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Nignoy, long time no see!

I see you're keeping yourself suitably occupied.

I reckon you could have fun on your memories alone.

I hope to have an old farts tete a tete with you and Dr. Naam and a couple of other relics soon.

Arriving Phuket 21/9/ 2007 Bring your Drinking Boots :D and ne pulle Schluck!!All welcome!! there will be ample zimmer frame space :o Nignoy
I think the op's question is really rather ridiculous... of course there are celibates and abstainers who enjoy this wonderful country!!!!!!! Anyone who imagines it's only about s*x and drinking needs to wise up. I don't like the tone of this post.


Yes I don't like the post of his tone either. He should be banished forthwith.


To Observer:

A few well behaved barking dogs are much better than a case of HIV, one or two divorces, some bar girls who cheated me out of a house, car and a bank account, as well as my heart, and those barking dogs, are still there loving me, barking 10 minutes a day, or less, in most cases, costing me less then 1000 baht a month, protecting me, loving me, and should be here doing the same for about 15 years each. I hope you have equal luck with as little expense with each of your women, and that they don't cause too much noise for your neighbors.


Hope you saved enough out of that 10 million for a straight jacket... :o


I've been sober in Thailand for 10 years now and I can't imagine a nicer place on earth to live alcohol-free if that is one's choice. Yesterday I flew my little plane off of the grass strip in the rice field (had to move a few cows first). Today, the wife and I are headed down the coast on a new friend's speedboat to a secluded beach. I've got nothing against anyone who wants to drink, but if you don't want to drink this is the country to not drink in, for sure!

As for celibacy, not a lot of experience to comment on. Oh yeah, there were those ten days at the meditation retreat in Suan Mokkh. Come to think of it, technically I blew that one as well.


I've had some non-drinkers come and visit. Fortunately, they weren't Bible pushers or any of that heavy duty moral stuff. Actually had quite a nice time with them. We spent 3 days in Pattaya, and, believe it or not, there are a lot of things to do down there that don't involve "sin." It put Pattaya in a whole new light for me.

Actually the ones I have the most trouble with is the Vegetarians. They can get to be a little too picky for my comfort level. You get those that have to ask a 1,000 questions, including was it cooked in oil that had been in contact with meat!

There is a lot to do in the country that doesn't involve sex or alcohol. Oh and vegetarian food isn't a problem either (just people who get really pedantic).

There is a lot to do in the country that doesn't involve sex or alcohol. Oh and vegetarian food isn't a problem either (just people who get really pedantic).

It was a big problem for me - I had been a strict vegetarian when I came here. It was almost impossible to eat out well without eating bits of animal. Now, I eat nearly everything apart from cow, pig and dog.

Trying to take this as a serious thread, when I came to Thailand, not the first time in my life, but the first time in a long time, I was in the middle of a divorce, and since I am a woman, (okay now, most of you will be tuned out), I wasn't here for sex ... but this shouldn't only be because I am a woman. I came here for a vacation to meet some friends of mine in Koh Samui for 2 weeks. After that I had a 3- 4 week trip alone planned in Viet Nam. After that, I just couldn't face returning home, so made a quick plan to visit Chiang Mai for 3 days or more, depending on how I liked it. Stayed 3 weeks. Went home for 2 weeks, and then came back for about 6 weeks.

Because of my divorce I had been kicked out of my job/business and had nothing to do, but had to go back to do divorce things and to take care of my house and dogs. I also never drank alcohol once I found out I was getting divorced. I didn't drink much before, but once I found out many bad things about my husband was afraid maybe I would get drunk and try to kill him, not succeed due to no good plan, end up in jail from a half assed plan gone bad, also that I might lose control because I hadn't had any alcohol for a year and if a drank now, could very well lose control, you see what I mean??? So, when I first came to Thailand, I didn't have sex and didn't drink, even though I couldn't kill him from here, I could get drunk and call him, and didn't want to do that either. So far from being a saint, I had reasons to control myself and did that for the first few years I was here. I was going back and forth at first. You can enjoy Thailand, there are many things to do here without sex or drinking, however, you can still fall prey to the ripoffs and the nice Thai people who just want to be your friends because they just want to commission on everything you do.

