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Bridge on the River Kwai

Tunes of Glory

Treasure Island - the 1950 version with Robert Newton

Father of the Bride - Spencer Tracy version

Les Visiteurs

M. Hulots Holiday

The Red Balloon

To End All Wars

Any Ealing comedies

The early Carry On films

Went the day well?

The bells go down

In which we serve

And many more!


I like this thread. I'm always looking for real movie buff recommendations (rather than those heavily influenced ones found elsewhere on the internet).

A few of my favorites:

Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

The Big Lebowski (and almost any other Coen Bros. movies)

I like this thread. I'm always looking for real movie buff recommendations (rather than those heavily influenced ones found elsewhere on the internet).

A few of my favorites:

Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

The Big Lebowski (and almost any other Coen Bros. movies)

shawshank redempion now theres one i forgot about great movie........


Have to add a few more:

A Beautiful Mind.

Gone With the Wind.

American Beauty.


Stand By Me.

12 Monkeys.


Being John Malcovich.

Blazing Saddles.


Once upon a time in America - Robert De-Niro, Sergio Leone (director) and Ennio Morricone (music) together in one film....Genius.


Am I the only one who read the title of the thread?

The BEST movie of all time is not the same as some pretty good movies that you have seen over the years. :o


Hush up UG :D

Snow white and the Seven dwarfs!

..and a ton of some pretty good movies I have seen over the years that havent come to mind yet. Will post later. :o

Once upon a time in America - Robert De-Niro, Sergio Leone (director) and Ennio Morricone (music) together in one film....Genius.

I totally agree with you on the music, directing and acting in that great under appreciated film. I saw a new movie called "off the black" with Nick Nolte. This was an outstanding piece of work, highly recommended

Easy Rider, Deer Hunter, Scarface, True Romance.

To many come to mind, loved the old black & white Hammer House of Horror when I was a kid, scared the shit out of me. :o

Nice selection. Anyone got any suggestions for best Japanese film? Can I start the ball rolling with 'Audition.' Plus anything by Kurosawa...


Picking one best movie is an impossibility. There are just too many good ones.

Godfather I & II

Big Lebowski

Blues Brothers

Full Metal Jacket


and many, many more! :o


I don't really expect people to stick to one, but sticking to a few BEST movies seems to stick more to what the OP asked for instead of long lists of movies that were "pretty good" - that is just too easy. :o


Any of the films based upon the novels of Alastair MacLean. My personal favourite is 'Where Eagles Dare'. Watched it over a dozen times and still love it desite it becoming a bit dated. Would love to see a re-make (provided that they don't kill it with 'special effects'). Gone off the films that rely predominantly upon FX to 'sell' - even the light-and-easy Bond films now suffer far too much from almost being 90 minute montages of FX.


Great list Canuckamuck I like all of what you listed but have crossed out what, for me, doesn't make the cut.

Quest for the Holy Grail

Indiana Jones 1

Aliens 2

Princess Bride Willow was better

Blue Brothers (great but Animal House was funnier)

300 (in a class of its own)

High Plains Drifter, Fast times at Ridgemont High, Gods must be crazy 2 Never seen them

Casino Royale (the remake) Brilliant movie, still undecided about Daniel Craig as Bond, he has a long way to go to beat Connery in that role


Matrix 1 (the other two were a bad dream) Well said but is it the best Sci Fi?

Million Dollar Baby

Ferris Buellers Day Off

Animal House


and would add Henry V, 2001 or maybe Dune (cant decide) and Apocalypse Now. I would love to add a James Bond movie but cant pick one, and then if I compare it to the Bourne Identity my head gets close to exploding, very difficult.

UG how do you compare best films. How can 2001 or say Aliens 2, compare to Henry V or Apocalypse Now?


Paul Newman.. Cool Hand Luke.. Next... Kelly's Heroes..with the all star cast of the 60s.. staring Clint Eastwood and pals..

UG how do you compare best films. How can 2001 or say Aliens 2, compare to Henry V or Apocalypse Now?

The best films - like the best books - usually stand alone. I don't think that you can compare them unless they are in the same genres - Apocalypse Now compared to Full Metal Jacket.


Difficult (impossible?) to say which is the "best" ...

... but my personal favourite is The Lords of the Rings part III, The Return of the King, from 2003. Not exactly faithful to Tolkien's book but a top class action adventure none the less. Still get goosebumps watching the scenes during the war between Gondor and Mordor ...

Difficult (impossible?) to say which is the "best" ...

... but my personal favourite is The Lords of the Rings part III, The Return of the King, from 2003. Not exactly faithful to Tolkien's book but a top class action adventure none the less. Still get goosebumps watching the scenes during the war between Gondor and Mordor ...

saw harry potter order of the whatever ....not one to be remembered :o

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