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My First Ever Health Checkup - Do I need to add any extra Tests ?


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1 hour ago, backstreet said:

As this is my first ever health checkup and being over 70 years of age I’m starting to become a bit paranoid and anxious , thinking that the all test results may be all bad news , and its all downhill from there on ????

Unfortunately, it's going be downhill anyway. I hate that.


Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood – Always Developing

Seattle Longitudinal Study (ages 25-88)




Proposed relationship between exercise habits and immune function throughout the lifespan. Those who participate in regular motivated physical activity for purposes of health and well-being (habitual-exercisers) experience a longer lifespan and even greater health-span (the time of life spent in good health) than those who live sedentary lifestyles (non-exercisers). Conversely, those who participate in extreme exercise (i.e. consistent with the practices of high-performance athletes) experience downturns in immunity that may negatively impact overall lifespan and health-span, particularly if high training volumes are maintained into the third and fourth decade of life. An increasing body of evidence has implicated latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in immunosenescence, especially within the adaptive arm of the immune system. The interaction between exercise and control of viral latency (in particular CMV) will likely serve as a major determinant of immune function, health-span and longevity throughout the lifespan. Given this putative link between CMV infection and the age-related changes that characterize immunosenescence, future exercise training interventions might be aimed at improving the immunological control of viral latency as opposed to altering immunity directly. This model also raises the question as to whether or not changing exercise habits in later life can alter the trajectory of age-related immune decline, highlighting the need for new longitudinal human clinical trials in this area.  



The downhill slope happens to get steeper around age 70. The challenge is to slow that decline, postponing morbidity and compressing the period of morbidity into a shorter period at the end of a healthier and probably longer life.


Hence, even if your numbers are all good now, you may want to help ensure they'll stay that way as long as possible.


You'll be getting some good, useful information at the checkup.


2 hours ago, backstreet said:

 HbA1c , So I will be asking about that test when I arrive at the hospital Heath Checkup department. 

Excellent. Just read something relevant the other day about the greater significance of that test.


If your a1c is between 5.7 and 6.4, you are considered to have “pre-diabetes.”  . . .


. . . The amount of heart damage and nerve damage seen in pre-diabetes is ASTOUNDING! More than 30% of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes also have neuropathy. In many cases, this longterm nerve damage develops over years. Countless patients in my clinic, receive CACs, or heart CAT scans upon starting our programs and the amount of results above 400 (which is severe coronary disease) is unbelievable!




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This is a long post but I really wanted to tell it the way it happened. ????.



Well Ive been and had my Health checkup test and received the test results. I arrived at the Suranaree University of Technology hospital in Korat Health Center test department at 7.15 AM .


The Suranaree University of Technology hospital opens its doors from 7.AM until 4PM . When I arrived there I was given a the queue number 3. I was then shown into a room and had my blood pressure taken , My blood pressure was high ( 165 / 72 ) so the nurse taking my blood pressure asked me to go and sit down in the waiting area , until she called me back. About 15 minuets later the same nurse who had taken my blood pressure asked me to go back into the room where she once more took my blood pressure , this time the blood pressure reading was ( 130 / 73 ) . The nurse in good English told me that my blood pressure was still high and asked me how I was feeling. I told the nurse that I was very nervous and feeling some what anxious about the whole health check procedure . 


The nurse then told me to go to the reception desk and talk to the nurse there .  I sat down and answered a range of personal health related questions . A few later minuets the full range of tests began , and I was escorted from one test room to another. 


Once all the health checkup tests had been completed we ( my self and Thai wife ) were told that all the test results would be ready in  1-1/2 hours . So I decided to find some thing to eat and drink and wait for the 1-1/2 hours to pass by.  


About 1 hour after we were told that the test results would be ready in 1-1/2 hours , I got a telephone call from the Health Center saying that my test results were now ready and the doctor would see me now.  I said to my wife , Ive got a bad feeling about what the doctors going to tell me , my wife , bless her said every things going to be alright , try to stay positive. 


My mind was racing while waiting outside the doctors consultation room ,  I saw the doctors name in Thai and asked my wife the doctors name, it was a woman doctor , and for some strange reason when ever Ive had any dealings with doctors , I always seem to get on better with women doctors.


My name was called and I was ushered into see the doctor. 


Thankfully the lady doctor spoke good english , I instantly noticed that the doctor was looking at her computer monitor screen and slightly shaking her head from side to side. Now I’m wondering just how long have I got left to live.????