To the people who can't wait to write me to say I was a sucker because I needed sex, please save it for someone else, I don't need your pathetic remarks and have received them other times when I have written the same things. I will show you no mercy if you write me these things. Anyway, I stand by my remarks, there are times in ones life when sex and alcohol play no good part and still Thailand can do you good but you should still be wary of the people out there who will take advantage of your weakness.

I was on the other side of a divorce. I couldn't even afford an apartment much less a holiday to Thailand. I just have a hard time working up any sympathy for you. :o


Doubt shes looking for any tbh Gary A. Tolerance can go a long way if one cannot sympathise. We all go through tough times in our lives, just gotta get through them any way we can and hope to come out with sanity intact at the other end.

(funny how we all tend to drift from an opening topic, and ive just added to it. :o Sorry. )

I've been sober in Thailand for 10 years now and I can't imagine a nicer place on earth to live alcohol-free if that is one's choice. Yesterday I flew my little plane off of the grass strip in the rice field (had to move a few cows first). Today, the wife and I are headed down the coast on a new friend's speedboat to a secluded beach. I've got nothing against anyone who wants to drink, but if you don't want to drink this is the country to not drink in, for sure!

As for celibacy, not a lot of experience to comment on. Oh yeah, there were those ten days at the meditation retreat in Suan Mokkh. Come to think of it, technically I blew that one as well.

Lol, actually I blew it too down in Suan Mohk.

I've spent half my time in Thailand drunk and uncelibate and half my time sober and celibate, apart from the wife. I'd say Thailand is a great country for both of them. India is probably the best country for a tee-total, celibate vegetarian.


I find it amusing that random sex and alcohol play such a pivotal role in some peoples lives that imagining life without it is like thinking about life on Mars.

Take alcohol out of the picture in nearly any country, and you will have a majority of people who no longer know how to socialize or enjoy an evening.

Ofcourse some may come to thailand to fullfill the lust until they run dry.

If you not here for women and sex, on one hand it is also a great thing too so you can have more free time because your not having anymore sex , so you can focus on other things Thailand has to offer . Who knows the outcome of it may worth far more then having sex. It can be a good opportunity to find out the other great things about yourself and thailand & its cultures besides what you can do in bed.

Teacup, I read in bed - mostly. :o

Nignoy, long time no see!

I see you're keeping yourself suitably occupied.

I reckon you could have fun on your memories alone.

I hope to have an old farts tete a tete with you and Dr. Naam and a couple of other relics soon.

Arriving Phuket 21/9/ 2007 Bring your Drinking Boots :D and ne pulle Schluck!!All welcome!! there will be ample zimmer frame space :o Nignoy

I'm there from the 14th.

Dunno how I'll cart so many bottles.

Don't drink the reserve till I get there! :D

I think the op's question is really rather ridiculous... of course there are celibates and abstainers who enjoy this wonderful country!!!!!!! Anyone who imagines it's only about s*x and drinking needs to wise up. I don't like the tone of this post.


Yes I don't like the post of his tone either. He should be banished forthwith.


Hear hear!

Mods and s*x in moderation only. :o

Canuckamuck, I know a lot of people who can't socialise and enjoy even when they drink.

You don't want know how they are when sober.

To Observer:

A few well behaved barking dogs are much better than a case of HIV, one or two divorces, some bar girls who cheated me out of a house, car and a bank account, as well as my heart, and those barking dogs, are still there loving me, barking 10 minutes a day, or less, in most cases, costing me less then 1000 baht a month, protecting me, loving me, and should be here doing the same for about 15 years each. I hope you have equal luck with as little expense with each of your women, and that they don't cause too much noise for your neighbors.

I assumed you were a lady, so your list of bad luck confuses me slightly. i.e. being cheated by bargirls, and losing your heart.  Sorry to hear about you condition - dont lose your sense of humour.  I know dogs are a lot more faithfull than people so give them a pat from me.  

PS  I did have a girlfriend once whom howled like a wolf during the act - neighbours never complained though as it only lasted 2 minutes :o


There are a lot of things to do in Thailand that don't involve drinking and bar girls!

