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Non-b For Business Not Dependent Work

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as a german citizen I am planning to go to Thailand, looking for future business activities there.

I am a selfemployed freelancer, married to a Thai National and therefore eligible for a class O.

But I believe a class B is the way to go since I would like to deduct costs of travel and living in my tax declaration, a business visa seems more plausible .

Furthermore I want to avoid any trouble should I b caught in any business activities without having a workpermit.

Unfortunately I can not produce the required invitation letter from a company.

How should I proceed, to get the class B visa?

What financial evidece is requested for this?


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Furthermore I want to avoid any trouble should I b caught in any business activities without having a workpermit.

working without a work permit is against the law, don't think just having a non immigrant B is going to get you out of that legal issue. get the non immigrant 0 since you qualify and then get a work permit before working.

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... and then get a work permit before working.

Sorry, I mean it the way I wrote. I want to explore ways of doing business. In case this turns out impossible and I should get a job instead, I will of course apply for work permit.


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