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A Clever Con.


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One fine day the 'phone rang in my mate's restaurant on 2nd Rd.

It was an English speaking Thai lady.

She was closing her shop, she said, and wanted to sell 40000bhts worth of Heinekin for 20000bht.

Bob (not his real name) said yes he would have the Beer.

The Woman said it will be delivered by my Man at two oclock tomorrow. Have the cash ready.

Next day the pickup with the boxes of Beer arrived and the driver started to unload.......

After a few had been taken into the restaurant, the Lady who had called came hurridly in.

Could she have the money as she was on her way to a meeting. She promised to bring a receipt that evening as she pocketed the 20000bht, and left.

The Driver dumped the last box on the counter and asked for 40000bht.

Bob said he had already paid the Lady for the Beer.

The Driver asked what Lady he was talkng about..... etc.

When Bob refused to release the Heinekin, the Cops were called. They told him he had to pay the 40000bht or give the delivery man the beer back. And that is what he did!

Nice one eh?

Now. Have I said that there are more Cons in Thailand than in.....er where ever?

No. I have not. So for Gards sake don't check with Bluddy Google.......

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One fine day the 'phone rang in my mate's restaurant on 2nd Rd.

It was an English speaking Thai lady.

She was closing her shop, she said, and wanted to sell 40000bhts worth of Heinekin for 20000bht.

Bob (not his real name) said yes he would have the Beer.

The Woman said it will be delivered by my Man at two oclock tomorrow. Have the cash ready.

Next day the pickup with the boxes of Beer arrived and the driver started to unload.......

After a few had been taken into the restaurant, the Lady who had called came hurridly in.

Could she have the money as she was on her way to a meeting. She promised to bring a receipt that evening as she pocketed the 20000bht, and left.

The Driver dumped the last box on the counter and asked for 40000bht.

Bob said he had already paid the Lady for the Beer.

The Driver asked what Lady he was talkng about..... etc.

When Bob refused to release the Heinekin, the Cops were called. They told him he had to pay the 40000bht or give the delivery man the beer back. And that is what he did!

Nice one eh?

Now. Have I said that there are more Cons in Thailand than in.....er where ever?

No. I have not. So for Gards sake don't check with Bluddy Google.......

thats a good con , glad it didnt happen to me :o

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Well, hope your friend is better as business as judging people !

your story sound a little bit strange to me, the delivery man was there ( was her man ) the lady came at the same time , they did not spook to each other , and you hand the cash .. hum ...

I hope he know, who the landlord his..

Address please :o

Edited by simcity
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There are fools born every minute in the world and most of them are in Thailand.

I have seen and heard so many stories of foolish farangs so nothing surprises me. They should write a book about this topic.

Usually, I hear about old fools putting everything including the land, house, and car/truck under his wives/girlfriends name and loose everything after that. Sad but reality in Thailand.

My best advice. USE YOUR COMMON SENSES..........................or learn the hard way like many ignorant jackasses do.

Edited by Gary74
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I think that's a bit harsh, Gary. It was a very good con. She orders the beer, cash on delivery and the farang watches the guy unload it all. He doesn't think to ask the driver "how much?", because he's already agreed the deal with the woman. She watches from nearby, making sure there isn't any problem - i.e. making sure the farang doesn't talk to the driver about paying him - and then she quickly appears, takes the money and disappears. The farang's got his beer, the woman's gone with the money, and the only problem is the delivery guy who finishes unloading and now wants his money. Very clever.

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I recon unless the delivery guy communicates with the buyer (which would mean he had to speak English, or the buyer spoke Thai) then this con would be very easy to fall for. I don’t think the guy was a fool at all, unless your extremely untrusting or the woman was obviously a fake there would be no reason to believe otherwise.


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One fine day the 'phone rang in my mate's restaurant on 2nd Rd.

It was an English speaking Thai lady.

She was closing her shop, she said, and wanted to sell 40000bhts worth of Heinekin for 20000bht.

Bob (not his real name) said yes he would have the Beer.

The Woman said it will be delivered by my Man at two oclock tomorrow. Have the cash ready.

Next day the pickup with the boxes of Beer arrived and the driver started to unload.......

After a few had been taken into the restaurant, the Lady who had called came hurridly in.

Could she have the money as she was on her way to a meeting. She promised to bring a receipt that evening as she pocketed the 20000bht, and left.

The Driver dumped the last box on the counter and asked for 40000bht.

Bob said he had already paid the Lady for the Beer.

The Driver asked what Lady he was talkng about..... etc.

When Bob refused to release the Heinekin, the Cops were called. They told him he had to pay the 40000bht or give the delivery man the beer back. And that is what he did!

Nice one eh?

Now. Have I said that there are more Cons in Thailand than in.....er where ever?

No. I have not. So for Gards sake don't check with Bluddy Google.......

This is a scam used in the Uk perhaps she saw the program there I think its called the "real hustle" or somethign similar. they did the same trick with champagne in Lobnodo recently, selling it cheap etc to lure people in. If it seems to good to be true it probably is they say!!!!!

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There are fools born every minute in the world and most of them are in Thailand.

I have seen and heard so many stories of foolish farangs so nothing surprises me. They should write a book about this topic.

Usually, I hear about old fools putting everything including the land, house, and car/truck under his wives/girlfriends name and loose everything after that. Sad but reality in Thailand.

My best advice. USE YOUR COMMON SENSES..........................or learn the hard way like many ignorant jackasses do.

Why don't you write the book then, smart guy? Turn your spell-check on first.

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I reckon it could be a case of it being a joint effort conveniently used to exploit human natures greed and gullibilty.

Especially in T.L.O. a million potential customers.

It happens all over the world by the way.

IMHO of course.

marshbags :o:D

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Nobody else have alarm bells ring when something sounds too good to be true? I'd have run a mile from this offer.

Whats wrong with running your business as a business and not as a series of jack the lad deals? ie, if your bar needs beer, buy it from your regular supplier.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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The guy in question sounds like a bit of a doughnut IMO. :o

That's unfair Dave. He was in a bad financial state and the opportunity to make a good profit seemed too good to miss. Sadly he has gone out of business now.

Con artists succeed, by playing on human greed, and that makes their prey, throw caution to the wind..........

Edited by Luckydog
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That's a nasty con alright. I'd like to think I'd have done better. I don't like to be rushed, so I probably wouldn't have paid until the truck was completely unloaded. I'd also have been afraid that the woman would have gotten her money and left me with less than the full truck of beer. But I'm suspicious that way.

Sorry for your friend. But if 20,000 Baht puts him out of business, maybe he shouldn't have been in business in the first place?

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