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Especially For Weho!


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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

Congratulations on knowing SO MUCH about Thailand and its culture :D:D:o

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Ever since Weho posted about shirtless tourists in shopping malls last month I've been noticing them all over the place (in restaurants).

Most recent sighting:

Another shirtless wonder came in and sat down with his Thai girlfriend at an adjacent table in Caddy Shack of all places. This guy was old and in very poor physical condition. He was huge, tattoed and used a walking stick. He definitely could have used a shirt.

My tally so far in the last month:

Took Lae Dee: 2 (Origin unknown)

Burger King: 1 (confirmed British)

Caddy Shack: 1 (confirmed British)

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Took Lae Dee: 2 (Origin unknown)

Burger King: 1 (confirmed British)

Caddy Shack: 1 (confirmed British)

An old british shirtless guy with a hairy back came to sit at the next table from me a couple of days ago in Neeroys..

If it was my restaurant, Id use the 'No shirt, No service' rule.. Its disgusting eating in a restaurant with a half naked guy at the next table.

I had to leave the rest of my meal.

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I would like to impose rules on tank tops too... I saw at guy at Sizzler, looked British, but honestly could have been from anywhere... he had on a "Langkawi" tank top, nice red and black colors... he was about 60 years old, looked like he was with his farang wife... the guy was the hairest person I've ever seen. You know those charts of the evolution of mankind, starting at like cro-magnan, where they are all hunched over... this guy looked like he was on that chart, at least a million years ago. He had full hair all over his arms, sholders, back, etc... It was all over... like a forest...

And if you are a hairy person, the last thing you should wear is a tank top. There is a hair salon, named something like "Lady Lady", on the way to Jomtien, on the left side of the street, not far from that roundabout/statue, not far from Mignon Steak, and I saw a guy getting his back shaved there. I was curious, and I asked the gal how much they charge to do that, cause I thought it would be useful to post here for those of you who are real hairy. She said "depending how hairy he is". She said it starts at 100 baht, 150 average. If you're cro-mangnan, like the Langkawi tank top dude, it must be a lot more.

If you're real hairy, you're gonna sweat more, stink more, etc. But I'm told it does help mosquitos off.

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I would like to impose rules on tank tops too... I saw at guy at Sizzler, looked British, but honestly could have been from anywhere... he had on a "Langkawi" tank top, nice red and black colors... he was about 60 years old, looked like he was with his farang wife... the guy was the hairest person I've ever seen. You know those charts of the evolution of mankind, starting at like cro-magnan, where they are all hunched over... this guy looked like he was on that chart, at least a million years ago. He had full hair all over his arms, sholders, back, etc... It was all over... like a forest...

And if you are a hairy person, the last thing you should wear is a tank top. There is a hair salon, named something like "Lady Lady", on the way to Jomtien, on the left side of the street, not far from that roundabout/statue, not far from Mignon Steak, and I saw a guy getting his back shaved there. I was curious, and I asked the gal how much they charge to do that, cause I thought it would be useful to post here for those of you who are real hairy. She said "depending how hairy he is". She said it starts at 100 baht, 150 average. If you're cro-mangnan, like the Langkawi tank top dude, it must be a lot more.

If you're real hairy, you're gonna sweat more, stink more, etc. But I'm told it does help mosquitos off.

A lot of people own pets (i.e. hairy cats and dogs) which wonder around the house. You'd be suprised how many people can still eat around hairy creatures. :o

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If it was my restaurant, Id use the 'No shirt, No service' rule.. Its disgusting eating in a restaurant with a half naked guy at the next table.

I had to leave the rest of my meal.

And what about half naked women? They are everywhere and I haven't heard any complaints. Double standard.

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An old british shirtless guy with a hairy back came to sit at the next table from me a couple of days ago in Neeroys..

If it was my restaurant, Id use the 'No shirt, No service' rule.. Its disgusting eating in a restaurant with a half naked guy at the next table.

I had to leave the rest of my meal.

