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My son was born in China. Long story but during the covid years I was unable to attend the birth due because we aren't married and I'm not Chinese. Problem is, I'm not on his birth cert. So I'm looking to bring them to Bangkok now that they are able to come here and get a paternity test to use as proof of relationship for travel (visas, etc).


Bumrungrad quoted 90,000 baht for a test that takes 2 months. It sure sounds like this is not a paternity test but a full DNA profile. Are there more/better options? Any leads?




First thing to do is to check the requirements of the country for which you need proof of relationship. Some countries, e.g. the US, will only accept results from their own approved laboratories.


If you are wanting to establish paternity for purposes of Thai visa, piggy-backed onto whatever visa you live here on, I don't think a DNA test will help, Thai immigration will require proof you are the legal husband and father.


Is there no way to get your name added to the birth certificate?



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Australia only recognises paternity DNA tests at particular hospitals with an Australian consular staff member present and only after you apply for citizenship for the child.


This information is several years old and may have changed.

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I wrongly assumed that amending the birth certificate wouldn't be a problem. Apparently in China, birth certificates cannot be updated or changed. It makes no sense to me since he must have a father and if it's possible to include that info, you'd think it would be something worthy of an update.

I do want to use the paternity test to get him a US passport as well once I can get into China to attend the required in-person meeting with the US consulate to document his birth. I'm in limbo.

Also it would be nice to have the option of bringing them to Thailand so it looks like we'll have to get married. Not a problem but I need to figure out how to arrange that as well either in Thailand or China.


Also, it seems like the US will accept an affidavit that states that the father will provide financial support. It seems like that's all that's needed although they have the option of requiring a paternity test. 

12 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Australia only recognises paternity DNA tests at particular hospitals with an Australian consular staff member present and only after you apply for citizenship for the child.

Funny thing is, he was conceived in Australia. Technically we are common-law married there -- aka 'de facto'. In retrospect we should have tried harder to stay. We thought covid was over and that I'd be able to join her in China once all this stuff resolved. That was a year ago. 


That is definitely not all that US requires.  For US visa you will have to prove paternity and this has to be from a US government approved lab. Embassy in Beijing should be able to advise on this.


Note that more than paternity is needed to naturalize the child as a US citizen - you must be the legal father i.e. have custody. It is possible for children to meet the criteria for a green cards and immigrant visa but not for naturalizartion. At least that is my understanding. Again, talk to the Embassy in Beijing.


You would indeed need to be married for her to come to Thailand as your dependent.  However, just being married to the mother will not make you the father under Thai law since you were not married at the time of the birth. Of course birth certificate proves the child is hers, so might be able to get a non-O Thai visa for her based on you and then the baby a visa based on her -- suggest you post in the Visa forum and ask about this.

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