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Farangs Who 'go Native'.......


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I doubt the locals are laughing at him behind his back, I imagine he has a good laugh right along with them. The locals around me are always laughing when I speak with them because my Thai's not perfect and they find it completely hysterical that I can cut rubber trees!! I have a great laugh with them, it's all in fun. I think most people know that Thai's aren't very serious people. I've also been known to get around in a sarong because they're so easy, so cool (as in temperature, not funky :o ), so comfortable (I am female BTW). I'm not trying to be Thai, but I do live here so it's natural to speak their language, eat their food and pay respect to people by waiing (like saying thank you in our culture).

I think it's sad that more farang aren't more culturally aware of their surroundings. It's not about loosing your own identity but fitting in and not being disrespectful. An example - if I went around wearing a thin strapped, tight fitting singlet (which is completely normal in my own country) in my village, everyone would talk about me being a sl*t, so therefore I wear clothes that cover my shoulders and don't stick to me like glue. But when you get me out of my village into a touristy spot I'll wear "normal" clothes dependant on the weather... I think it's great your friend is having such a good time fitting in. Many farang could learn a valuable lesson from Thais about not taking life so seriously :D

RueFanf, more power to you. Whenever I visit other countries I always make time to assimilate to the locals dued to the fact that I was a female solo traveler. In Egypt and Morocca I wore long sleep top and long loose skirt, topped with head scarve, to blend in with the crowd.

Yours outlook for living in foreign lands shows that you're intelligent, broaded-mind, cloth stylist and optimist.

Good luck in the LOS. :D

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Many this dont really understand a ferang acting like a thai -- and they usually assume it is because they are poor.  They have a term for ferangs acting in this mode - "key nok" ferang.  Literaly translated - "bird shit" ferang. But really implying that you are a poor ferang so have resorted to going naitive.

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Many this dont really understand a ferang acting like a thai -- and they usually assume it is because they are poor.  They have a term for ferangs acting in this mode - "key nok" ferang.  Literaly translated - "bird shit" ferang. But really implying that you are a poor ferang so have resorted to going naitive.

i have seen far too many thai soap operas / dramas. However "native" i go, i could never "act" like a thai :o

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Many this dont really understand a ferang acting like a thai -- and they usually assume it is because they are poor.  They have a term for ferangs acting in this mode - "key nok" ferang.  Literaly translated - "bird shit" ferang. But really implying that you are a poor ferang so have resorted to going naitive.

"Farang Kee Nok" is a type of Guava tree that grows amongst other fruits such as mangoes.(I feel like I'm on that Call My Bluff program)

It spreads by birds eating the seeds then flying off and shitting the see somewhere else. The foreigner who is seen amonst "baan nok" or country people is called this as he is out his own environment(like the 'farang kee nok tree in the mango orchard). Many foreigners hear this and thinkthe worst, but don't actually know what it means, including myself in the past.

Also, the fruit doesn't have much meat on it, so the poor people end up eating it -hence the poor foreigner is sometimes called it.

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Neeranam, you're full of the right information.

Strange, but I don't see the troppos as a problem.

They're usually harmless and the locals leave them be.

Maybe they didn't have a life before landing in LOS.

And maybe the Thais are friendlier than the folks they left behind.

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

If he hadn't been a bar hopping drunk whoremonger to start with , he would never have got married and ended up going native.

i pose the question,

is it better to be like this guy and go native, or is it better to be a bar hoping drunk, hormonger at a sea side resort.?

ill answer that one so none of you guys get confused. :o

i'll go with the guy going native. :D

thank you very much. :D

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If you want to live in your farang bubble, why did you travel halfway across the world??

Stay home.

The whole point of living in a foreign country is to enjoy the experience, to the full. :o

To Wai is good manners.

Thai food is very tasty, you should try it.

Thai dress can be very comfortable in the right situations.

IME local people appreciate the effort a farang makes to integrate.

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

If he hadn't been a bar hopping drunk whoremonger to start with , he would never have got married and ended up going native.

i pose the question,

is it better to be like this guy and go native, or is it better to be a bar hoping drunk, hormonger at a sea side resort.?

ill answer that one so none of you guys get confused. :D

i'll go with the guy going native. :D

thank you very much. :D

I'm assuming the part in bold is your contribution, biggle? Firstly, if you are going to put your response inside other member's quotes, can you put it in bold or a different colour, so we can see the difference between what you have to say & what others have said? Thanks.

Secondly, what an offensive load of codswallop. So, all Thai ladies with Farang men are/were BG's? I personally know many that aren't/weren't. And calling all farang men living here with Thai partners "whoremongers" is also extremely offensive. Again, I know many who do not fit that pattern. A simple tip for life that my Dad drummed into me from childhood might just help you out. "Engage brain before opening mouth" or in this case "before putting fingers on keyboard" :o

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

If he hadn't been a bar hopping drunk whoremonger to start with , he would never have got married and ended up going native.

i pose the question,

is it better to be like this guy and go native, or is it better to be a bar hoping drunk, hormonger at a sea side resort.?

ill answer that one so none of you guys get confused. :D

i'll go with the guy going native. :D

thank you very much. :D

I'm assuming the part in bold is your contribution, biggle? Firstly, if you are going to put your response inside other member's quotes, can you put it in bold or a different colour, so we can see the difference between what you have to say & what others have said? Thanks.

