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Decided to get a dog, was looking at a few different ones. First requirement is its gotta be a fun / adorable family dog / no need for being airconditioned, relatively, not hyper (barking all day - but will bark when a stranger enters the premise), not need for it to able to tear some ones head off. large in size -

Looked at:-

Alsatian - had one as a kid - lovely dogs

Labrador - how are they ? a bit dopy ?

Pug ( joking - lol ) - not applicable

German Shepard

Golden R.

Husky - How does it handle thai heat ? I dont fancy keeping the aircon on for the dog all day ( Love these dogs, but worried not suitable for thailand )

any feed abck on JJ market ? Looks like a very seedy place. The same dog at J-Avanue thonglor is 3x the price compared to JJ. I am not keen on JJ, but if people recon ok, will give it a try. dont want a sick puppy on my hands

any advice welcome

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I believe the Labrador and Retrievers are probably similar in personalities. We have a Golden Retriever and I find to be a great pet. He will let you know if strangers come around but quiet otherwise. Great around kids, very protective and a good friend. As long as you have shade he can lie in and a place for him to get wet (preferably if a pond or lake to swim daily) heat isn't a problem. If it is too hot, we let him in during the day and put a fan on, but generally doesn't appear to be an issue.

I believe huskies are a bit hyperactive though. Did see one in the neighborhood just recently and it is a lovely animal.

We had an Alsation (German/American Shepard) and I apologize if I offend other Alsation owners, but he seemed dumb as a post, at least compared to our Golden. It's possible it's just the one we had because I always understood that they were intelligent and easy to train.

Alsation Dog > http://www.training-dog-breeds.com/alsatian-dog.html

Decided to get a dog, was looking at a few different ones.

First requirement is its gotta be a fun / Absolutely! Fun guaranteed, lots of fun

adorable family dog / Oh, yeh! Known for this

no need for being airconditioned, No'p, no need for that, though if he/she has a choice will probably choose the aircon room when very hot

relatively, not hyper (barking all day - but will bark when a stranger enters the premise), depends on how you raise the dog, but not a barker. Will alarm bark, though

not need for it to able to tear some ones head off. only lots of kissy kissy

large in size - good size

Looked at:-

Alsatian - had one as a kid - lovely dogs Loyal as an Alsation

Labrador - how are they ? a bit dopy ? Active as a Lab.

Pug ( joking - lol ) - not applicable Most cuty nose as a Pug

German Shepard Is Alsation

Golden R. Same as lab, wonderful family dog

The one and only ......... BOXER !!!........ :o:D:D

Husky - How does it handle thai heat ? I dont fancy keeping the aircon on for the dog all day ( Love these dogs, but worried not suitable for thailand )Lovely dogs, but need lots of exercise and definitely a pond or pool to swim and cool down, plus regular grooming especially when changing coat

any feed abck on JJ market ?Yikes, risky! Looks like a very seedy place. The same dog at J-Avanue thonglor is 3x the price compared to JJ. I am not keen on JJ, but if people recon ok, will give it a try. dont want a sick puppy on my hands

any advice welcome


Get a staffordshire or bull terrier. Good guard dogs, calm temper, medium size.

Alsatians here aren't all that good, hip dysplasia is common. Labs and golden retrievers annoy me.

If you want to buy a dog do not buy it in the JJ market. I repeat, DO NOT buy it there. Across the road from JJ market is a large canopied food court/center. Behind there the dog shops are good.


Nienke beat me to it :o

""The character of the Boxer is of the greatest importance and demands the most solicitous attention. He is renowned from olden times for his great love and faithfulness to his master and household. He is harmless in the family, but distrustful of strangers, bright and friendly of temperament at play, but brave and determined when aroused. His intelligence and willing tractability, his modesty and cleanliness make him a highly desirable family dog and cheerful companion. He is the soul of honesty and loyalty, and is never false or treacherous even in his old age."[13]

Boxers are a bright, energetic and playful breed and tend to be very good with children. It's best if obedience training is started early since they also have a strong personality and therefore can be harder to train when older. This, in addition to their strength, might present a challenge for a first-time dog owner. Boxers have earned a slight reputation of being "headstrong", which can be related to inappropriate obedience training. Owing to their intelligence and working breed characteristics, training based on the use of corrections often has limited usefulness. Boxers often respond much better to positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training. It is also true that Boxers have a very long puppyhood and adolescence, and are often called the "Peter Pan" of the dog world. They are not considered fully mature until two to three years of age, one of the longest times in dogdom, and thus need early training to keep their high energy from wearing out their owner.

