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Australian Who Escaped From Klong Prem Prison Writes A Book

sriracha john

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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

A surprisingly ill-considered remark for you Bendix. I'd expect better.

Actually, I thought it was pretty well on the mark.

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It's not right that people should make money because they broke the law.

You would have to be a complete idiot not to be aware of what awaits you should you get caught smuggling drugs in LOS.

Easy money if you get away with it.....but if not !

Who does he think he is Ronnie Biggs???

Your theory that if you get caught smuggling in LOS you will go to jail is completley wrong.... if one has enough money at the right time, and right person, you have high the chance of going free. i could fill pages with storys i have heard of this.

Another thign alot of people do not like to hear and face up to is- the vast majority of people who smuggle in drugs ( the illegal ones) get away with it.Ask that ex PM who is now in UK who aparently started off the same way.

Its the brits I love and respect, they were the worlds biggest( illegal- although then looked upon differntly) drug exporters ' buy our drugs or we will bomb the crap out of you' and they did and made them selves very wealthy

because there will always be people who will buy their wares ( like me) they will always smuggle. Supply and demand.same with the ladys.

So is it not time we readdress this stupid law? people- it just ain,t working, and can will never work

spending so much money on chasing these people, putting them in jail, when they will be replaced faster than a thai PM is just plain money wasting,pointless and dumb

why bother?

wanna stop them? wanna stop the crime associated, the corruption- semi legalise...

I would buy his book. I think its only natural that any human would want to escape the horrific conditions of such a backward, corrupt , inhmane prison system

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...drug ssmuggler...

selling drugs for aliving for me is tantamount to murder ,hope his book rots on the self :o

legal?, illegal ones?, the 1 in 20 more times more poision ones... ( the quote of the year, followed buy, please do more research..)

so, we,ll go and hang all the chemists shall we

the people who drink beer in the middle east because its illegal in some places there- these people who sell this beer are same a murders are they?

we are making ral progress here

can you please be a little more vague? if possible

you have a right to opinion, I,d like to know what it is

and how you can put in same bracket as murder?

one is free will- one is not

I will buy his book and continue to buy what i chose from people like him because I have no choice

should ( hang too?)

I congratulate him upon his escape from this outdated, barabric system and that he has just gotten egg all over the faces of the hang ,em high bunch

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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

A surprisingly ill-considered remark for you Bendix. I'd expect better.

Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.

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Word seldom fail me, but now they do. What a ridiculous thing and shame on the publishers :o

Makes you wonder! What if Paul Francis Gadd was to write his memoirs, would he get such a deal! Disgraceful!

There's a bit of a difference between escaping from a Thai jail and 'glam rock'.

It's not about the money - it's a good read. I'd

read Gary Glitter'sbook and this Ozzie guys. If you don't want to read it don't.

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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

A surprisingly ill-considered remark for you Bendix. I'd expect better.

Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.

Firstly, I think you're mixing me up with someone else - I've never had any credibility.

Secondly, do you really think heroin - in it's pure form(not the Khlong Teoie stuff) is more dangerous than alcohol?

Do you have any idea how many people die in Thailand every year due to alcohol abuse/accidents etc? It's unbelievably more than for heroin.

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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

A surprisingly ill-considered remark for you Bendix. I'd expect better.

Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.

Firstly, I think you're mixing me up with someone else - I've never had any credibility.

Secondly, do you really think heroin - in it's pure form(not the Khlong Teoie stuff) is more dangerous than alcohol?

Do you have any idea how many people die in Thailand every year due to alcohol abuse/accidents etc? It's unbelievably more than for heroin.

Could that have anything to do with the fact that 25% of the population drinks while less than 1% (guess) shoots heroin?

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Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.

Pharmaceutical grade heroin is not dangerous. Certainly no more dangerous than many legally prescribed drugs anyway, if you want to talk in comparative terms. This was confirmed to me by multiple sources (doctors) during research for the thesis I did for my first degree. It's the effects of prohibition and criminalization that make heroin dangerous.


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Could that have anything to do with the fact that 25% of the population drinks while less than 1% (guess) shoots heroin?

