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Chuwit the chief Pit Bull as Thailand’s “most wanted” return in droves


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On 2/18/2023 at 1:23 PM, Speedhump said:

So happy you're well now. I know depression, came out of absolutely nowhere 22 ago, must have been building over time I suppose. Sitting in the car one day driving wife and kids, feeling fine (I thought) then tears started streaming down my face. I suddenly felt crushed and completely sad. Could talk to no-one for days except wife and kids without crying, a week or so in bed sleeping. Then just normal again after seeing the doc and asking for help (he said after I asked that he doesn't prescribe unless actually asked specifically for help, he was a great and empathetic doc) . I'm always the calm, strong jokey one, no idea how it happened. Never returned thank god but totally weird. What I'm saying is if anyone feels they're going under please see your doctor and discuss whether you should have a strictly limited time on antidepressants. If I can fall then bloody well anyone can. 

... Though Well ??? ... Anti Depressants just made me Worse for me !!! ... (<Jeezz>, those Little <deleted> pills CAN <deleted> up your physical Head Feeling, up physically well being ??? ... Like making you Cry internally, ... Physically !!! A LOT Also !!!) ...


It was Only ... 1. a Good Doctor who Fixed me up in Hospital, ... and 2. a Bloody Good, non practicing Bosnian Muslim Former Refugee, who decided that, becoming a Drugs and Alcohol Councilor, was a better option than spending the rest of his Life in Goal, (For Attacking Serbs I guess ???) ... That really saved me !!!  ... The best Councilor that I have ever had !!! though well ??? The only one also. ... ...E.G. ??? Just start off with a good Doctor ? ... for the Physical, ...  and then get a Good Councilor to get better after the Physical problems are fixed up ? Well on their way to being I guess. ??? ...


Mark mark ... Totally in experience in any thing to do with mental Health !!! ... Other then actually having been there my self.

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"What’s next, Mr McCod? Or are there none of those left these days" .... Har Har !!!


… Great Rooster !!! and very good to see you Back (I was Busy this week, and like you with your Football, so, YES, I should still watch this also ! .... Like turn the Computer off a Bit more right ! ... In my Case. But I missed this return Piece.


But it is Great to have you Back, and a very good Column to start it off again. Thanks Greatly. … AND it was Good mate !!! Just like the Old days right ??? Like you Got it !!!


OK ...Yes 3 Months !!! Good ! … About the right time for a GOOD Holiday ??? and Mental and Emotional, repairs Mission I think ??? …  Like I have had one, and well Yes, 3 Months was the time for me to get totally back to Reality I Think ??? ... Well almost ??? … Well as Closely as CV 19 at the time, and Our Some What F'd up World Realities around us all just now, will let you. (Like sometimes you never get back there totally Right ??? .. Just almost maybe ??? … So just watch it right !!!)


… Yes the Australian Shrinks are now saying that Now, … about 2 Years after the CV 19 Disaster, and all the other <deleted> that came with it, turned our Society’s upside down, or well Just off altogether ... Like My Granddaughter cannot get a reliable Bus to her school any more .. as during CV 19 Every one found alternative Transport, …  and well it is unlikely the Busses will ever recover I think. ??? … and there are Many things that changed, … and have changed FAST ! and which might never come back either !!!


… Yes the Shrinks are saying that the mental Health Problems, are starting to surface now Mate, like 2 Years after the Disaster Happened !!! ... and it makes sense to me also, as Human Beings are just Great and Intelligent Creatures genetically designed, well Bread, for Overcoming Problems !!! (Darwinism ? like Natural selection ?) …


… Like they even can work together to do this !!! Right ! ? ... But well 2 years later, if their lives are still worse !!!... or even MUCH WORSE !!! … and all of the Bad memories are being Brought !!! and are coming back to them !!! ... I do believe them that this problem exists for a LOT of people now. … 


So this is the time for more Break downs. So they are saying. …. However they might classify them.