The Boxer by nature is not an aggressive or vicious breed but needs socialisation to tolerate other dogs well.[14] Their sometimes over-protective, territorial and dominating attitude, often most intense in males, can be problematic. Boxers are generally patient with smaller dogs but can be dominant with larger dogs of the same sex."



I always thought that Huskies were prone to wandering off? I've read that, like beagles and foxhounds, because they're pack-trained they're not very good at all the alpha male dog stuff and tend to ignore those things that don't interest them?


Cheers....learned some new things i.e. Alsation = german shepard. ( thought there was a slight difference ).....

How are Labradors / Goldens with moulting / hair. The Mrs wants the dog in the house...... and dont fancy hair everywhere.

To protect the house some what, i heard many robbers / neigbours bait food with poison to get rid of ur dog. Can dogs be trained not to take food from strange sources ?

Will look across the road from JJ or other places to find dogs.

How are Labradors / Goldens with moulting / hair. The Mrs wants the dog in the house...... and dont fancy hair everywhere.

Goldens have mult-coat hair and the outside (thinner) layer sheds some. Ours stays in the house pretty much all day and sleeps outside. We don't find the hair shedding an issue, the house is swept daily and see very little hair, though at some times of the year there is more then normal.


Well of course I would vote for a Golden, but having had a boxer in England many years ago, I can say they are also wonderful, loving, family dogs.

My Cookie is so loving that she has won over all the Thai family and staff who were a bit uncertain of her to start with. Most Thais are not usually that affectionate to dogs, but they love Cookie to bits and play with her and spoil her just like we farangs do.

Cookie stays outside on the shaded terrace for most of the time, and I run a small fan where she likes to lay and sleep, and that takes the edge of the heat for her. However she is allowed in my office - when I am there, which is most days if I'm not out shopping or away - and she curls up under the desk and licks my feet.

I give her a good brushing every day which keeps the excess hair to a minimum, and she lies on the semi submerged top step of my pool and cools her legs and under belly. In really steamy weather I have a large tub to cool her down, and we also sometimes give here a gentle hose down.

You will never regret having a golden, but there are plenty of other good breeds out there. The choice is yours.

Well of course I would vote for a Golden, but having had a boxer in England many years ago, I can say they are also wonderful, loving, family dogs.

My Cookie is so loving that she has won over all the Thai family and staff who were a bit uncertain of her to start with. Most Thais are not usually that affectionate to dogs, but they love Cookie to bits and play with her and spoil her just like we farangs do.

Cookie stays outside on the shaded terrace for most of the time, and I run a small fan where she likes to lay and sleep, and that takes the edge of the heat for her. However she is allowed in my office - when I am there, which is most days if I'm not out shopping or away - and she curls up under the desk and licks my feet.

I give her a good brushing every day which keeps the excess hair to a minimum, and she lies on the semi submerged top step of my pool and cools her legs and under belly. In really steamy weather I have a large tub to cool her down, and we also sometimes give here a gentle hose down.

You will never regret having a golden, but there are plenty of other good breeds out there. The choice is yours.

Licking feet, I am sold. Where do i sign up :o ?

Recon i will go the Goldy route. Having a few barks when required is important to me, but having a a loving family dog more important. New house has a big covered area for washing machine it can stay when we are out of the house, and i guess i could make a little "bird bath" for it in the garden for it to take a dip in.

Boxer nice, i now them, but the slobber a bit too much ?


I also have a golden and agree with the other comments on goldens. They are super friendly and loving. No problem with maids as they soon fall in love with goldens. However, a couple of caveats. Goldens are very active dogs and you will need a yard big enough for the dog to run and play. While they are wonderful family dogs, because they love to play, play, play, they will jump on little children trying to play with them. While they don't bite, they are big dogs and can hurt little children just from their size. If these aren't issues for you, then make it a golden.


:o Endure, you are funny. Trying to rack up brownie points with Nienke again? (Sorry, for folks not in the know, the boxer photo is of Nienke's beloved dog, RIP).

Goldies are lovely, but as noted need lots of exercise. If you get one as a puppy should be more mindful of kids, no? Mobi has kids and their friends over all the time, so he should know.

Labs are not as energetic but loyal to the max with a deep bark that scares the sh*t out of strangers (mine only barked if he knew someone strange was in the yard, especially at night, all except the BBQ chicken lady, of course). But he never bit anyone and was happy-go-lucky. Loved fresh water, but not the ocean. let us know how you get on, Skippy.

The one and only ......... BOXER !!!........ :D:D:bah:

How did I know you would say that :bah:

Nienke beat me to it :o

How did I know you would say that :D

Well of course I would vote for a Golden, and licks my feet.