No, it's because alcohol is more a far more dangerous drug than heroin (probably even most of the crap that is passed off as 'heroin' because the drug is illegal) in terms of toxicity. Alcohol metabolizes into formaldehyde: a poison...

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Pharmaceutical grade heroin is not dangerous. Certainly no more dangerous than many legally prescribed drugs anyway,

Absolutely, drugs like benzodiazepines - xanax, valium etc are much worse with a lot longer, harder withdrawal. Many of the doctors in Thailand should be locked up for handing out these drugs like smarties.

20% of adults are on these drugs - no wonder it's called the land of smiles.

Edited by Neeranam
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Could that have anything to do with the fact that 25% of the population drinks while less than 1% (guess) shoots heroin?

No, it's because alcohol is more a far more dangerous drug than heroin (probably even most of the crap that is passed off as 'heroin' because the drug is illegal) in terms of toxicity. Alcohol metabolizes into formaldehyde: a poison...

Well, with that being said I suggest you go pay a visit to Mr. Chalerm and ask him to overturn the drugs laws here, or at the very least ammend them to include alcohol.

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Well, with that being said I suggest you go pay a visit to Mr. Chalerm and ask him to overturn the drugs laws here, or at the very least ammend them to include alcohol.

Are you really this naive james, that you think alcohol is somehow safer than most banned drugs because it's legal? Anyway, I'd love to stay and argue the toss with you, but I've got an awful rattle and I've got to go and score some more smack (I'M JOKING), I've got to go to the bank. See you all later...


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Well, with that being said I suggest you go pay a visit to Mr. Chalerm and ask him to overturn the drugs laws here, or at the very least ammend them to include alcohol.

Are you really this naive james, that you think alcohol is somehow safer than most banned drugs because it's legal? Anyway, I'd love to stay and argue the toss with you, but I've got an awful rattle and I've got to go and score some more smack (I'M JOKING), I've got to go to the bank. See you all later...


Naive perhaps, however just because some 'illegal' substance may or may not be less harmful to me than a pint of Heineken, I will go out on a limb and say that if heroin was so go for you, then surely the tax grubbing governments of the world would have monopolised it centuries ago.

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The reason some (most) drugs was made illegal to use and sell in the US, while alcohol came out of prohibition and later was protected, was in many cases just pure racism and protectionism. Many of the drugs was used and manufactured (imported) by non-whites while alcohol was to a high degree a domestic industry.

Ever seen the classic scare-movie Reefer Madness?



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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

and once again TV shows that it members know so very little about the subject matter at hand

oh dear...

sorry sir, this man has gone up in my book, because he actually seems to have some clue of whats going on.... unlike most

actually it is you who is COMPLETELY WRONG

I am sorry to tell you this, and I look forward to your reply where you can show me some data, reserch backed with some figure ( not another 1 in 20 I hope) trying to show I am wrong

where were you informed of this myth?

how do you define ' dangerous" ?

a person can live a healthy, long life taking quality heroin without any negitve signs,

in fact they will propbaly adding an extra few years to theirs lives.. although this is very hard to prove

there can and is no debate, heroin does not negitvely affect the body at all, if done correctly, not mixed with anyhting bad

,so long as one gets a constant supply of quality they have little to worry about- other than stupid people with their stupid laws

do you have idea of the mass of people out their who choose to ignore the stupid laws in place and take this on a regular basis wthout any negitive signs? hold down " proper " jobs

have familys? etc

now, pleazse open your mind

one take heroin for their whle life, and guess what- you will most probably be giving yourself an extra few years

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Although illegal, heroin is not that dangerous a drug.

And in nine small words, a valued poster wantonly throws away all his accumulated credibility . . .

A surprisingly ill-considered remark for you Bendix. I'd expect better.

Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.


ahhhh... at last a person with cajones who is prepared to place his money where his mouth is, lets test that now shall we

Sir, may I take you up on your offer, lets start off at , say 1 million baht

in fact maybe I can up that when I call around

I will go there with you, you may procure any sort of baggy you wish, it has to be what you say ' heroin' nothing else, it will be inspected to ensure that it is exactly as it should be

then given to someone who takes on a regular basis, impose what coonditions you like

you may check them first under medical condtions ( they have been taking all their live and are perfectly healthy, maybe you do not like to hear of such things, actually maybe I should not tell you), if after 5 days the docs say they are better off- the same- you owe me- fair?

if after 5 days their health is considered to be negitvely lower I will owe you

we can do this with TV moderators holding money in escrow, overseeing...

looking forward to taking this further

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The reason some (most) drugs was made illegal to use and sell in the US, while alcohol came out of prohibition and later was protected, was in many cases just pure racism and protectionism. Many of the drugs was used and manufactured (imported) by non-whites while alcohol was to a high degree a domestic industry.