The doctor then placed several official looking test result documents in front of me and with her ballpoint pen began making  circles around some Numbers  . Now I’m thinking to my self , I knew that I should have looked after my self better in the past , the beer , pizzas ,fried food and 7-11 cakes have all finally come to home roost and its now pay back time. 


The doctor then pointed her ballpoint pen at each Number she had just circled and said , this this and this are too high . The items she was pointing at were …................................


Glucose ( Fasting )  test result 102  ( normal range = 74 )
Cholesterol , test result 270 ( normal range = 0 – 200 )
LDL Cholesterol , test result 194 normal range ( 0 – 130 ) 



Not really knowing what to say to the doctor , I blurted out , it this bad. 


The doctor then went onto say that I should watch what sugar products I eat or better still cut out sugar items altogether , and I should exercise  more , then the doctor said that she was prescribing me some pills and I should take one of those pills every night before going to sleep, and in 3 months time go back to hospital for another Cholesterol checkup. 


I’m now thinking , so far Ive only got to take a pill every night for 3 months. While the lady doctor was using her computer keyboard my wife sitting next to me said to me , what about all the other tests you just had.  


I bit the bullet and while the lady doctor was still typing on the computer keyboard , I just said , doctor what about the other tests I did today. 


The lady doctor on hearing my question , stopped typing and picked up the test result paper work and started to look at each individual test report page . Now I’m really worried and thinking the worst is about to come. 


The lady doctor put down the test report paper work and calmly said , no problems all normal.???? ???? ????


The saying ‘’ you could have knocked me over with a feather ‘’ springs to mind. ????.


Then I remembered about my first blood pressure test results being high, I asked the lady doctor about my blood pressure being high , so she took my blood pressure there and then and this time my blood pressure was just within a better range ( 119 / 76 ) . The lady doctor said that my original high blood pressure when I first arrived at the hospital may be due to some thing called white coat syndrome.  


So all in all a good day , the nursing staff were all very professional and efficient , the hospital and the equipment seemed very modern and up to date . The total cost for the Health Checkup , including all the extra tests I requested and the 3 months supply of Pills (  Bestatin 20mg  -  simvastatin ) came to 5,800 Baht.


I was given full copy's of all the Health Checkup paper work , including copy's of the test results and all the scan information graphs Etc. 


The total time I spent in the Health Checkup centre was just over 4 hours in total. When I left the Health Checkup department a person walked in and they were given. queue number 48 .


My next step is to now do more to try and keep my self healthy including as recommended by the lady doctor , changing my current diet and more exercise .


 Iva attached the Cholesterol test results and a copy of a report called ‘’ Vascular Profile “ .


 Any thoughts about the all the above and the Cholesterol and Vascular Profile,  most welcome. ????.






       Cholesterol          .jpg

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I'm not sure the pills are necessary, maybe just bill padding to get 5k baht. Someone can confirm.

Good that you aren't pre-diabetic, 5.2 HbA1c is good.


Cholesterol is high, probably caused by fatty junk food and beer, changing your diet is a good idea, can get your blood pressure down. Reduce fatty junk and beer, once a week works well

Edited by scubascuba3
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Please attach the full lab results. In particular (if done) CRP.


I take it you did not get an Hb1AC which is a far better measure of blood sugar than fasting glucose. The latter can be temporaily elevated just from stress.  I suggest you get an HB1Ac done at a locsl lab. Normal fastng glucose is not 74 but anywhere from 70 to 99. so your result is only slightly elevated and quite posdible your Hb1Ac will be normal.  Fasting blood sugar tells only your blood sugar at that one moment in time whereas Hb1Ac tells what it has averaged over several months. 


That said, on the basis of your elevated LDL alone you should avoid or minimize intake of processed carbs. 


Bestatin is simvastsatin,   a statin drug. Read up on side effects. It was given because your "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is elevated.  Without knowing your willlingness and ability to make dietary and other lifestyle changes, it is impossible to say if necessary to go on a statin at once...but it was given for a medical indication and not as "bill padding" as suggested above.


Given your age and now known risk factor getting an exercise stress test is certainly advisable. The tests you just had do not rule out heart 

disease, and in fact identify risk factor for it.


You should also get a colonoscopy unless you have had one in past 10 years....or at an absolute minimum a stool test for occult blood.  Nothing in the check up you just had would identify colon cancer.


Was PSA and prostate exam done?

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5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I'm not sure the pills are necessary, maybe just bill padding to get 5k baht. Someone can confirm.

Good that you aren't pre-diabetic, 5.2 HbA1c is good.


Cholesterol is high, probably caused by fatty junk food and beer, changing your diet is a good idea, can get your blood pressure down. Reduce fatty junk and beer, once a week works well

Thanks for the comment , its appreciated ????