I envy you Meg_ken2003, because I really need to cut back on my eating. If only my gluttony could be so easily interrupted by the mere sight of a shirtless man.

Maybe I'll write a book about it--The Pattaya Diet. You hire hairy farangs to eat shirtlessly everywhere you go, thereby drastically reducing your caloric intake.

The only problem I can see with the technique is getting the work permit. Would the Labor Department recognize that this is a 'farang only' job or would you be forced to hire a much less effective (and much less hairy I might add) shirtless Thai man? Somehow pasting tufts of 'forest' matter would not be sufficient--just knowing grove was fake would spoil the effect.

As you can see, I'm still working out the kinks in my system. As soon as it is all fleshed out, I'm sure you'll be able to purchase my masterwork at any Bookazine.

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I envy you Meg_ken2003, because I really need to cut back on my eating. If only my gluttony could be so easily interrupted by the mere sight of a shirtless man.

Perhaps it would if a 60-70 year old shirtless guy who had as much hair on his body as a gorilla, wet through with sweat because he was walking in the sun, came to sit next to you, letting the afternoon breeze blow the smell of his sweat past your table whilst you're trying to eat your meal..

Unfortunately, the smell of sweat and seeing a wet through half naked man sat almost next to me, Is enough to put me off my meal..


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If it was my restaurant, Id use the 'No shirt, No service' rule.. Its disgusting eating in a restaurant with a half naked guy at the next table.

I had to leave the rest of my meal.

And what about half naked women? They are everywhere and I haven't heard any complaints. Double standard.

Well if a girl came into a restaurant I was eating in with NO shirt on, I would feel the same way.. :D But I can honestly say, I have NEVER come across a woman with no shirt on in a restaurant.. I dont know where you have been eating.. :o

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Yeah -

be careful what you wish for, toss on a dingy singlet or a 'good guys go to heaven t-shirt'


Whenever I see some dopey guy like this - England just pops in my head, don't know why... :-)

Even at an outdoor cafe at the beach in California this guy would not be given a table.

It's what Pattaya has become, haven for miscreants not merely eccentrics.

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If it was my restaurant, Id use the 'No shirt, No service' rule.. Its disgusting eating in a restaurant with a half naked guy at the next table.

I had to leave the rest of my meal.

And what about half naked women? They are everywhere and I haven't heard any complaints. Double standard.

Well if a girl came into a restaurant I was eating in with NO shirt on, I would feel the same way.. :D But I can honestly say, I have NEVER come across a woman with no shirt on in a restaurant.. I dont know where you have been eating.. :o

I was responding to your disgust with a half naked guy. Nothing was said about shirts. Half naked means half or more of the body is unclothed.

As in tube tops.

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I was responding to your disgust with a half naked guy. Nothing was said about shirts. Half naked means half or more of the body is unclothed.

As in tube tops.

Saying 'Half Naked' , I was referring to the top half of the persons body being naked (this IS the subject of this thread in which people are discussing - Shirtless people) . If a man wore a tank top and short shorts, he would be 'half naked' but that would not put me off my meal. Im talking about SHIRTLESS / TOPLESS people wearing nothing on the top half of their body, thanks.

Edited by Meg_ken2003
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I was responding to your disgust with a half naked guy. Nothing was said about shirts. Half naked means half or more of the body is unclothed.

As in tube tops.

Saying 'Half Naked' , I was referring to the top half of the persons body being naked (this IS the subject of this thread in which people are discussing - Shirtless people) . If a man wore a tank top and short shorts, he would be 'half naked' but that would not put me off my meal. Im talking about SHIRTLESS / TOPLESS people wearing nothing on the top half of their body, thanks.

Back at home (0z) even tank tops are frowned upon in most normal restaurants.

I must say I take the liberty to dress in tank tops while dining here in Pattaya, however I find most of the air-conditioned restaurants, especially in the malls too cold for just a tank top. Foodland is maintained at around 22°C...rather cold for shirtless dining I would say.

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