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Dog Poisoning


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Apparently people have tried to talk to her for years about this creature but to no avail.

You know how it is here, things just drag on and on with no one prepared to take any action.

Forget the Pooyai thing, its not that sort of place. Plus, if I do approach anybody, nothing gets done, then the dog dies, I will be the obvious suspect.

So what are the options apart from poisoning (which seems to be the preferred way of disposing of neighbours dogs here) ?

Its all well and good all this animal welfare talk, but if it was chasing your 7 year old on his bicycle trying to bite him, and him coming home in tears you would probably see things a bit differently.


INTJ, I hate to say it to universal condemnation on this forum, but you know what you have to do. But, distance yourself from it completely. Teen boys should be available to do what's necessary, and get a Thai to do it, you pay.

Ok, I can feel the heat coming....

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Forget the Pooyai thing, its not that sort of place.

Curious as to where in Thailand you may be. My understanding of the way things are done here is that it is almost always a "phu yai kind of place".

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Don't even think about asking local govt( or the beast's owner), you will end up in trouble if anything should happen to said dog. Just kill it. Poison will be the easiest and quietest way. You certainly don't want to be seen cracking its head open with a crowbar or something. As for paying local kids, are you sure they will be quiet about what happened after!

I find stuffing poison inside a sausage works well. Only one dog can eat it, so no danger of poisoning other dogs. Watch that the dog eats it, you don't want a kid to pick it up and eat it.

Who gives a toss about morals or ethics. Your family and yourself are in danger from this badly cared for dog. I would enjoy killing it. Its anguished cries of agony would go some way to ammend the grief it has given you.

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Does the owner have money for medical treatment? One of our dogs at our center has alzheimers & is on medication for it. The drug is imported and I believe it is called Karvistan. It has really helped him become less confused & erratic. The owner does have the responsibility to make sure the dog does not come into contact with passers-by. Can't she put it inside her house, or in a fenced area? Or even muzzle it while it's outside?

Having said that, poisoning is cruel, painful & a terrible way to die. I've seen many dogs die from poisoning. None of them "deserved" that death - what a charming sentiment, btw, OP (deserves to die a slow and painful death). Where do you live? BKK or elsewhere? Are there any local rescue orgs that would be willing to help out? If you live near Hua Hin, pm me. We might be able to help with alzheimer's meds if appropriate, or in any other way that would help dog, owner & community. To see poisoning as the only answer is reprehensible & just shows the thought processes & intelligence of some members.

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Thats the kind of post I've been waiting for.


Then why bother asking if all you wanted was justification for your actions? What a waste of bandwidth and people's time.

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If that's the case, why come asking for advice. If your plan was all along to kill it, what are you doing here? Looking for support to make yourself feel better?

And to jaidam . . . . rarely has a name been so well chosen.

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