… But well !!! YES, ... now, Just "Bloody Great to have you back in Print Mate” !!! So maybe a few less !!! Right ??? … Break downs ? … as they can let go here !!! ??? Right ?


Many Thanks.


Mark mark


(… Total Un experienced in Mental Health, other than having been there myself, like just another Interesting Life experience !!! … Well as I survived it to talk about it right ??? … and God Bless those that do not, … or just do not escape it, as I ? well, We did !!!!


And thanks to the wise People who posted here also, who DO do mental Health, and have commented here also, …  I have a friend who has been struggling with depression, oh, for all of his Life also … So well I do know also.

On On, Good Brother Rooster.  … A bit late here now, but better then never right !!!

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7 hours ago, Mark mark said:

... Though Well ??? ... Anti Depressants just made me Worse for me !!! ... (<Jeezz>, those Little <deleted> pills CAN <deleted> up your physical Head Feeling, up physically well being ??? ... Like making you Cry internally, ... Physically !!! A LOT Also !!!) ...


It was Only ... 1. a Good Doctor who Fixed me up in Hospital, ... and 2. a Bloody Good, non practicing Bosnian Muslim Former Refugee, who decided that, becoming a Drugs and Alcohol Councilor, was a better option than spending the rest of his Life in Goal, (For Attacking Serbs I guess ???) ... That really saved me !!!  ... The best Councilor that I have ever had !!! though well ??? The only one also. ... ...E.G. ??? Just start off with a good Doctor ? ... for the Physical, ...  and then get a Good Councilor to get better after the Physical problems are fixed up ? Well on their way to being I guess. ??? ...


Mark mark ... Totally in experience in any thing to do with mental Health !!! ... Other then actually having been there my self.

I typed a long deep reply which my phone has lost. ????


The following is more terse, but not meant in any harsh way. 


Your style of writing definitely displays an excitable, volatile nature. I am not like that. Calm, always seen as quiet and funny but well-adjusted, maybe even boring (I don't know you so I'm NOT saying you're the opposite). 30 days of drugs cured my mood. I had no 'physical' problems, as is the same for many/most who need a TEMPORARY mood stabiliser. 


I hope you're well.


Mens sans in corpore sano., ????????



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Thanks, for your reply, that is why I wrote the peace, to see what the Broader Opinion is on the Anti-Depressants. ??? ... So thanks Greatly. And though I have met plenty of People who would agree with you. ... I actually do not, but well, with Kindness to you and happienes for your recovery also. Like at Least you Care ! right ? … Like Joe (Biden) right ???


... I have a friend who works in Caring, and also another Woman friend who was watching me also, like this was at the start of the Epidemic, when all borders were closed, and I WAS stranded in my old Mother’s House in Australia !!! … Like feeling VERY Stranded !!! as I have a family here in Thailand. !!! And it looked very VERY Hopeless for me to be able to get back to it. ...


Like it Took almost 2 Years in the end, before I really could, give the lack of flights through it all to my part of the country.


So, I was Hit by pretty Major Anxiety, well I has it before, like all the very moderately successful men in my Family, Still have it also.


So I thought OH ? Take a few Pills and Fix it !!! … So I went to a good Doctor that was Recommended to me !!! By the Nurses in his Clinic !!! and he took the advantage to Put me on a mental health Program, !!!  Which I accepted, as it made everything free for several visits !!! to the specialists! ... and then he put me on the usual Pills. !!! 


... But well my Carer Friend Warned me, … mental conditions often are often, NOT a condition that you can just cure with Pills, and they often CAN just make it worse !!!  Like he works with software cases he calls them, Majorly mentally Challenged People from birth, … but not Screwdriver Murders (Hardware cases ) … AND any way THEY DID !!! The anti-depressants … pretty much totally screw me !!! … I was so stressed I had to ring the Doctors Clinic in under a week !!!  as they were making e feel Really REALLY SICK !!! ...