I mean, if they can't bear the very sight of bar girls and people drinking, it's going to be a long day for them in Thailand, but if they just want to do their own thing, there's tons to do.

Off the top of my head:

Bangkok: the temples,

taking a boat on the Chaopraya at sundown,

walking through Chinatown,

shopping at Paragon, etc

checking out Thai indie music on the fringe of Kao San

eating out at good restaurants

watching the temples dancers at Erawan

and oh yeah, for us ladies: cheap spa! pedicures, manicures, massages, etc, etc.

and just generally more cultural things: taking a thai cooking class, massage class, taking a language class

islands: scuba diving, sea kayaking, snorkelling, trekking

provinces: elephant riding, check out crafts, visit tea plantations, coffee plantations

Call me naive, but I didn't realize that there was such a huge Pattaya whoremonger contingent here, that people wouldn't just know all the above already. I mean, sure, there's bargirls everywhere, but it's hardly the only thing going on. Jesus.


CG, thanks for that sensible input and you're right.

All those things you listed, I can do (except I'm not much for water sports).

And this time around, come September, I'll have to take in all these things and more because it's a family reunion and we'll have 11 kids all told with us for the first time, re. my thread "Things to do".

It'll do me good anyway, keep me out of the bars for a week or two.

P.S. I'm rarely interested in BGs, too in your face if you know what I mean.

It's not easy for a single man in LOS.

It's like role reversal. we get the harrasssment instead of the women.

There are a lot of things to do in Thailand that don't involve drinking and bar girls!

I mean, if they can't bear the very sight of bar girls and people drinking, it's going to be a long day for them in Thailand, but if they just want to do their own thing, there's tons to do.

Off the top of my head:

Bangkok: the temples,

taking a boat on the Chaopraya at sundown,

walking through Chinatown,

shopping at Paragon, etc

checking out Thai indie music on the fringe of Kao San

eating out at good restaurants

watching the temples dancers at Erawan

and oh yeah, for us ladies: cheap spa! pedicures, manicures, massages, etc, etc.

and just generally more cultural things: taking a thai cooking class, massage class, taking a language class

islands: scuba diving, sea kayaking, snorkelling, trekking

provinces: elephant riding, check out crafts, visit tea plantations, coffee plantations

Call me naive, but I didn't realize that there was such a huge Pattaya whoremonger contingent here, that people wouldn't just know all the above already. I mean, sure, there's bargirls everywhere, but it's hardly the only thing going on. Jesus.

You forgot the most important thing to do!! renew old Friendships and make new ones :o Nignoy
Ofcourse some may come to thailand to fullfill the lust until they run dry.

If you not here for women and sex, on one hand it is also a great thing too so you can have more free time because your not having anymore sex , so you can focus on other things Thailand has to offer . Who knows the outcome of it may worth far more then having sex. It can be a good opportunity to find out the other great things about yourself and thailand & its cultures besides what you can do in bed.

Teacup, I read in bed - mostly. :D

And love knowing that if you do fall asleep while reading, the drool marks you left will guide you to the correct page next time?? :o

And I’m sure reading in bed is something majestic about it all. Ahh..the silence…the imagination…the journeys…the experience…and to top off, that amaaazed feeling! The slight sleepiness but the absolute conviction that you must go on. Oh yes! Reading in bed is a pure joy and merhap a journey to a self discovery too? Now I know why you just love reading in bed, you naughty boy! *wink wink* :D

Ofcourse some may come to thailand to fullfill the lust until they run dry.

If you not here for women and sex, on one hand it is also a great thing too so you can have more free time because your not having anymore sex , so you can focus on other things Thailand has to offer . Who knows the outcome of it may worth far more then having sex. It can be a good opportunity to find out the other great things about yourself and thailand & its cultures besides what you can do in bed.