Indeed. Another good quote from Chris Rock:

"Alcohol! Tastes great, I love it, you love it, we all love it. Kills motherfu***rs every single day. Some of you all won't even make it home tonight 'cause of alcohol. You'll be like, "Oh, that Chris Rock sure is funny, oh! Shit!" But it's all right 'cause it's all white. Cigarettes! Cigarette's the most dangerous product known to man. Kills motherfu****s every single day. Cigarette's so dangerous it kills motherfu****s that don't smoke. That's how dangerous cigarettes are. That's right, first hand smoke, second hand smoke. People talking out of their necks into a <deleted>**ing machine like, "Hey, what's up, man, I love cigarettes, this shit is cool." But it's all right 'cause it's all white. Shit, could you imagine if the Phillip Morris family was a bunch of jheri-curled ni**s from Mississippi? Do you know how illegal a pack of cigarettes would be? You would get sixty years just for a pack of Newports. But it's all right, 'cause it's all white."

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alcohol is more a far more dangerous drug than heroin (probably even most of the crap that is passed off as 'heroin' because the drug is illegal) in terms of toxicity. Alcohol metabolizes into formaldehyde: a poison...

I know that somebody can grow old using heroin. In the Netherlands there might already be old people's homes for heroin users, we are talking about people who have been taking the substance for decennia.

But.....somebody who has drunk 8 beers every night for 2 years, can stop from one day to another without having any physical withdrawal symptoms.

The same cannot be said of somebody who has taken heroin every day for 2 years.

So IHMO heroin is more dangerous than alcohol.

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But.....somebody who has drunk 8 beers every night for 2 years, can stop from one day to another without having any physical withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol is equally capable of creating a physical dependence. The distinction between physical and psychological dependence is meaningless when it comes to addiction. Try telling someone who is trying to quit cocaine that their pain and difficulty isn't valid because it's a purely 'psychological dependence.'

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Listen, this is more than likely a piece of fiction unless he can prove he escaped. Are they any archived newspaper articles from the supposed time of his escape?

All we've got is his word. The likelyhood is he probably was jailed and then deported. While stuck in prison he wiled away the hours dreaming up escape plans.

So I'm 70% convinced it's a bunch of hot air and you lot letting it get you down have really got to chill out and take a few steps back. :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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That has to be the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard. Hard core drugs are illegal because they weren't manufactured by "whites" ? :D

If that was the case, then tell me, why aren't these same drugs legal in "non-white" countries ? Why is it that it is illegal in pretty much every country in the world ? Yes, even in liberal Holland:

"While Dutch authorities look the other way regarding the open sale of cannabis in designated coffee shops — something Mexican police seem unlikely to do — the Dutch have zero tolerance for heroin and cocaine."

(from an article a couple years ago where the Mexican government passed a law allowing individual possession of (very) small amounts of different drugs, while also strengthening the law in regards to trafficking, and making it illegal to be in possession of those drugs near schools. Hmmmm, why would they need to emphasis that I wonder ?)

Ahhh, I know why ! It's all a part of the "great conspiracy" ! The (vast) majority of the governments of the world, and the (overwhelmingly) vast majority of the population of the planet all seem to agree.

Of course, it has to be a conspiracy. After all, why would all those governments/people want to suppress it ? It's not like it's dangerous or anything (according to some here). But, according to others:

Heroin is used as a recreational drug for the profound relaxation and intense euphoria it produces, although the latter effect diminishes with increased tolerance. Its popularity with recreational drug users, compared to morphine, reportedly stems from its perceived different effects. However, this perception is not supported by the results of clinical research studies.

