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Electrickery power cut/Brown out

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We had a power cut for an hour or so, when it came back, it was what i know as a brown out, just a small voltage? coming through, floor fan running very slow, and A/C, since then every Led bulb/globe, above 4watt has blown, started to flicker then out. any clue why? 

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Perhaps some company tapped into the line along the way to your house to borrow some electricity which would bring down the line voltage if they drew a lot of current with heavy machinery. Apparently a problem in India but that's all just hearsay until proven.

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7 minutes ago, TimeMachine said:

Perhaps some company tapped into the line along the way to your house to borrow some electricity which would bring down the line voltage if they drew a lot of current with heavy machinery. Apparently a problem in India but that's all just hearsay until proven.

A transformer box exploded in the village at 7/11 there are no companies anywhere. 'cept them PEA must have stuffed up something. Brown outs are worth a google and answered my own question, the only thing i can think of it must be something to do with the way LED bulbs are constructed.

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Yeah, long term low voltage will often take out low-cost switching power supplies (LED, PCs etc.) They just keep trying to work then go fzzzt. More expensive units will protect themselves.


One of the reasons we have a low/high-voltage cut off device which kills our grid connection if it goes below 160V (we have an AVR that can handle down to about that level).


Not particularly expensive to install and can save your less than cheap kit.



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We notice low voltage rarely, it happens in very hot weather which I would expect because of extra air-con usage I guess.


It doesn't last too long before maybe PEA cranks up some more power dunno.

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