Teacup, I read in bed - mostly. :D

And love knowing that if you do fall asleep while reading, the drool marks you left will guide you to the correct page next time?? :o

And I'm sure reading in bed is something majestic about it all. Ahh..the silence…the imagination…the journeys…the experience…and to top off, that amaaazed feeling! The slight sleepiness but the absolute conviction that you must go on. Oh yes! Reading in bed is a pure joy and merhap a journey to a self discovery too? Now I know why you just love reading in bed, you naughty boy! *wink wink* :D

Hah, sussed by a woman.

They rumble me every time.

No, seriously, it's a lifetime habit.

And I don't drool!

Well, not much anyway. :D

CG, thanks for that sensible input and you're right.

All those things you listed, I can do (except I'm not much for water sports).

And this time around, come September, I'll have to take in all these things and more because it's a family reunion and we'll have 11 kids all told with us for the first time, re. my thread "Things to do".

It'll do me good anyway, keep me out of the bars for a week or two.

P.S. I'm rarely interested in BGs, too in your face if you know what I mean.

It's not easy for a single man in LOS.

It's like role reversal. we get the harrasssment instead of the women.

Hey qwertz,

No prob. Good luck with your reunion! Sounds pretty intense, with 11 kids! :o

Yes, I feel a great sympathy for all the single men of BKK! :D When I am being relentlessly pursued by every African men within 10 blocks in BKK, perhaps for my legendary white booty, which, I am told by many a BKK clothes vendor, is too big for anything in their shop, :D I think to myself "at least I am not a single man, with all these bargirls trying to sleep with me all the time" :D:D

But yeah, I see how the guys get a lot of attention. I thought you guys liked it, though, or am I wrong?

CG, thanks for that sensible input and you're right.

All those things you listed, I can do (except I'm not much for water sports).

And this time around, come September, I'll have to take in all these things and more because it's a family reunion and we'll have 11 kids all told with us for the first time, re. my thread "Things to do".

It'll do me good anyway, keep me out of the bars for a week or two.

P.S. I'm rarely interested in BGs, too in your face if you know what I mean.

It's not easy for a single man in LOS.

It's like role reversal. we get the harrasssment instead of the women.

Hey qwertz,

No prob. Good luck with your reunion! Sounds pretty intense, with 11 kids! :D

Yes, I feel a great sympathy for all the single men of BKK! :D When I am being relentlessly pursued by every African men within 10 blocks in BKK, perhaps for my legendary white booty, which, I am told by many a BKK clothes vendor, is too big for anything in their shop, :D I think to myself "at least I am not a single man, with all these bargirls trying to sleep with me all the time" :D:bah:

But yeah, I see how the guys get a lot of attention. I thought you guys liked it, though, or am I wrong?

Hi CG, Frankly no. I don't.

Because competition for Pitt and Clooney I am not.

I have no illusions on that front.

So when I walk into what might potentially be a pleasant bar, I'm not pleased when a bunch of girls (or worse, a katoy) descends on me because they're under orders from the boss to get in there and rook the farang.

It's all too insincere and I'm not fooled for a second.

However, if it were the lady of my fancy, well...............I'd let her fondle me from now till Xmas without one word of complaint. :o

P.S. 11 kids. No problem. I think I have it all planned - I hope.



Just in case you are not joking, I was joking right? I am a woman, the dogs have happened to me, the other things haven't happened, not yet anyway.

Qwertz, I forgot, you are coming to Thailand soon right? If you want to read in bed at my house, I got a lot of beds, and a lot of books!


A done deal, MTW.

Sept. I'm with the families, late Oct back for a few days alone.

Might just make it to CM, I like the place.


Okay, well I will be in my new house by then, away from the noisy guesthouse, but with a masterbedroom/bathroom that is free, as I have two of those, you are welcome to stay with me. We can read, go party, read Thai Visa, whatever you want! And my b/f and I both have cars so we won't have to go on any motorbikes and he is a very good host also and loves to meet farang people, and has been to Germany and London as well as many other countries in Europe. And if you want to meet girls he can probably help you there too. As well I have a very nice, sweet, goodlooking maid, who is 35, but I don't want to lose her, so you will have to come live with me if you want her!


But I am planning on putting in a swimming pool, so maybe if the two of you hit it off, and you like it here? Well I was thinking of building a second house for her on my property, maybe for the two of you???

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