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Please Don't Do This.......


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Some male visitors to these shores seem to think it's great fun to make stupidly childish jokes when talking to Thai People. Bar Girls in particular.

A really nice Aussie guy I know says "Do you speak Thai" to waitresses when they come to take his order.

I told him last night, if he does it again I will leave.......frankly, it is stupid.

Others act in an equally idiotic way, and goodness knows what the puzzled Thai peeps think of us?

If you do that sort of thing, PLEASE stop it.

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I agree Lucky...intolerable.

An aussie guy i know....very nice and genuine and handsome and funny and cute....he answers all the girls that ask hm where he comes from with...ratchada.

I have told him that if he does it again and makes another girl smile or laugh, I am going to stop going out with him also...embarrassing.

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Lucky, you really are overreacting. Its a bit of fun and is only meant as a joke. Indeed such a thing can break the ice and set the mood so both speakers relax and can converse easily

If a thai, out of the blue, asked me if I spoke English I'd laugh my head off at the incredulous nature of the joke!

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Some male visitors to these shores seem to think it's great fun to make stupidly childish jokes when talking to Thai People. Bar Girls in particular.

A really nice Aussie guy I know says "Do you speak Thai" to waitresses when they come to take his order.

I told him last night, if he does it again I will leave.......frankly, it is stupid.

Others act in an equally idiotic way, and goodness knows what the puzzled Thai peeps think of us?

If you do that sort of thing, PLEASE stop it.

i make you right ,when in a country where english is not the language cracking silly jokes at people is stupid ,if this happened in your own country you would be very wound up ,thats how thai's who do speak english well (and there are a lot ) also get wound up ,and some assume we are all piss takers and we are not :o

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I am sick of people asking where I come from. Aren't they just trying to size you up and put a convenient label on you? Most of the Thai people asking me this have lived a shorter time in Pattaya than I have. So I answer Jomtien. So I guess I am that bad embarrassing guy. My other favorite, is Welcome to Pattaya (to Thai people).

And why shouldn't I. Isn't it silly for a Thai person who has been in Pattaya a week to tell an expat who might have lived here 20 years, Welcome to Pattaya?

Edited by Jingthing
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I am sick of people asking where I come from. Aren't they just trying to size you up and put a convenient label on you? Most of the Thai people asking me this have lived a shorter time in Pattaya than I have. So I answer Jomtien.

I can identify with that. I've lived in Asia for 13 years - 6 of them here, so I answer "I live here". In tourist towns, any farang seems to be classed as a tourist. I'm still being hassled by tailors, <deleted>! :o

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Thais appreciate any attempt at humor by their guests including silliness.

I'm not funny, but I'm silly, so it makes it easy to lighten the atmosphere and be friendly with them. One of the best things about Thailand in my opinion. :o

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Thais appreciate any attempt at humor by their guests including silliness.

I'm not funny, but I'm silly, so it makes it easy to lighten the atmosphere and be friendly with them. One of the best things about Thailand in my opinion. :o

hear hear.

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Thais appreciate any attempt at humor by their guests including silliness.

I'm not funny, but I'm silly, so it makes it easy to lighten the atmosphere and be friendly with them. One of the best things about Thailand in my opinion. :D

I agree 100% I used to ask Thai girls if they had any English in them when they replied no I asked if they'd like some? most laughed striaght away, even the slower ones once it was explained. Give the Thai's credit they have a great sense of sanuk. :o

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I agree 100% I used to ask Thai girls if they had any English in them when they replied no I asked if they'd like some? most laughed striaght away, even the slower ones once it was explained. Give the Thai's credit they have a great sense of sanuk. :o

there is such a thing as laughing out of embarresment or shock siam-i-siam :D

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To quote an experience I had in KL......

My first day in....I told my hotel bar manager that by the end of my 10 day stay, all the staff would know me...he replied very stiff upper lipperishy.."I dont think so sir"

Day one, I got free beer after telling the bar staff that Elton John is a Sir....my name is Graham,

Day two... I read the bumps on the cashiers head and then told her " not enough info, can I feel the chest bumps" I also offered to marry her for one night...she told me I was a very naughty man...she was also a muslim girl......more free beer.

Everyday I was there, I got free beer...roughly about twenty bucks worth per day.

My last night there I shouted the staff to drinks in the cocktail bar...cost me about 45 bucks...we then sat there and drank free beer till 2 am.

One barman tried to set me up with a girl for one night, a college girl no less...but he wouldnt let it happen cos he wanted me to pay the price they would pay and not the farang price...

On my last morning the hotel boss bought me a free beer...

But I will never forget what bar manager said on the last night.....he said....

"Graham, you may have noticed that you have had a lot of free beer while you have been here"...I responded by saying "yes, I was wondering about that"

He said..."We have a lot of people staying here and by and large we never get to know the guests...they dont talk to us unless they need something...but you have gone out of your way to talk to us, joke with us and laugh with us, it has been a pleasure to have you here since the moment you arrived. That is why you have had the free beer"

Heck....I was just being an Aussie.... :o

But anyway....Humour is a great tool to break down barriers of all kinds...even silly humour...making someone else laugh is a joy...they could have been feeling low and you just may have made the day a bit easier for them. Laughter is the best medicine.

But also showing tolerance, understanding and also some kindness is important...in KL I offered to pay the cashiers shortfall for her one night...it was 2 am and she still couldnt balance the books...$20 but she had to pay it if she couldnt balance it...I was concerned too that she had to walk home at an ungodly hour....I paid a taxi for her in the end as she refused to accept my offer to pay the shortfall...she refused but she didnt forget it either, she came said thanks to me again on my last night there.

Absolutely true story.

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"If a thai, out of the blue, asked me if I spoke English I'd laugh my head off at the incredulous nature of the joke!"

Why, do you think that everyone speaks English? Believe it or not, some people don't.

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I always have fun asking Thai to help me climb a coconut tree :D . I always put one foot on the truck with my hands around the trunk like I really want to climb it. Then I start with the "Chewy Pom Tee" "Chewy Pom Tee" always seen to break the ice for me, gets people to start fooling around with me. I always try to pick the tallest tree. :o

Chung *j*

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IME many Thais seem to be a bit intimidated by Farang partly because they come across as serious.

Making a bit of a <deleted> of oneself (degree according to situation!) and showing you can laugh at yourself always seems to go down well (ok maybe not at a job interview!).........plus whatever you do with someone then treating them as an individual especially when both of you know their is no real need tends to be appreciated.

My Bangkok Hotel bought me a Xmas present one year :o

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Thais appreciate any attempt at humor by their guests including silliness.

I'm not funny, but I'm silly, so it makes it easy to lighten the atmosphere and be friendly with them. One of the best things about Thailand in my opinion. :D

hear hear.

When asked my name in say a bar I usually reply "Pibun"...been doing it for years ...cant remember why....and usually about 10 minutes later am asked...Pibun who? :o

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