They are available with documentation as to their abilities. When I complained 20 years ago to the local owner of the company who built my house about the cable spaghetti in the loft I was told it was 'Thai standard'. By coincidence I mentioned this 'in passing' to a civil servant at our Ampoer in Isaan who told me that in my own village was a highly qualified electrician whose documentation allowed him to wire not only private houses but also hotels and government buildings. I sought out this friendly, humble 50 year old and asked him to inspect my loft, on inspection he burst out laughing when I said I was told it was 'Thai standard', he said it was a fire hazard. In 3 days he alone with an assistant brought it to Thai standard, changed all the cables going down to the plugs and even changed the fuse box with a second hand unit for free. After 3 days there wasn't a cable to be seen in the loft, all in pipes attached to the walls. I paid for all the material and he charged me 1,000 Baht per day for his work, I gave him 5,000 instead of 3,000 which embarrassed him and he tried to refuse the extra money but I was so pleased by the result it was worth it.
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