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6 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Please attach the full lab results. In particular (if done) CRP.


I take it you did not get an Hb1AC which is a far better measure of blood sugar than fasting glucose. The latter can be temporaily elevated just from stress.  I suggest you get an HB1Ac done at a locsl lab. Normal fastng glucose is not 74 but anywhere from 70 to 99. so your result is only slightly elevated and quite posdible your Hb1Ac will be normal.  Fasting blood sugar tells only your blood sugar at that one moment in time whereas Hb1Ac tells what it has averaged over several months. 


That said, on the basis of your elevated LDL alone you should avoid or minimize intake of processed carbs. 


Bestatin is simvastsatin,   a statin drug. Read up on side effects. It was given because your "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is elevated.  Without knowing your willlingness and ability to make dietary and other lifestyle changes, it is impossible to say if necessary to go on a statin at once...but it was given for a medical indication and not as "bill padding" as suggested above.


Given your age and now known risk factor getting an exercise stress test is certainly advisable. The tests you just had do not rule out heart 

disease, and in fact identify risk factor for it.


You should also get a colonoscopy unless you have had one in past 10 years....or at an absolute minimum a stool test for occult blood.  Nothing in the check up you just had would identify colon cancer.


Was PSA and prostate exam done?

I second all of the above, with an urgent need to have a real look at your diet & add a little moderate exercise into your life. 


Thai food ( in general) is very "sugar heavy" so have a look at what you are eating, a true and honest food diary will help. 


@Sherylperhaps a calcium score test ? 

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7 minutes ago, eezergood said:


Thai food ( in general) is very "sugar heavy" so have a look at what you are eating, a true and honest food diary will help. 



Nah it's not that, my blood test is excellent eating thai food often, but if i start eating western fatty junk food too often results get worse i.e. bad cholesterol goes up

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7 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Please attach the full lab results. In particular (if done) CRP.


I take it you did not get an Hb1AC which is a far better measure of blood sugar than fasting glucose. The latter can be temporaily elevated just from stress.  I suggest you get an HB1Ac done at a locsl lab. Normal fastng glucose is not 74 but anywhere from 70 to 99. so your result is only slightly elevated and quite posdible your Hb1Ac will be normal.  Fasting blood sugar tells only your blood sugar at that one moment in time whereas Hb1Ac tells what it has averaged over several months. 


That said, on the basis of your elevated LDL alone you should avoid or minimize intake of processed carbs. 


Bestatin is simvastsatin,   a statin drug. Read up on side effects. It was given because your "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is elevated.  Without knowing your willlingness and ability to make dietary and other lifestyle changes, it is impossible to say if necessary to go on a statin at once...but it was given for a medical indication and not as "bill padding" as suggested above.


Given your age and now known risk factor getting an exercise stress test is certainly advisable. The tests you just had do not rule out heart 

disease, and in fact identify risk factor for it.


You should also get a colonoscopy unless you have had one in past 10 years....or at an absolute minimum a stool test for occult blood.  Nothing in the check up you just had would identify colon cancer.


Was PSA and prostate exam done?

Thank you for your comments , its appreciated .


Ive attached the Health Checkup test results . ( Pages A/B/C/D/E/F /G/H )


 The Hb1AC test result along with the CPR test result are shown.


Ive just gone over all my test results again and just noticed that on the test result page ( B )  for the PSA test result its saying ( wait for the result ) . I have again checked all the test results pages and cannot see any actual test result numbers for the PSA test . 


My wife has just telephoned the hospital Heath Checkup department and asked for my PSA test results , and my wife was told that the PSA test showed a number of 0.81 and that was Normal. 


Its a 180 Km round trip to the hospital so I'm not too sure if its worth the trip to get the actual PSA test report page or not.


I did not undergo a physical prostate exam or a stool test .


Last year I was suffering from gerd ( gastroesophageal reflux disease ) so I had 2 test done in hospital .


1. Esophago Gastro Duodenoscopy report  ( Page G )

2. Colonoscopy Report ( Page H )


And both those above tests showed all ‘’ Normal ‘’ 


After now undergoing my first health checkup I’m committed to do what ever is necessary and recommended to try and stay as health as I can .


I will be looking at my life style and diet with a view to if possible , forgo the use of any statin drugs to reduce my bad cholesterol numbers.


I’m torn between not taking the prescribed   ‘’ Bestatin 20mg  -  simvastatin drug ‘’  and trying to improve my bad cholesterol numbers through diet and exercise only.