How did I know you would say that :D

Lovable, cute, even licks your feet!! Intelligent and make a lot of noise if anyone comes near the house.

It can only be a CHIHUAHUA :o




:D Endure, you are funny. Trying to rack up brownie points with Nienke again? (Sorry, for folks not in the know, the boxer photo is of Nienke's beloved dog, RIP). y.

CORRECTION!!! The photo is of MY beloved dog (Maximilian Poodleparts): RIP

Then: :D


Now: :o


Well of course I would vote for a Golden, but having had a boxer in England many years ago, I can say they are also wonderful, loving, family dogs.

My Cookie is so loving that she has won over all the Thai family and staff who were a bit uncertain of her to start with. Most Thais are not usually that affectionate to dogs, but they love Cookie to bits and play with her and spoil her just like we farangs do.

Cookie stays outside on the shaded terrace for most of the time, and I run a small fan where she likes to lay and sleep, and that takes the edge of the heat for her. However she is allowed in my office - when I am there, which is most days if I'm not out shopping or away - and she curls up under the desk and licks my feet.

I give her a good brushing every day which keeps the excess hair to a minimum, and she lies on the semi submerged top step of my pool and cools her legs and under belly. In really steamy weather I have a large tub to cool her down, and we also sometimes give here a gentle hose down.

You will never regret having a golden, but there are plenty of other good breeds out there. The choice is yours.

Licking feet, I am sold. Where do i sign up :D ?

Recon i will go the Goldy route. Having a few barks when required is important to me, but having a a loving family dog more important. New house has a big covered area for washing machine it can stay when we are out of the house, and i guess i could make a little "bird bath" for it in the garden for it to take a dip in.

Boxer nice, i now them, but the slobber a bit too much ?

What's the difference between slobber and shed hairs? :o

:D Endure, you are funny. Trying to rack up brownie points with Nienke again? (Sorry, for folks not in the know, the boxer photo is of Nienke's beloved dog, RIP). y.

CORRECTION!!! The photo is of MY beloved dog (Maximilian Poodleparts): RIP

Then: :D


Now: :o


What's going on???? I thought that was Nienke's Boxer! Or does she have a similar photo? :D You Boxer backers are so...something.


I can't knock the Boxers or the Goldens, but I will say the Goldens in Thailand are way overbred and it's clearly weakening the breed here. The same happened to boxwes 40 years ago aand Pointers 100 years ago. It take time to undo the damage of bad breeding practices. Now then, back to the Pointer. C'mon man, think about coming home to this:



Well......... one is not better than the other, and everyone will have their own preference. I recon the Lab or Golden is more up my ally.

By the way, anyway u can teach them not to eat food provided by others ? Although the likely hood small, i have read mean a time of robbers spiking food before entering.

Does not have to be 100% pure, so a bit of mut in it ok. Might try dog rescue center. Any in Bangkok?

Does not have to be 100% pure, so a bit of mut in it ok. Might try dog rescue center. Any in Bangkok?

Bangkok: Soi Dog Rescue www.soidogrescue.org

Hua Hin: November Rain (PM) or her website www.dogrescuecenter.org

They might even have a boxer/golden combi :o:D


On the subject of kids - yes Cookie can be a bit boisterous, but if she goes over the top, a sharp shout will usually do the trick. I have found that very small kids - say 1 to 3 are initially scared of her and run screaming to their mums, but within a few hours are sitting on Cookie's back and giving her all kinds of a hard time - and Cookie just smiles at them and takes it all. Older kids take to her immediately and can't resist stroking and playing with her.

There's not a racist bone in her body and she welcomes all comers - even thieves - but she will bark at the front gate at strangers - until they come inside. :o

I take Cookie for a 25 minute 'power' walk every evening, and she runs around and chases a ball while I am swimming. Apart from that, she has a large garden to run around in, which she does mainly at night when it is cooler. It's quite a long run down to the front gate from the terrace which she does every time a Soi dog passes, so that's quite handy for excersise..

With regards to breeding - well I bought mine from a breeder in Saraburi who is a vet, a member of the Thai Kennel club and shows goldens. Both Cookie's parents were show champions (lineage from USA) and her brother is now being shown. She wasn't cheap, but she is beautiful, has a wonderful temperament and worth every penny - or stang I guess.

If you're worried about the dog being too boisterous, try to choose one with a more placid temperament - females are more placid than males. The breeder should be able to help you.