Secondly, what an offensive load of codswallop. So, all Thai ladies with Farang men are/were BG's? I personally know many that aren't/weren't. And calling all farang men living here with Thai partners "whoremongers" is also extremely offensive. Again, I know many who do not fit that pattern. A simple tip for life that my Dad drummed into me from childhood might just help you out. "Engage brain before opening mouth" or in this case "before putting fingers on keyboard" :o

It's called trolling and trolls are best ignored !

totster :D

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

If he hadn't been a bar hopping drunk whoremonger to start with , he would never have got married and ended up going native.

i pose the question,

is it better to be like this guy and go native, or is it better to be a bar hoping drunk, hormonger at a sea side resort.?

ill answer that one so none of you guys get confused. :D

i'll go with the guy going native. :D

thank you very much. :D

I'm assuming the part in bold is your contribution, biggle? Firstly, if you are going to put your response inside other member's quotes, can you put it in bold or a different colour, so we can see the difference between what you have to say & what others have said? Thanks.

Secondly, what an offensive load of codswallop. So, all Thai ladies with Farang men are/were BG's? I personally know many that aren't/weren't. And calling all farang men living here with Thai partners "whoremongers" is also extremely offensive. Again, I know many who do not fit that pattern. A simple tip for life that my Dad drummed into me from childhood might just help you out. "Engage brain before opening mouth" or in this case "before putting fingers on keyboard" :o

You tell him NR. I was going to reply to that post before but decided it wasn't worth my time.

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?


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I live out in the boonies and eat Thai food because I like it. I DON"T drink Lao kao with the natives because I don't like it. I try to be polite and try not to offend anyone. I dress exactly the way I want and that is shorts, a T shirt and sandals. Some of my favorite T shirts are a little ragged. So what? I speak enough Thai to get by but normally tell those who want to try to have a conversation that I don't understand. Mai kow jai. I don't have to be anyone except who I am. I admire people who assimilate into the culture but how I act and what I do is entirely up to me. Up to you too.



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I doubt the locals are laughing at him behind his back, I imagine he has a good laugh right along with them. The locals around me are always laughing when I speak with them because my Thai's not perfect and they find it completely hysterical that I can cut rubber trees!! I have a great laugh with them, it's all in fun. I think most people know that Thai's aren't very serious people. I've also been known to get around in a sarong because they're so easy, so cool (as in temperature, not funky :o ), so comfortable (I am female BTW). I'm not trying to be Thai, but I do live here so it's natural to speak their language, eat their food and pay respect to people by waiing (like saying thank you in our culture).

I think it's sad that more farang aren't more culturally aware of their surroundings. It's not about loosing your own identity but fitting in and not being disrespectful. An example - if I went around wearing a thin strapped, tight fitting singlet (which is completely normal in my own country) in my village, everyone would talk about me being a sl*t, so therefore I wear clothes that cover my shoulders and don't stick to me like glue. But when you get me out of my village into a touristy spot I'll wear "normal" clothes dependant on the weather... I think it's great your friend is having such a good time fitting in. Many farang could learn a valuable lesson from Thais about not taking life so seriously :D

RueFanf, more power to you. Whenever I visit other countries I always make time to assimilate to the locals dued to the fact that I was a female solo traveler. In Egypt and Morocca I wore long sleep top and long loose skirt, topped with head scarve, to blend in with the crowd.

Yours outlook for living in foreign lands shows that you're intelligent, broaded-mind, cloth stylist and optimist.

Good luck in the LOS. :D

Well said. Well done. The two of you.

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I visited an old friend up country where he lives in a little village with his Wife, her Kids and extended Family the other day, and frankly I was shocked!

He has gone completely Native......Dressing Thai, speaking Thai, eating Thai, waiing all over the place etc.

I asked my GF what the locals think of him. She told me that they laughed behind his back.

Now ain't that sad? There he is integrating himself to death, and they think it's funny.

And this got me thinking. At a time when Thailand is becoming more and more Westernized, what possible reason is there for us Farangs to go the other way?

By all means respect Thai customs, Religion etc, but keep your own for Gawd's sake!

I know, I know most of you do. But there are plenty of peeps who are losing their identity.

And I think it's a shame. Agreed?

i pose the question,

is it better to be like this guy and go native, or is it better to be a bar hoping drunk, hormonger at a sea side resort.?

ill answer that one so none of you guys get confused. :o

i'll go with the guy going native. :D

thank you very much. :D

No No No.. drunk sex tourist wins hands down any day

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It doesn't matter how well you speak, read and write Thai. It doesn't matter how well you understand the culture. The Thais will never accept you as a Thai. They are, on the whole a pretty xenophobic race.

This is not the case say in the UK. An Indian, or a West Indian will be regarded as British if he integrates, not so in Thailand.

