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Corruption's Reach

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In the past (USA), my dogs never ate dog food.  Now, Thailand, it's about 50/50,  table/dog food.


As I myself now take a daily supplement, since not eating the most balanced diet here.  Hoping the dog food is fortified also.


Shouldn't be much of a surprise, as corporations have their lobbyist everywhere.

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I've had three CKD dogs and last man standing cat still with me recently diagnosed. Every single vet has those (always white packaging - illusion of clinical) 'prescription foods' and everyone of them push them hard. What surprised me the most, not that there are just three corporations, Mars - Royal Canin, Hills - Palm olive/Colgate and Nestle - Purina Renal, were all funding veterinarian schools globally. Even installing their staff. Cat on it's last legs after RC renal crap so have taken him off it and feed him mousse and senior cat food for water content and lowered phosphorous. Done a 180. I posted the link on a cat site and was effectively banned. So anyone out there feeling bullied into forking out a fortune for this sh!t, tell them to eat it themselves and you'll be back in a week to see the results.

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