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European Gas prices drop to pre-Ukraine war levels

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The FT says:

As the warm weather reduces heating demand, Europe has been able to build up its gas inventory again after drawdowns from mid-November, including during the cold snaps in the early weeks of December.

Since Christmas Eve Europe has been sending more gas into its storage facilities than it has taken out of them, with storage levels increasing 0.28 per cent to Monday. Capacity stood at 83.2 per cent full as of December 26 — down from the mid-November high of 95.6 per cent, according to industry body Gas Infrastructure Europe.

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Thankfully, finally a little Euro self reflection on their obsession with Russian energy.


A lucky break on a so far mild winter has allowed a shift to LNG imports from friendlier countries and good storage capacity


You have to think for the Putin successor's what they will think will be his legacy. The world will have moved from Russia's pretty much sole export, and he's trashed that.


Great move Vlad the Mad, hope you're happy with yourself and lets see what history will write about you!

Edited by GinBoy2
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