But with the now impending medical checkup  in 3 months time , I’m not sure if trying to improve  my bad cholesterol numbers with only a change of diet and more exercise will work quick enough for any change in numbers to my bad cholesterol to show up on my next cholesterol test in 3 months time. 


I do remember the lady doctor , when she said that she was prescribing drugs to reduce my  cholesterol numbers , she asked me if I wanted to take the drugs or not .

Any thoughts , comments or suggestions would be most welcome.  ????












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1 hour ago, eezergood said:



@Sherylperhaps a calcium score test ? 

 It would cerainly be helpful but more expensive than EST and unlike the latter involves some radiation exposure. Also less widespread availability in rural govt health facilities. OP  appears to be in rural  Issan. 

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28 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Thank you for your comments , its appreciated .


Ive attached the Health Checkup test results . ( Pages A/B/C/D/E/F /G/H )


 The Hb1AC test result along with the CPR test result are shown.


Ive just gone over all my test results again and just noticed that on the test result page ( B )  for the PSA test result its saying ( wait for the result ) . I have again checked all the test results pages and cannot see any actual test result numbers for the PSA test . 


My wife has just telephoned the hospital Heath Checkup department and asked for my PSA test results , and my wife was told that the PSA test showed a number of 0.81 and that was Normal. 


Its a 180 Km round trip to the hospital so I'm not too sure if its worth the trip to get the actual PSA test report page or not.


I did not undergo a physical prostate exam or a stool test .


Last year I was suffering from gerd ( gastroesophageal reflux disease ) so I had 2 test done in hospital .


1. Esophago Gastro Duodenoscopy report  ( Page G )

2. Colonoscopy Report ( Page H )


And both those above tests showed all ‘’ Normal ‘’ 


After now undergoing my first health checkup I’m committed to do what ever is necessary and recommended to try and stay as health as I can .


I will be looking at my life style and diet with a view to if possible , forgo the use of any statin drugs to reduce my bad cholesterol numbers.


I’m torn between not taking the prescribed   ‘’ Bestatin 20mg  -  simvastatin drug ‘’  and trying to improve my bad cholesterol numbers through diet and exercise only.


But with the now impending medical checkup  in 3 months time , I’m not sure if trying to improve  my bad cholesterol numbers with only a change of diet and more exercise will work quick enough for any change in numbers to my bad cholesterol to show up on my next cholesterol test in 3 months time. 


I do remember the lady doctor , when she said that she was prescribing drugs to reduce my  cholesterol numbers , she asked me if I wanted to take the drugs or not .

Any thoughts , comments or suggestions would be most welcome.  ????












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Good that you attached all this. Your EKG shows several anomalies which, especially in combination, are suggestive (but not conclusive) of some issues with your heart. You should consult a cardiologist and request a stress test (or if available, CT calcium scan). Cardiologist may also advise a Chest Xray as your EKG findings are consistent with posdibly  some enlargement of the heart.


No need to panic but you should invest in doing this.


It is possible for many (but not all) people  to see a reduction in LDH cholesterol in 3 months time from diet and exercise alone. And statins, once started, can be hard to stop (there is rebound effect). On the other hand, if coronary artery disease is present then the argument for medication is stronger. If it were me I'd start on diet and exercise immediately and defer the statin until I'd had cardio workup then see where things stand. 


As I suspected your HB1Ac is normal. The slight elevation in FBS was likely just a transient stress reaction. I have exactly the same myself.  You are not pre-diabetic. However you should still avoid/minimize  processed carbs as they also affect lipid metabolism.


No need to drive all the way to the hospital for written PSA report since they gave you value (which is indeed normal) on the phone. Just pick it up when next you are there and congirm it is as they said.


And since you had a colonoscopy recently with negative findings you are OK on that score for now.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


Good that you attached all this. Your EKG shows several anomalies which, especially in combination, are suggestive (but not conclusive) of some issues with your heart. You should consult a cardiologist and request a stress test (or if available, CT calcium scan). Cardiologist may also advise a Chest Xray as your EKG findings are consistent with posdibly  some enlargement of the heart.


No need to panic but you should invest in doing this.


It is possible for many (but not all) people  to see a reduction in LDH cholesterol in 3 months time from diet and exercise alone. And statins, once started, can be hard to stop (there is rebound effect). On the other hand, if coronary artery disease is present then the argument for medication is stronger. If it were me I'd start on diet and exercise immediately and defer the statin until I'd had cardio workup then see where things stand. 


As I suspected your HB1Ac is normal. The slight elevation in FBS was likely just a transient stress reaction. I have exactly the same myself.  You are not pre-diabetic. However you should still avoid/minimize  processed carbs as they also affect lipid metabolism.