When compared to other opioids — hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone, and pethidine/meperidine, former addicts showed a strong preference for heroin and morphine, suggesting that heroin and morphine are particularly susceptible to abuse and addiction.

As with other opiates, heroin is used both as a pain-killer and a recreational drug. Frequent administration quickly leads to tolerance and dependence and has a very high potential for addiction. If sustained use of heroin for as little as three days is stopped abruptly, withdrawal symptoms can appear.

Repeated use of heroin results in a number of physiological changes, including decreases in the number of μ-opioid receptors. These physiological alterations lead to tolerance and dependence, and the cessation of heroin use results in a set of extremely uncomfortable symptoms including pain, anxiety, muscle spasms, and insomnia called the opiate withdrawal syndrome.

The withdrawal syndrome from heroin may begin within 6 to 24 hours of discontinuation of the drug; however, this time frame can fluctuate with the degree of tolerance as well as the amount of the last consumed dose. Symptoms may include: sweating, malaise, anxiety, depression, priapism, extra sensitivity of the genitals in females, general feeling of heaviness, cramp-like pains in the limbs, excessive yawning or sneezing, tears, rhinorrhea, sleep difficulties (insomnia), cold sweats, chills, severe muscle and bone aches; nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, and fever. Many users also complain of a painful condition, the so-called "itchy blood", which often results in compulsive scratching that causes bruises and sometimes ruptures the skin, leaving scabs. Abrupt termination of heroin use often causes muscle spasms in the legs (restless leg syndrome)

Hmmm, sounds like great stuff. :o

Can't imagine why it isn't legal all over the world. Oh yeah, heroin was first synthesized in 1874 by an English chemist, and 23 years later was independently re-synthesized by a German chemist working for Bayer.

The origins of the present international illegal heroin trade can be traced back to laws passed in many countries in the early 1900s that closely regulated the production and sale of opium and its derivatives including heroin. At first, heroin flowed from countries where it was still legal into countries where it was no longer legal. By the mid-1920s, heroin production had been made illegal in many parts of the world.

Although it remained legal in some countries until after World War II, health risks, addiction, and widespread abuse led most western countries to declare heroin a controlled substance by the latter half of the 20th century.

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Based on what?

We can have a debate about the pharameutical composition and its effects on people for ever . . that's all very interesting. And people can post links to spurious and obscure websites to prove how heroin isn't harmful, but ANYONE with an ounce of sense and who lives in the real world and has experience of seeing people addicted to heroin and the horrible impact it has on the addict himself, his or her family and the wider community knows how 'dangerous' heroin is or isnt.

I challenge the heroin apologists to head to Klong Toey, invest in a 5000 baht bag and take it regularly for a few days and then come back and say it's not dangerous.

Pharmaceutical grade heroin is not dangerous. Certainly no more dangerous than many legally prescribed drugs anyway, if you want to talk in comparative terms. This was confirmed to me by multiple sources (doctors) during research for the thesis I did for my first degree. It's the effects of prohibition and criminalization that make heroin dangerous.



my hat comes off to you

someone who knows of what they speak. We conducted many of same tests.

thank you

others- please take note of this, you will save time,stop the 1 in 20,s and maybe can focus upon a move forward

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But.....somebody who has drunk 8 beers every night for 2 years, can stop from one day to another without having any physical withdrawal symptoms.

That is dangerous nonsense. I know because that's the exact scenario I'm going through now. Alcohol is an absolute bugger to give up. Cannabis is easy, cigarettes are a pain, but alcohol is the most damaging and dangerous drug ever invented. It's an insidious bitch.

People...people...it is the legal status of a substance that determines its harm. Please try and understand this (relatively simple) concept.

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But.....somebody who has drunk 8 beers every night for 2 years, can stop from one day to another without having any physical withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol is equally capable of creating a physical dependence. The distinction between physical and psychological dependence is meaningless when it comes to addiction. Try telling someone who is trying to quit cocaine that their pain and difficulty isn't valid because it's a purely 'psychological dependence.'

Did I not see you at my last AA meeting?

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I would like to see heroin legalised.

That way it would make it much easier for those who are addicted to heroin to get it and, ultimately, kill themselves. Of course, it needs to be taxed heavily, then society wins out in two ways.

Job done.

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