alike. I cannot give a full picture of myself on this forum based on a few issues that I feel strongly about and if you cannot see that, then please feel free to PM me and I can fill you in on any issues you want to know about. I am not crazy, I am not a wierdo, but I am a woman here, and have felt a weakness, others have felt my weakness, and I also have an angry pissed off protective side, because someone has to do it, and I think you would be doing it for yourself or your family if you lived here, and maybe I have to overcompensate sometimes because I am not a man, but you can hardly fault me for that until one of you men are here to do it for me. So please, try to be kind and ask me whatever you want, PM or otherwise, but don't assume I'm an ###### until you are a young western woman on your own in Thailand.

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MTW, your posts are very informative, far more so, I might add, than those of your miserly respondents, most of whom (not you pepe) wait with bated breath for a turn at demolishing with acerbic one liners your efforts to communicate with them.

So I'd like you to know that some of us (admittedly woefully few) take the trouble to read your posts :D .

That's why some of us log in, to actually read what other people have to say.

Post on, girl, just don't let the usual suspects get you riled, you'll only play into their hands.

BTW, I was once ferociously bitten by pit bull terrier; one inch closer to my manhood and I'd have been typing this as a soprano.

So I'm a little wary of dogs since then.

I keep a cat, he bites too but I get over that quicker. :o

P.S. Some folks don't like my posts either; I could care less. :D

Edited by qwertz
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Thank you qwertz- I would have thought, originally, that I would have gotten rather more supporters than haters here. However, maybe I have the makings for a non-MTW website like the non-stickman deal? Or I am not sure? Maybe for an MTW site and people who hate me come and write there. Or maybe you can start the non-MTW or the MTW is a fake site? I'm not sure how it all works. I mean I think I usually write about non-contronversial subjects. But it seems now that anything that has to do with me is a lie. Also, I write too much. Has anyone seen nonstickman in regards to how much he has to say about how to pick up a bar girl? About his latest favorite drink? About how his room is laid out? And I write too much??? Compared to what?

Does anyone here actually read? Not you of course.

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I do apologize because I probably get too hyped up or something from some posters and feel the need to respond where I should just let it go. I feel the need to respond, to explain, my low self-esteem probably, or else my fighting spirit, I don't know what it is. Whatever, there it is. Writing too much, bothering some of you. Why is that?

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Oh Pumpuiman,

You don't know me at all, if you knew me I am sure you would like me. Please don't take what I say about some stupid crap in CM to be what I think to be the life of the world. I am a totally conservative 40 year old woman who went to law school, loves animals, has followed the law every day of her life, even in Thailand, even so has my Thai b/f.

I don't do drugs, I don't abuse people, I am a nice person. I am a too nice person and have gotten taken advantage of to the extreme here. Some times I fight back because I have to. If you think because what I write sometimes when I am angry, when I am in the fight back mode, that that makes me an ######, well, I can only say, I am sure you don't have a full picture of me and if you did, you wouldn't think that, because I have read other things you have written and think we may often think alike. I cannot give a full picture of myself on this forum based on a few issues that I feel strongly about and if you cannot see that, then please feel free to PM me and I can fill you in on any issues you want to know about. I am not crazy, I am not a wierdo, but I am a woman here, and have felt a weakness, others have felt my weakness, and I also have an angry pissed off protective side, because someone has to do it, and I think you would be doing it for yourself or your family if you lived here, and maybe I have to overcompensate sometimes because I am not a man, but you can hardly fault me for that until one of you men are here to do it for me. So please, try to be kind and ask me whatever you want, PM or otherwise, but don't assume I'm an ###### until you are a young western woman on your own in Thailand.



I think you're cool so far, for what it's worth.

Take care chica... :o

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...I am a nice person... ######...###### ...


I know you did not type those hash symbols or pound signs or whatever they are called. It is the forum software that automatically converts certain words that the software thinks nice people should not write into ###### so that other nice people will not have to see those words. Clever, isn’t it? Knowing this, members can, if they feel so inclined, rate a poster’s niceness on the basis of the number of occurrences of ###### in his/her posts.



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And I have to say that I can't BELIEVE that what I have seen to be like a nice guy like pumpuiman, sees me like some mafioso who goes around breaking the laws as I see fit, bashing people as I see fit, abusing people, etc, when this is so much NOT ME! But when I see myself, okay before in my society as a somwhat normal person, not weaker because I am a woman, not really more powerful because I have money, but certainly not a victim, because I have an education, because I have money, because I get respect for whatever reasons, yes okay I look at myself as better than welfare people, I won't lie. But I come to Thailand and get treated as less then I got treated in some ways as a girl when I was 6 years old, and with nobody, no family to protect me, and like I have a huge bank roll that they all can take from me, it is quite shocking.

I have never broke the law here, I have never paid money to get ahead here, to get a visa, to get anything here. And I have been treated with disrespect based only on my gender that I wasn't treated with even when I was 12 years old. And this is when I have more education than 99% of the population and have more money than 99% of the population. I don't have this much more education and money in my own country but I am treated lower here. This is hard to deal with. And I am not treated lower by people who have Ph.D.s and 10 million dollars in the bank, but I am treated lower by people who have no college degree at all, who are manual workers, who make what I make in a day, in 5 years, or even if they have a degree, make what I make in a day, in a year or more, and have had the same job for 10 years.

