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Guest Opinion: The vaping ban in Thailand must be changed!


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The recent story of Taiwanese actress Charlene An being extorted for money and branded a criminal for carrying a vape is shocking, but it will come as no surprise to thousands of Thais and tourists who have been asked for bribes and threatened with jail, all because they carry a device which helps them reduced the harm caused by smoking conventional cigarettes.




Despite gov't warning of prison term for vaping in public, it's still common to see both vaping in public. On Tues, ousted & fugitive former PM Thaksin asks why smoking e-cigarette is punishable by 7 yrs in jail while #cannabis can be smoked freely in #Thailand.




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As I have no sympathy for those that smoke tobacco, I don't care if she got extorted.

Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions and find out if something is illegal in another country if going there. IMO too much nanny state ism going on and it's making people expect to be told what to do without finding out for themselves.

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Some people really seem to enjoy blowing huge thick plumes of that sickly sweet vapor when they are in public.  It's so demonstrative that I get the impression the point is to draw attention to themselves, more so than to enjoy the vape.


In Thailand, the illegality adds to the appeal for people who want to show off.  It's as if they're saying "Look at me!  I'm so rich and well-connected, I can flout the law.".  "I am in a higher class than you.  I can do as I please and you just have to (literally and figuratively) suck it up.".


More of Thorstein Veblen's conspicuous consumption on display.

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