No need to drive all the way to the hospital for written PSA report since they gave you value (which is indeed normal) on the phone. Just pick it up when next you are there and congirm it is as they said.


And since you had a colonoscopy recently with negative findings you are OK on that score for now.

Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind.


The other thing Ive now re thought about is not starting the prescribed ( Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin ) drug for now. But attempt to improve my cholesterol numbers by altering my current life style by changing my diet and start to exercise more. 


Then when I attend the next cholesterol test in 3 months time , I will tell the doctor that I decided to try the changing my diet and start to exercise more route , rather that the Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin drug option, and see what the doctor says .



Thanks .






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1 minute ago, backstreet said:

Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind.


The other thing Ive now re thought about is not starting the prescribed ( Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin ) drug for now. But attempt to improve my cholesterol numbers by altering my current life style by changing my diet and start to exercise more. 


Then when I attend the next cholesterol test in 3 months time , I will tell the doctor that I decided to try the changing my diet and start to exercise more route , rather that the Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin drug option, and see what the doctor says .



Thanks .






Moderate exercise and a healthy diet can do wonder for these numbers, you just need to be consistent and stick with it. And, increasingly I read anecdotal evidence regarding other benefits of taking statins so perhaps worth considering later, after you've done some reading.

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4 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind.

I would discuss the medication with cardiologist also when you get his test results (make sure he knows you are not taking it).

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11 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

I would discuss the medication with cardiologist also when you get his test results (make sure he knows you are not taking it).

Yes. The pros and cons shift if it is found you have ischemic heart disease. 

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57 minutes ago, backstreet said:

Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind.


The other thing Ive now re thought about is not starting the prescribed ( Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin ) drug for now. But attempt to improve my cholesterol numbers by altering my current life style by changing my diet and start to exercise more. 


Then when I attend the next cholesterol test in 3 months time , I will tell the doctor that I decided to try the changing my diet and start to exercise more route , rather that the Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin drug option, and see what the doctor says .



Thanks .






Exercise is good but changing diet is key, BTW I can't see in the results your height\weight\age\bmi?

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3 hours ago, backstreet said:

Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind.


The other thing Ive now re thought about is not starting the prescribed ( Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin ) drug for now. But attempt to improve my cholesterol numbers by altering my current life style by changing my diet and start to exercise more. 


Then when I attend the next cholesterol test in 3 months time , I will tell the doctor that I decided to try the changing my diet and start to exercise more route , rather that the Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin drug option, and see what the doctor says .



Thanks .


You've received excellent advice. It's good to hear of your intention to follow it. Cardiologist, stress test, CAC scan all good.


Overall, not so bad of a result and very informative. It appears you aren't much overweight. But it'd be good if you'd give the height, weight, and waist measurement (for the waist to height ratio).


As I predicted, the doc suggested a statin. Wise not to take it. A couple of videos to watch here and here. Note where LDL is on this chart as opposed to triglycerides, glucose, and creatinine (also slightly out of normal on your results). 





Your HbA1c OK, FBS indicating pre-diabetes. The latter, an anomaly? Still, it merits consideration. Neither of these tests is 100% reliable. For example, 


HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels are commonly recognized as diagnostic indices for diabetes and glucose intolerance. However, they are not sufficient for clear detection of glucose intolerance in the early stage unless an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is performed.



The test that doctors most often rely on to detect a person’s risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes—the hemoglobin A1c (A1c) blood test—too often delivers a poor reading, thereby missing the diagnosis in nearly three out of four at-risk individuals,1 according to research presented at the Endocrine Society meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. 



So you might repeat the FBS test and also get the much more reliable Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). I dunno if a public hospital offers it, however.


I say that because of other evidence correlated with insulin resistance. You wanna stay on top of that at all costs.


Notably, the TG/HDL ratio. Yours is 133/49=2.7. Still low risk, but probably trending.


Alan Watson on Twitter: "Ratio of TG:HDL is most reliable predictor of  heart risk. The closer TG:HDL ratio is 1 - the better. Ratio >4 is  highest risk (asso w/ small, dense

Alan Watson, @DietHeartNews


The higher that ratio, the higher your triglycerides, the greater the risk. I've managed to keep mine to 0.7.




So that suggests you're eating too many carbs, including sugar.


“Low-fat, high-carbohydrate (LF/HC) diets commonly elevate plasma triglyceride (TG) concentrations.”[5]

Key points

• Eating more fat/saturated fat reduces VLDL production.

• Eating more carbohydrate increases VLDL production.

    --Malcolm Kendrick


Hence, a low carb diet would be best.




and of course exercise more.


