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Shoplifting In Thailand


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Does anyone know the laws surrounding shop-lifting in Thailand?

A Thai friend told me recently that if a somebody takes something from Carrefour, for example, they will only get charged 6x the original price of the goods they were trying to steal. Then they are free to go - no police or any other follow-up. They can return to the shop anytime and be treated like a normal customer.

Is this true? No police? No interview/statement taking or review of the cameras in the shop? No criminal record? Is this some Buddha/karma thing ingrained in the culture?

Does it apply to non-Thais as well...?

(I am NOT thinking of doing this myself!)

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No it's not true, There was a farang guy arrested here in Phuket a while ago for stealing a bottle of wine.

theres a guy in samui prison doing 3 years for nicking a bottle of scotch ,most supermarkets in samui have signs saying if caught you pay 50 x the cost ,just pay and you wont have a problem :o

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i heard recently a farang got caught with a bottle of thai whisky. Now that is really desperate! But at least he would have only had to pay 180 baht to get off :o

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Shouldn't really matter what the penalty is, as from my understanding it is wrong to steal anyway.

So, I have little sympathy for idiots who decide to just go in and shoplift and hope to get away with. As for Farangs doing it, the penalty should be harsh and then deported immediatley after payment of fine or completion of sentence, but not at the taxpayers expense. We have enough problems with image here, without some numbnutted chav making things worse.

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A couple of years ago the brother of my ex brother in law changed his old shoes for new one , left the old one in the shop.

Got caught and been taken , his brother had to pay 200k , if not his little brother would have to take serious jailtime.....

I feel no sorry for anyone attempting or doing shoplifting or stealing whatever from anyone , I really hate people doing any of this , it is such stupidity , mentally disorder in my opinion . The only way to make it considerable or understanding is when people have no other way to feed themselves or their children , but still their should always be a way to pay what you need.

It is just out of my mind and have no respect for people doing this for whatever reason.

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i heard recently a farang got caught with a bottle of thai whisky. Now that is really desperate! But at least he would have only had to pay 180 baht to get off :o

I am not sure of the store but I think it was Big C on Second Road in Pattaya a few months ago. It was on Pattaya People TV at the time. I remember because it seemed so stupid he would take the chance for cheap stuff. If you are going to steal why not go for the gusto? As usual there was no follow-up to tell us what happened to him.

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  • 2 years later...

AFAIK, the punishment is that you are lodged in some third-rate rathole hotel and threatened with longterm imprisonment unless you cough up a few hundred thousand baht....

Apparently these rules apply even if you have not been shoplifting :)


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Depending on the management, branches of 7-11 etc.... fine the shoplifter 100 times. If the thief refuses to pay, then he'll be handed over to the cops.

Average sentence for petty theft? 6 month suspended to 18 months behind bars; depends on the value of the produce, location of attempted theft and character of the thief etc...

Source - A High Court Judge (family friend)

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6 times is the figure I heard years ago.

Like many other things, it will probably be increased for the farang

Probably????? Yet bet your bottom dollar it will. Lots and lots of intimidation and threats first followed by thousands of baht fine and/or jail for westeners guaranteed!!!!!

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In the case of shoplifting after the sun goes down ----

Criminal Code Section 334:

Any person intentionally taking away (commiting theft) shall be imprisoned not more than 3 years

Criminal Code Section 335:

Any person intentionally taking away (commiting theft) at night shall be imprisoned between one and seven years

Edited by jacobbells
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