As I said, the choice is yours

:D Endure, you are funny. Trying to rack up brownie points with Nienke again? (Sorry, for folks not in the know, the boxer photo is of Nienke's beloved dog, RIP). y.

CORRECTION!!! The photo is of MY beloved dog (Maximilian Poodleparts): RIP

Then: :D


Now: :o


What's going on???? I thought that was Nienke's Boxer! Or does she have a similar photo? :D You Boxer backers are so...something.

He Jet, see my avatar for my beloved she-boxer. R.I.P. Nonetheless, I really LOVE that most cuty face of Endure's boxer. It's soooo typical boxer.

She has been burried, but her grave is covered with wilderness at my old place. I'm not so much in these things, as I believe that although physically she's not there anymore, her spirit is and will never leave. Same with all my other dogs, that have gone over the rainbow bridge. Her pictures are all over the place though. :D


There's not a racist bone in her body and she welcomes all comers - even thieves - but she will bark at the front gate at strangers - until they come inside. :D

Yep, same here. However Jedi seems to be a bit of a chauvinist, he takes to females a lot more readily then males that come over. Hmm, but then so do I. :o

:D Endure, you are funny. Trying to rack up brownie points with Nienke again? (Sorry, for folks not in the know, the boxer photo is of Nienke's beloved dog, RIP). y.

CORRECTION!!! The photo is of MY beloved dog (Maximilian Poodleparts): RIP

Then: :bah:


Now: :o


What's going on???? I thought that was Nienke's Boxer! Or does she have a similar photo? :D You Boxer backers are so...something.

Obsessive? :D:D :

Decided to get a dog, was looking at a few different ones. First requirement is its gotta be a fun / adorable family dog / no need for being airconditioned, relatively, not hyper (barking all day - but will bark when a stranger enters the premise), not need for it to able to tear some ones head off. large in size -

Looked at:-

Alsatian - had one as a kid - lovely dogs

Labrador - how are they ? a bit dopy ?

Pug ( joking - lol ) - not applicable

German Shepard

Golden R.

Husky - How does it handle thai heat ? I dont fancy keeping the aircon on for the dog all day ( Love these dogs, but worried not suitable for thailand )

any feed abck on JJ market ? Looks like a very seedy place. The same dog at J-Avanue thonglor is 3x the price compared to JJ. I am not keen on JJ, but if people recon ok, will give it a try. dont want a sick puppy on my hands

any advice welcome

Whats wrong with adopting a Soi Dog? You can go to Soi Dog Rescue, they'll help you choose a suitable dog that will be able to fulfil all your needs, the dog will have been checked out by the vet, injections up to date and probably neutered/spayed (the dog not the vet) they have wonderful dogs looking for a home and someone to love. The price will be nothing compared to JJ or anywhere else. Go and have a look, no harm done if you dont find what you want - but I know you will.....


Have to agree with Applecrumble I imagone there will be many dogs available and many dogs that will steal your heart when you see them. Just like in the UK when you visit the dog homes


as many as you think i am crazy but i had th best Bangkaew ever most loyal, most playfull.

and i love my snorting farting pug.

unfortunatly the Bangkaew died of distemper, and now we are getting a male Bangkaew and a Lang ahn female.




I love pointers, they are gorgeous. In England we had both a GSP and a weimeraner. The latter was as daft as a bunch of lights. In Thailand I would go for a soi dog rescued, currently WEHO is looking for someone to adopt one of his young dogs, not sure it is a puppy but the saga is on the Pattaya forum.


Hey, Lanny, you hear the Pointer story?

A guy's driving through Pattaya and see's a sign "Talking Pointer dog for sale, Bt100"

Wow! Guy goes in and the owner says ya he's in the back garden. Goes to see the Pointer who starts talking, telling his life story as a secret agent, representative of the UN secret council, MI6, CIA, KBG, etc, but is now retired with honours. The guy is gobsmacked. Goes back out and asks the Pattaya farang why he's selling the dog for such a pittance.

"He's like me ex-Thai wife, Mate, he's a f* liar."

Hey, Lanny, you hear the Pointer story?

A guy's driving through Pattaya and see's a sign "Talking Pointer dog for sale, Bt100"

Wow! Guy goes in and the owner says ya he's in the back garden. Goes to see the Pointer who starts talking, telling his life story as a secret agent, representative of the UN secret council, MI6, CIA, KBG, etc, but is now retired with honours. The guy is gobsmacked. Goes back out and asks the Pattaya farang why he's selling the dog for such a pittance.

"He's like me ex-Thai wife, Mate, he's a f* liar."

LOL. My sister recons that almost all dogs shed hair, and goldens shed alot ? True ?

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