Low carb means cutting out the sugars AND starches.


Now we hate low carb here, and at least one member goes into convulsions at the mention of it. Part of it is disbelief that people don't have to crave ice cream, pies and pastries. But after a few weeks on low carb, those cravings go away. That is, you won't desire ice cream, beer, pizzas, fried food and 7-11 cakes. I don't. You don't have to deal with those insulin spikes and drops. Have red wine, though, and an occasional single malt.????


Public Health Collaboration

David Unwin's Infographics


You get plenty of meat, veggies, and high-fat dairy. Here are some variations.

And get this: Statin drugs for prevention of CVD are not warranted for those with elevated LDL who maintain a low TG:HDL ratio. How cool's that?


And the exercise. Seems you're not doing much. So you'd start working up to a brisk walk 30 min day. When you succeed in that, come back and learn more about starting resistance exercise training and adding some intensity. (We ain't talking bodybuilding here, just achieving functional fitness.) Help your numbers, slow cognitive decline, and fight sarcopenia. Falls--amazing how many old people die from 'em.


N.B. All this very much goes against received ANF Poster Longevity Science, the purpose of which is to rationalize just living with early chronic disease and chasing after docs and medications to live a supposed happy but short life, fat with beer, pies, and pastries, watching lots of footie, and mythically ending during a bonk with a smile on one's face.


Excuses range from the George Burns Hail Mary (George Burns lived to 100 smoking cigars and drinking martinis) to Google Your Way To Health by Googling links (without reading the actual articles) that seem to justify one's own self-serving opinions. Yet we hear of a lot of suffering in the Health forum from those following that line of thinking.


A few of us cowboys prefer a happy AND long life, postponing chronic diseases until a shorter period towards the very end. That what you want? Never too late to start, and afterwards the maintaining is pretty easy.


Details are in the caption following the image




Edited by BigStar
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SOme people will always have a transient rise on FBS when done in a lab or hospital.  The body releases glucose in response to stress. In other words there is a  blood sugar equivslent to the well known BP "white coat syndrome".


My FBS drawn in a lab is always in the 100-110 pre diabetic range. Which motivated me to get a home glucose monitor. Lo and behold, testing at home my FBS is always under 100, usuallyunder 90.  And my Hb1Ac is always normal range. In other words the stress of a blood draw by someone else raises my sugar by 10-15 points. (I  am a difficult blood draw so naturally have come to dread what may be multiple painful attempts to get the blood). For OP , he was nervous about the check up to begin  with.






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25 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

SOme people will always have a transient rise on FBS when done in a lab or hospital.  The body releases glucose in response to stress. In other words there is a  blood sugar equivslent to the well known BP "white coat syndrome".


My FBS drawn in a lab is always in the 100-110 pre diabetic range. Which motivated me to get a home glucose monitor. Lo and behold, testing at home my FBS is always under 100, usuallyunder 90.  And my Hb1Ac is always normal range. In other words the stress of a blood draw by someone else raises my sugar by 10-15 points. (I  am a difficult blood draw so naturally have come to dread what may be multiple painful attempts to get the blood). For OP , he was nervous about the check up to begin  with.






On entering the health checkup department for the first time ever I was feeling stressed out and nervous about not only the test procedure but what the test results may show. I think my first blood pressure test results showed an elevated results possibly because I was very nervous and stressed out.  I did not know about '' home glucose monitor '' . Can you please tell me a bit more about it 



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2 hours ago, backstreet said:

On entering the health checkup department for the first time ever I was feeling stressed out and nervous about not only the test procedure but what the test results may show. I think my first blood pressure test results showed an elevated results possibly because I was very nervous and stressed out. 

Right. White coat syndrome seems rather common. My BP gets elevated from rushing late to the appointment, lol. I'll climb the stairs to avoid waiting for the elevator. Fortunately, I usually have to sit (and sit) in the waiting room for goodly amount of time anyway.


But reading all the discussions here on the forum about blood pressure monitors finally persuaded me to get one of those, since the BP only gets checked maybe once or twice a year. Good thing about having your own is that you can check BP and HR soon as you wake up. So I did that for a while and felt good about the numbers, and then they always stayed about the same, so I got bored and stopped.???? I have a little finger pulse oximeter that COVID paranoia motivated me to get. I check that once a week, since it's so convenient, and be satisfied with just the HR. And I have my fitness watch I check sometimes when out for a walk. Can't rely on the numbers, but they're not as inaccurate as I would have thought. 


