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One year stay on a tourist visa

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I'm a french citizen from New Caledonia (french overseas territory) and I plan to stay in Thailand for one year (tourism ) ,arrive in BKK on june 25 , what is the best visa I have to apply for  ,as to have the less visa run during my stay ?

Thank you


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Before going  to Thailand you can get a tourist visa (TR) with multiple entry, you pay a fee for each entry you purchase, (in UK 8.00 GBP per entry), buy 3 entries.The visa has to be utilized within 6 months of issue but you can get to stay in Thailand for upto 9 months as follows:

First entry,  60 day stamp issued on arrival in Thailand,which may be extended for a further 30 days at imigration office (500 baht per extension). Just before end of extension(30 days) leave Thailand, visit Malaysia,Laos, Cambodia etc. whichever is most convenient, on return second entry of tourist visa is utilized and you do as above, this will take you to 6 months. Before the date of expiry of the second extend, leave Thailand once more and return BEFORE the expiry date of the (TR) visa,third entry is utilized, you should then receive a further 60 days which may be extended for a further 30 days as above.

   You are at the mercy of the imigration officials as to if they grant you an extension, but I have extended several times at different offices and had no problems. If you then wish to stay longer you may have to resort to 30 day stamp  on arrival ( which is the subject of controversy elsewhere in this forum)


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Thanks very much Richard for your reply,

But I don't understand how it's possible to stay 9 months with a tourist visa that has a validity of 3 months,I thought that it would be possible to stay for 6 months with a double entry assuming that you use the second entry just before the end of the first 3 months but how is it possible to use the 3rd entry 6 months after first arrival if the validity of your visa has ended ?But maybe that you can have a 6 months tourist visa in your country ...it's apparently not  the same for me since the consulate in Sydney told me that the validity of a tourist visa is only 3 months...


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Hi PcMuk

The Validity of the Visa is the period during which

you are permitted to ARRIVE in Thailand.

So with a Triple Visa valid for 6 months

your 3rd entry can be just prior

to the expiry of that 6 months.


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  • 4 weeks later...


i am planning on doing the same thing next month (staying 9 months)

and i like this way of doing it.

but what about the plane ticket? doesnt it need a return date before those 6 months, in order to even get the visas?

the stress!!



have a nice day!!!


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Hi Hobbit,

I think you are correct.

The Visa issuing office may well wish to see

a Ticket for Return within six months.

But if you have an annual ticket it is very

easy to change your Return Flight to a later

date as and when required.


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