… My Doctor was not there so I spoke with another who said ..."Woahhh" !!! ... STOP taking the Pills !!! …. And we will have you in to see the Doctor was it next Monday ? … Like a day or two.


Like My friend was right, I probably was not a mental patient at all, … I had just said yes to get the Free psychological counseling !!! … which well was OK, .... But well the Pills, WERE Nearly Killing me !!! Well, In My Case. (And I wonder if I ever would have got better if I HAD stayed on them !!! ??? )


… Yes my writing needs to be Cleaned up a REAL a Lot !!! … And well I am slowly doing it. (And my Emotions also controlled my Friend, also.)


I Used to be an On Line navigator and Surveyor, on Exploration ships, usually working Night shifts alone, (Well with the Philippina second mate, my Eyes and Ears and Lights and Radar watcher up on the Bridge) … with 60 men sleeping under our feet, while I worked steering the vessel through the quite flammable Oil instillations, with Huge Seismic Air Gun arrays, and a 7 k streamer Cable behind us, … in the usual ocean tides and Currents. Like this might have been pretty Poyang in my Current mental state, … but well It Paid very well, and I have not wasted this. Well not yet. So well I am NOT mental. ... Just a bit fried right ???  … Not quite like an Airline Pilot ??? but well close ...


But well I am back with my Family now !!! So I AM very happy now and well ... 67 years old !!! ... As good as it gets !!! as Jack Nicholson might Say !!! 


Yes I DO just want to say that PILLS cannot just Cure anything !!! Sometimes you just have to do it yourself !!! Like Pills put me in that situation, Valium ? etc. ... Have you ever Failed a drugs test when boarding a work ship ???  and have the doctors nearly fall over when you told them how many pills you had (Like a trafficable amount I would guess, and in Malaysia also) … and they then just confiscated them, and let me go in to the very worst of Benzo's With drawls !!! Like dying of fits in your sleep stuff !!! …. Like I have been there, …. but I did not have a fit, though the Withdrawal WAS extremely destructive and Painful, Like I could not even drink beer mate !!! Right ! ? But, I am still here !!! …. Only a bit dark now !!! On All Pills. !!! ??? Right ??? …


(Like JFYI it was all of the Older Oil Company representatives who failed the tests on that Very Bazar <I guess that I cannot say which Malaysian Oil Company that it was> ? project off Malaysia right, … Har Har … Like all of the Oil companies Bosses !!! … Har Har … so now you know a bit more about the Great Scheismic Exploration Industry right ??? – ( Like probably that was why I was there in my So in experienced state, like all the other Clients had Failed the drugs test and been sacked !!!)


Well any way, I got myself taken off the Mental Health list ??? Well they would not really take me off, but I just told them that I WAS off of it !!! … And I refused to say anything more about it, and well so did they. And then as I needed to get Health Insurance to get back to Thailand !!! Like for the NON - OA Visa !!! and the first Company, which I told the truth to knocked me back, because I said my Trouble was anxiety !!! … Like one suggestion from me to you all … Never !!! … Like I mean "NEVER" <Deleted> mention Mental health on any insurance applications !!! ??? Right ???


So I took my self-OFF of the Plan. ... and I need not ! go on about getting the Insurance to get back here.


Yes a bit of a Brazen Post here, but the total Truth, And, but I only tell it as I DID overcome ALL of those problems !!! Like it IS a story with a good out come !!! And I WOULD like to help other Younger people do this also !!! !!! (So please do not pull this fellows !)


… Yes I am OK now ... got to control my Hatred of the Brogans and Gutter Trash back home !!! But well I CAN do that … Like step on, of  I wanted to do that a Bit better !!! Or anything !!! ... Go back, and level with them All !!! ... THEN !!! compromise and well ….. Then you have Safety, in another country. (Well I have been in 64 now you know, and got past the end of the dock in all of them as well !!! … Like maybe 100 more also but I only got to the bar at the end of the dock !!! Right ??? ... The only exploring to do, was find the ship again, after a skin full during the night, at Closing time !!!