2 hours ago, backstreet said:

I did not know about '' home glucose monitor '' . Can you please tell me a bit more about it 

Sheryl or someone else will be along to advise soon. If not, just start a new topic. These get discussed from time to time.


Not such a bad idea to try one for a time at least, without getting a deluxe model. Yet one can be insulin resistant, and damaged, years before the usual tests finally reveal a problem. Dr. Sarah Hallberg makes this very point at her TEDx talk here: https://youtu.be/da1vvigy5tQ?t=161.


Somewhere between 16 – 25% of normal weight American adults are insulin resistant without even knowing. More than 80% of those with prediabetes don’t know they have it. Dr. Peter Attia routinely advises his patients (wealthy patients, lol) to wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) (expensive) for a time and see how their blood glucose fluctuates after eating. (Can be a bit shocking, I imagine.) He also routinely gives them an OGTT when they start a consultation.


So it might be better to take some precaution to avoid the possible cumulative ill effect of glucose spikes anyway. More details on this unpalatable kickers-twisting subject (we very much like our spikes) in some other thread.

Edited by BigStar
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10 hours ago, backstreet said:

On entering the health checkup department for the first time ever I was feeling stressed out and nervous about not only the test procedure but what the test results may show. I think my first blood pressure test results showed an elevated results possibly because I was very nervous and stressed out.  I did not know about '' home glucose monitor '' . Can you please tell me a bit more about it 



There are small hand held machines you can buy to test your blood sugar at home. Diabetics use them. Pharmacies selll them and will usually teach you how to use. But with an HB1Ac below 6 I don't think you need it now. Just recheck Hb1Ac annually.


You can also get home BP monitor. Omton brand is good. The ones that wrap around upper arm not the ones that go on the wrist.


Yes, your anxiety caused a temorary rise in blood pessure snd blood sugar. Not at all unusual. 

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On 12/14/2022 at 8:24 AM, Sheryl said:

There are small hand held machines you can buy to test your blood sugar at home. Diabetics use them. Pharmacies selll them and will usually teach you how to use. But with an HB1Ac below 6 I don't think you need it now. Just recheck Hb1Ac annually.


You can also get home BP monitor. Omton brand is good. The ones that wrap around upper arm not the ones that go on the wrist.


Yes, your anxiety caused a temorary rise in blood pessure snd blood sugar. Not at all unusual. 



Ive now purchased an Omron Blood Pressure Monitor , and I tried it out several times during the day , just to see what the results would show.


My Blood Pressure readings 


7 am – 109 / 68 / 70
2 pm – 103 / 69/ 79 
5 pm – 103 / 63/ 86
7 pm – 104 / 66/ 77
9 pm -  109 / 68/ 78 


Looking at the final blood pressure results, I though the numbers looked strangely close , so my wife used the same new Omron Blood Pressure Monitor to see what her blood pressure was.


The wife’s numbers were  – 91 / 66 / 78 


So looking at the Blood Pressure chart , I think and hope my blood pressure numbers may be ok.




 Blood Pressure Meter.jpg


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12 hours ago, backstreet said:



Ive now purchased an Omron Blood Pressure Monitor , and I tried it out several times during the day , just to see what the results would show.


My Blood Pressure readings 


7 am – 109 / 68 / 70
2 pm – 103 / 69/ 79 
5 pm – 103 / 63/ 86
7 pm – 104 / 66/ 77
9 pm -  109 / 68/ 78 


Looking at the final blood pressure results, I though the numbers looked strangely close , so my wife used the same new Omron Blood Pressure Monitor to see what her blood pressure was.


The wife’s numbers were  – 91 / 66 / 78 


So looking at the Blood Pressure chart , I think and hope my blood pressure numbers may be ok.




Blood Pressure Meter.jpg


Good numbers, congrats. Not much fluctuation during the period, either. Peace of mind! Reminds me, I should check mine soon. Been a while.


Resting heart rate (RHR) looks OK, normal (just going by the 7 am number, presumably immediately after waking), but not that great. Suggests (to me, anyway) mainly a lack of exercise, and exercise is helpful in a number of ways, as you know. I've managed to keep mine at 53 for the last 30 years.


Resting heart rate by age and gender chart

Male at the top, female at bottom


If your heart is healthy, you can maintain and improve your normal heart rate through exercise no matter your age. Aerobic exercises such as running or cycling (or walking fast if you’re not able to do either) are often the best option for building cardiovascular strength. Besides exercising regularly, behaviors that support a healthy heart rate include:


Drinking plenty of water

Avoiding alcohol

Limiting caffeine and nicotine

Following a balanced diet

Improving your sleep consistency

Relaxation exercises such as guided breathing, meditation and yoga




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  • 2 weeks later...



