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Great!: Are we now witnessing a new West-East Fusion? Rishi Sumac/Andre Previn/Ravi Shankar, et al.?

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Dear Friends,


One of my favorite vinyl albums of all time is this one from 1971, which I have listened to 200 times, over the years:


What do you think?



Can someone like Spock, from an alien planet, mind-meld well enough with the UK, to become a non-alien being?


It’s impossible, in my opinion.


What is your opinion?


Does it even matter?


Maybe just better to listen to the music and put logic aside?


I have always thought that it's really better for me to go to India, ... than to have India come to me.


I love Lamb Vindaloo.

Such a great dish.

Served up and relished by us all.

But, after polishing it off,

I don’t want to think about it until the next meal of something more British for breakfast.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.





Note:  Nothing better than this recording from Andre Previn and Shankar.  Magnificent!  Hope you enjoy it... until .... one day.. heaven forbid...  You might become sick of it..?



Not sure whether or not most guys understand what might be happening in this world, these days.

Not talking about any sort of culture war, and, for that matter, who believes in culture wars, anyway?


Still, there exist a few realities that some guys from the UK may not overly much care about.


I'm just mentioning the difference between..








Not sure what is happening these days with the many recent PM changes in the UK...but..


This guy Sumac is ....



Even Calamine Lotion may not be enough to cure this.



1 hour ago, RayWright said:

Preview's finest has always been Greggs Piano Concerto.



Thank you for your reply.


Concerning "taste" in music, or tasteful music, there is no such thing.

Probably, there is no bad music if there is at least one person among us who appreciates bad music.


Previn was willing to try new things.

The Shankar-Previn "album" seemed amazing to me 50 years ago.


For a time, this "album" had not been seen on YouTube, until it finally was, a few years ago.


I did not upload it to YT,...

Just because, I do not support YouTube.

The only internet site I support is ThaiVisa.


I am also completely apolitical.


I am neither a traditionalist or a progressive.


Still, one thing that has affected my world view is my experiences with Call Centers in Mumbai.

Too many calls to Mumbai has left me with no appetite for Lamb Vindaloo, wherever I smell it.


I have heard it said that the Call Centers in Mumbai may be a security risk.


This is why I would never invite a Mumbai Call Center guy to run my kitchen, no matter how much I loved authentic Vindaloo.


Bombay is not what it once was, some might say, alas.










So unfortunately, someday soon, maybe not tomorrow, but soon....

Realpolitik will hit us in the eye like a big pizza pie.


And then, we will have no choice but to take sides, either Hollywood or Bollywood...of Bombay.

The cultures of Bollywood and Chinawood are anathema to the free world.



Make no mistake.

Geopolitical Lines are already being drawn.

After a generation and a half, since 1985, we are now entering a new age of a very divided world.

Will you side with Hollywood?

Or, do you prefer never-ending Bollywood and Chinawood...?





Youtube up Jazz flutist, Herbie Mann. He was just about the first fusion-ish jazz player across a range of international music styles and all of the albums hold up.


ECM record label has astonishing mixes of world and classical music. Check out Shankar (no relation) the double violin player. Anour Brahim kills it on the oud. Anja Lechner doing the music of Gurjieff is up there in the 20+ spins club.


I went through a Philip Glass phase for a few years, but sadly, his Ravi and him collaboration was a bit of a dog.

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