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This is not the case say in the UK. An Indian, or a West Indian will be regarded as British if he integrates, not so in Thailand.

How long in Thailand would he have to be for you to consider him British? :o

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It doesn't matter how well you speak, read and write Thai. It doesn't matter how well you understand the culture. The Thais will never accept you as a Thai. They are, on the whole a pretty xenophobic race.

This is not the case say in the UK. An Indian, or a West Indian will be regarded as British if he integrates, not so in Thailand.

There are exceptions Sir Burr(clever name BTW).

What about Jonas, Biggs? I'd say they, especially Jonas have been totally acepted as being Thai.

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It doesn't matter how well you speak, read and write Thai. It doesn't matter how well you understand the culture. The Thais will never accept you as a Thai. They are, on the whole a pretty xenophobic race.

This is not the case say in the UK. An Indian, or a West Indian will be regarded as British if he integrates, not so in Thailand.

There are exceptions Sir Burr(clever name BTW).

What about Jonas, Biggs? I'd say they, especially Jonas have been totally acepted as being Thai.

Possibly two. Bet they are still regarded as farung. Bet if you ask a Thai if they are Thai the answer would be no.

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A new village idot, they must enjoy having more than one now.

They do not want you in such state and learning the language and customs is enough and being yourself is most respected, trying to be one of them is not. He lost face most definetly trying to be something he is not.

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It doesn't matter how well you speak, read and write Thai. It doesn't matter how well you understand the culture. The Thais will never accept you as a Thai. They are, on the whole a pretty xenophobic race.

This is not the case say in the UK. An Indian, or a West Indian will be regarded as British if he integrates, not so in Thailand.

excuse me mr lancelott,

could you please explain why you think you should ever be considered thai.? :o

your a round eye'd, white farang i imagine? and the idea that you should be excepted as a thai is absolutely a pile of bollicks. :D

i mean, what do you want mate, your very lucky they even let us come here to this brilliant country without people crying out we should be excepted as "THAI".

just come here, spend all your money having a top time and the silly notion that the thai are xenophobic will fade away.

but on the other hand, i will agree that some thai are xenophobic and i must say i cant blame them with some of the farang rubbish that get around the place. :D:D

and just to finish off, im sure that all the english punters love the old blighty being filled up with indians and there are a ton of them that have turned xenophobic. if you think i jest just read a few of the threads about there situation.

certainly dont want that happenning in thailand. :D

thank you very much.

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A new village idot, they must enjoy having more than one now.

They do not want you in such state and learning the language and customs is enough and being yourself is most respected, trying to be one of them is not. He lost face most definetly trying to be something he is not.

Why do people think doing things like a thai does means not being themselves? Maybe they enjoy doing things that way?

I do. I like to Morlam. I do it much better than the thais themselves do. And they love it. I enjoy acting like one of them when I am in their village. And they love it. And I don't need to ask my wife about that. There are of course things that I do it my way and they fully understand it.

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Oh NR, forgot to say welcome to HK!

Enjoyed it? First time? Did you go to see the fire works?

Still here? Let me know if you need anything.

Ooops! :o Lucky Dog doesn't like that in his threads :D

Yeah, had a nice break, thanks. No, I missed the fireworks - just missed the handover 10th anniversary. I left late Saturday night. Never mind, I was there at the original. I lived there for 7 years prior to moving to Thailand. Bit of an Asiaphile, me. :D Is that a word? Thanks for asking. :D

:D Back on topic, now.

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I am sure you do enjoy MORLAM and they find it amusing.... hahaha


A new village idot, they must enjoy having more than one now.

They do not want you in such state and learning the language and customs is enough and being yourself is most respected, trying to be one of them is not. He lost face most definetly trying to be something he is not.

Why do people think doing things like a thai does means not being themselves? Maybe they enjoy doing things that way?

I do. I like to Morlam. I do it much better than the thais themselves do. And they love it. I enjoy acting like one of them when I am in their village. And they love it. And I don't need to ask my wife about that. There are of course things that I do it my way and they fully understand it.

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I been following the topic a few days, and had a thought about it. Looking at it from the Thais point of view, I too laugh at white guys acting black or hispanic. Ever see a white man walking like a black man or talking like a Mexican? Just to be cool?

I see nothing funny about the way a black man walks, or a mexican talks, unless a white man is doing it. Only thing funnier is a white woman acting black (with the head weaving back and forth). It's just funny to me, hope no one gets mad. :o

Chung *j*

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Many people that are brown, black or yellow, round-eyed, or slant eyed are considered as British or American.

In Thailand you have to be ethnicly Thai (or Chinese to ever be considered Thai. That is my whole point.

and thats exactly why thailand does not have the racial problems that england and america have, as they have keep thailand for themselves and i salute them for there top work. :D

i mean, just have a think for a millisecond about the name opf the country. " THAILAND" = land of the thai or free thai. it dont mean" farangland" and i hope they always keep there policy off, thailand for thai people.

thank you very much.

and just to keep on topic, this cat can go native but can never become thai, thats ok with me and ill play by there rules as its there country and not mine. :o

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