After undergoing a health checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and seeing several areas on the health checkup test results relating to my heart . I decided to consult a Cardiologist and show them my health checkup test results. 


While talking to my wife about going to see a Cardiologist and see what they may have to say about my health checkup test results , my wife then said why not go and see the same Cardiologist as you did before. 


 The wife saying that had me a bit puzzled but then I remembered that 3 years ago I was having a problem getting to sleep at bed time and I decided to see a doctor at the Bangkok Hospital in Korat. And I had totally forgotten about going to see a doctor there. 


Back then the doctor at the Bangkok hospital in Korat recommend several tests including a comprehensive heart test that was carried out by a Cardiologist, which I underwent .


So now remembering that  I had all ready undergone a previous heart test 3 years ago ,  I decided to now return to the Bangkok Hospital in Korat and show a Cardiologist the test results from my recent Health Checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and possibly request another heart test .


Well I left home at 7 am and was sitting in the Bangkok Hospital in Korat at 8.30 am. The Cardiologist arrived at 9 am and we ( my self and Thai wife ) were taken into the Cardiologist office.


 The Cardiologist a man ,then asked why I had come to see him and I told him that I had recently undergone a Health Checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and I would like a heart checkup .


I handed the Cardiologist both the original copy's of my recent Health Check up at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , along with my past test report that I was given at Bangkok Hospital in Korat 3 years ago.


The Cardiologist then read through those two reports and then went to his computer and brought up on his monitor my past medical records from Bangkok Hospital in Korat.


The Cardiologist then asked me a range of questions about my current health / any symptoms and if I were taking any drugs, to which I answered that I had been prescribed the drug ‘’ Simvastatin ‘’by the doctor at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat to treat my high Cholesterol numbers. ( this Cardiologist recommended  Atorvastatin 40mg for my high Cholesterol ) along with taking one Aspilets 81 mg tablet every night ( Aspirin ) .


The Cardiologist then asked me why I thought that the current test results from my Health Checkup at  Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , indicated that I needed to undergo a new Heart Test . 


I then pointed out to the Cardiologist the comments ( circled in Red ) that had been made on the two graphs from my recent Health Checkup …… See Chart E and Chart F , the Cardiologist then had another look at the two charts … E and F .


The Cardiologist then asked me to lie down and unbutton my shirt , so he could use his stethoscope to check my heart .


The Cardiologist then said this …......................................


Looking at my current health checkup results from the Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , along with the past medical records from the Bangkok Hospital in Korat relating to my past heart test results from 3 years ago , and taking into consideration that I had no current symptoms , in his view a new heart test was not necessary .


 I should start taking the drug ‘’ Atorvastatin 40mg ‘’ One per day after an evening meal along with altering my diet and doing more exercise .


The Cardiologist looking at my past heart test results from 3 years ago , said that my heart wall was slightly enlarged but looked normal for a person of my advanced age and that I should return to see him in 3 months time for a blood test to see if my Cholesterol numbers have been reduced due to me starting ( his recommended drug ) ‘’ Atorvastatin 40mg ‘’.


The Cardiologist also suggested that I purchase an electronic wrist watch that keeps a record of heart active etc ( see attached screen shot as shown to me by the Cardiologist ).


The hospital cost for 1 box of 30 tablets of 40mg of ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ was 1,075 Baht , I declined to purchase the ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ from the hospital and instead purchased them from an out side  pharmacy , which cost 860 Baht for the same  1 box of 30 tablets of 40mg.

I also purchase a box of Aspilets 81 mg tablets at the same out side pharmacy for 140 Baht.


So all in all an interesting consultation with the Cardiologist , I was just expecting the Cardiologist to say , OK let's do a heart test and have a look at the results . As I said to my wife , the hospital is a business and generally speaking the more medical procedures the hospital carry’s out , the more money they make. 


It was refreshing to hear the Cardiologist say that a new heart test in his view was not necessary , but I’m still wondering why the Cardiologist recommended what he did and in some way his advice not to re-test my heart leaves me a bit nervous .


Over the around 35 minuets talking to the Cardiologist and on hearing his recommendation I did continue to ask many questions and in some way I kept pushing him to clarify his advice .


So all I can do now is start taking the ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ , keep up with my diet and do a bit more exercising and keep my fingers firmly crossed .


I did have my blood pressure checked while there and it was just above normal.  


The cost to see the Cardiologist came to 800 Baht 


Any thoughts about the Cardiologist recommendation ?




 Chart F copy.jpg

 Chart E.jpg


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