But well Life IS good now. and well I might go back to only 3 places. ... Germany, Malaysia and well Australia, … my Home of course. (And Medicare for free Doctors and meds also !!! … Though NO more free mental Health chancers, or the social experimenters any more for me ANY more thanks. ... Like I wonder if I ever would have got off of those pills and out of their system if I had not have !!! ???


… Though I always will take any Non Practicing Bosnian Muslim Councilors though !!! … Like I had better think up a better synario ??? … So that I can get another Great and free one off of the Government again !!!  ???)


OWS ... Once Was Steptoe.


.... And the Councilor was From OARS “Offender Assistance and Rehabilitation Service” … a pretty Great organization in Australia you know,  I was NOT an Offender, but just get a referral … Possibly, ? … from beyond Blue !!! (The Life line People) … Like I did not have to make up a good story for them, !!! ... As it Actually had ! and was still happening to me !!! … (And well it was Government Money for CV 19 Mental Health damage also i think, like they DID do quite a good job back then I think !!!


So well Oars saved my head, … after the Hospital fixed me up physically (Like got me off of the Alcohol, and fixed up a Historic Urinary Track Infection, … and got me back home again.) … Like and I do still donate any spare Money that I have on occasion to these two organizations…. Like The RAH, Royal Adelaide Hospital …and OARS.


And Hey !!! … Any trouble here anymore ???  NO, !!! …. Not at all any More .. most of the Thais I know are actually worse that I was !!! … Har Har !!!  But they all seem to Know how just to “Get On” !!! ??? Right ???


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1 hour ago, Speedhump said:

I typed a long deep reply which my phone has lost. ????


The following is more terse, but not meant in any harsh way. 


Your style of writing definitely displays an excitable, volatile nature. I am not like that. Calm, always seen as quiet and funny but well-adjusted, maybe even boring (I don't know you so I'm NOT saying you're the opposite). 30 days of drugs cured my mood. I had no 'physical' problems, as is the same for many/most who need a TEMPORARY mood stabiliser. 


I hope you're well.


Mens sans in corpore sano., ????????



Yes I think that what sort of Drugs would really be the Question, Like yes some might have been Good but well in My experience they had put me on the worst of the Anti Depressant, and my Carer Friend knew it !!! and was NOT very happy !!! ... Like the really harsh ones take over a month to get used to they say !!! Like just seems wat WAY to fatal and Serious to me. ? Maybe you drugs were better ???... Like valium !!! Highly Addictive, but well if it fixed you and then you stopped taking it !!! Well YES that would be quite a success I think. ... But well watch the Doctors !!! ... Mine was WRONG !!! Like a career Un or lowly Trained ??? ... so called "our best" Mental Health GP !!! ... Typing the stories in to his Computer !!! ... AND giving out the WRONG MEDCATION !!! ... I think !!! Like they are around you Know !!! ???

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3 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes I think that what sort of Drugs would really be the Question, Like yes some might have been Good but well in My experience they had put me on the worst of the Anti Depressant, and my Carer Friend knew it !!! and was NOT very happy !!! ... Like the really harsh ones take over a month to get used to they say !!! Like just seems wat WAY to fatal and Serious to me. ? Maybe you drugs were better ???... Like valium !!! Highly Addictive, but well if it fixed you and then you stopped taking it !!! Well YES that would be quite a success I think. ... But well watch the Doctors !!! ... Mine was WRONG !!! Like a career Un or lowly Trained ??? ... so called "our best" Mental Health GP !!! ... Typing the stories in to his Computer !!! ... AND giving out the WRONG MEDCATION !!! ... I think !!! Like they are around you Know !!! ???

There are good doctors and average doctors, and the very rare bad doctor, I agree. They're under huge pressure too. My doc had a breakdown, he was a sweet guy, and sad to say, actually maybe too empathetic to be a GP.