Okay you cannot only compare money, but they have never left their country, they have never flown on an airplane, they have never eaten anything other than Thai food, okay well I don't say they are idiots, but they will say I am an idiot because I am a woman, even though I have lived in several countries, have traveled to 50-100 different countries, have gone to university for 8 years, have worked at many different management level jobs, I mean according to them I can not even give a reliable opinion on what a napkin should look like, on what a receptionist should do, on how a doorman should act, I cannot read a map because Thai people cannot read a map, I cannot know where a good place to go on vacation might be, I cannot even know the words to an English song better than a Thai person does, the list is endless, you cannot know more about health things, unless you are paying for the "health thing" they will try to let you believe you know more about it, if you are a woman. But the men here don't know about this because they have the paying power like I have, and the "other" power that I don't have.

Edited by MTW
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Hm. So it's Bendix is it Jet?

Here I sit writing nice things to you and what do I get for an answer - zilch!

Don't mind me, I can cope with rejection. :D

Bloody popcorn, I don't believe this!

Qwertz! I was going to comment on your kindness and sensible posts to MTW but I was um, postulating post material?

OK, how can I make it up? Shall I post a new misery thread? How to make sausages? Do you know where my Isaan boyfriend and my Bt500,000 are (he has black hair, 170cm, 80kgs)? Oh, and my dog is missing. :o

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And I have to say that I can't BELIEVE that what I have seen to be like a nice guy like pumpuiman, sees me like some mafioso who goes around breaking the laws as I see fit, bashing people as I see fit, abusing people, etc, when this is so much NOT ME! But when I see myself, okay before in my society as a somwhat normal person, not weaker because I am a woman,

p---Women are not weaker. They are much stronger than men. They push babies out. Lead us around by our little head. And out live us.

not really more powerful because I have money, but certainly not a victim, because I have an education, because I have money, because I get respect for whatever reasons, yes okay I look at myself as better than welfare people, I won't lie.

p---Power from money only lasts a short while. Education?

Which is more important, education or wisdom?

But I come to Thailand and get treated as less then I got treated in some ways as a girl when I was 6 years old, and with nobody, no family to protect me, and like I have a huge bank roll that they all can take from me, it is quite shocking.

p--- Less can be more.

I have never broke the law here, I have never paid money to get ahead here, to get a visa, to get anything here. And I have been treated with disrespect based only on my gender that I wasn't treated with even when I was 12 years old.

p---Disrespect? That is their problem, not yours.

And this is when I have more education than 99% of the population and have more money than 99% of the population.

p---Goes to show money can't buy happiness.

I don't have this much more education and money in my own country but I am treated lower here. This is hard to deal with. And I am not treated lower by people who have Ph.D.s

p---I practice family medicine. Here in Sunny, gorgeous and balmy San Diego we say Ph.D stands for Piled Higher and Deeper.

and 10 million dollars in the bank,

p---Will you marry me? :D

but I am treated lower by people who have no college degree at all, who are manual workers, who make what I make in a day, in 5 years, or even if they have a degree, make what I make in a day, in a year or more, and have had the same job for 10 years.

p---Again their problem. Why make it yours?

Okay you cannot only compare money, but they have never left their country, they have never flown on an airplane, they have never eaten anything other than Thai food, okay well I don't say they are idiots, but they will say I am an idiot because I am a woman, even though I have lived in several countries, have traveled to 50-100 different countries, have gone to university for 8 years, have worked at many different management level jobs, I mean according to them I can not even give a reliable opinion on what a napkin should look like, on what a receptionist should do, on how a doorman should act, I cannot read a map because Thai people cannot read a map, I cannot know where a good place to go on vacation might be, I cannot even know the words to an English song better than a Thai person does, the list is endless, you cannot know more about health things, unless you are paying for the "health thing" they will try to let you believe you know more about it, if you are a woman. But the men here don't know about this because they have the paying power like I have, and the "other" power that I don't have.

P---No offense and I'm sorry you're suffering. But seroiusly you need some professional help right away. Weather it be a counselor or medication. Get help now.

p---For all the "education" you've got you are seriously out of touch with yourself and reality and I don't mean it in a malicious way.

This board used to be filled with valuable information. Now it's kind of become a joke, but that has great entertainment value. That's worth a lot too.

Hope you're feeling better soon... :o


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A few minutes later we heard one shot ring out in the distance.

Then these two guys roll back in and said they were hungry. So we proceed to eat and drink and had a good old time.

I asked the one dude, still with the 45 stuck down his pants, Hey where is he?"

His answer, "food for da crab." We high fived and had another 'Sing.

Reminded me of the "good old days growing up in Newark. No respect, pay the price.

Needless to say I skipped the crab that night.

Talk is cheap... :o

Uh, are you serious or is that just a story?

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I need to go and sit down.

You really shouldn't type standing up. Leads to carpal tunnel. :D

my b/f did go over and show them his gun, he did threaten to use his "power"

Sounds like a first class tosser to me. :o

These people usually get called on it sooner or later. Are you his main beneficiary?

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