As I said, we're all different people, who respond to drugs in different ways. It's bad that you had a bad experience, but you do know that every drug has potential side effects, right? Don't allow a drug to enter your system unless you know the potential downside and are ready for it if it happens. Doctors aren't magicians and they don't have crystal balls. They just do their best.


My wife takes cocktails of drugs for her cancer. Sometimes they change. But we look out for the potential side effects and tell the oncologist if there's a problem so we can change the medication. It's a matter of taking some responsibility for your own treatment.


Good luck in the future ????????

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8 hours ago, Speedhump said:

There are good doctors and average doctors, and the very rare bad doctor, I agree. They're under huge pressure too. My doc had a breakdown, he was a sweet guy, and sad to say, actually maybe too empathetic to be a GP.


As I said, we're all different people, who respond to drugs in different ways. It's bad that you had a bad experience, but you do know that every drug has potential side effects, right? Don't allow a drug to enter your system unless you know the potential downside and are ready for it if it happens. Doctors aren't magicians and they don't have crystal balls. They just do their best.


My wife takes cocktails of drugs for her cancer. Sometimes they change. But we look out for the potential side effects and tell the oncologist if there's a problem so we can change the medication. It's a matter of taking some responsibility for your own treatment.


Good luck in the future ????????

Please Excuse Any Touch screen Typing errors That might get through eith the rest of my just ( Deleted) Grammar.. as I am on my Phone.


Thanks Mate !!! Very well Said. ... My ex Councillor was having a Horendous Custody Dispute with his ex wife, while he was fixing me up !!! ... And I was very Sorry for him also.


And my Doctor was an ok well a very Good Doctor. A Malay Muslim Actually. Like if you do not want a Muslim or Indian Doctor in Australia now !!! ... Well good Luck with trying to fine another one !!!!! ...


So Luckily I do like them.


My Fellow Dr. Abdullah was a good Doctor but well Mental Health was just his pet Subject ! ? ??? ... So I was not to sure on how good he was at that ? ... Like I am not sure if he was trained in it or not. ??? 


But as you say. I WAS aware of the potential Dangers with ! The Anti Depressants because my Carer Friend had told me about them so, Yes I was ready for them and Thanks mate !!!


Nice letter. And I am ok now !!!  ... Rooster is Back !!! And well thongs are better in Thailand now than in a Lot of other Places I think.


And Have a good Day !!!


And the very best of Luck with your Wife !!! ... !!! The Very Best !! 



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12 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes I think that what sort of Drugs would really be the Question, Like yes some might have been Good but well in My experience they had put me on the worst of the Anti Depressant, and my Carer Friend knew it !!! and was NOT very happy !!! ... Like the really harsh ones take over a month to get used to they say !!! Like just seems wat WAY to fatal and Serious to me. ? Maybe you drugs were better ???... Like valium !!! Highly Addictive, but well if it fixed you and then you stopped taking it !!! Well YES that would be quite a success I think. ... But well watch the Doctors !!! ... Mine was WRONG !!! Like a career Un or lowly Trained ??? ... so called "our best" Mental Health GP !!! ... Typing the stories in to his Computer !!! ... AND giving out the WRONG MEDCATION !!! ... I think !!! Like they are around you Know !!! ???

Well it probably was ! The Right Medication !!! ... But just not the Right one fir me !!! Like trying out Pill Shopping when I actually was probably not very sick so did not need them probably was my own Fault I guess. ...


Like it realy wss all precititated just by the CV 19 disaster !!! ... And I never realy should have tried the Anti Depresents !!! As I actualy probably did not need them ...I just needed to deal with the CV 19 Disaster ...Well And The Alcoholism I guess. ... As many people and my self still have to.


Alcohol Eithdrawl and Anti Depresents !!! Yes !!! Not a very goof combinatipn at that tome Mark mark  !!!

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