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First, I have to second the comment of whoever it was who said that too many people are going off track from the OP's question; which was, "What is your favorite movie" ... that's "MOVIE" - singular! If you can't pick one (and, as a huge movie fan, I completely understand the difficulty in doing so), you should ignore this thread, and start another for "Your top 5", or "Your top 10", or "Your favorite of 'X' genre. But this question was "Your favorite movie".

So, with that in mind, I will name one that, much to my surprise, has not been named, even in the "lists", by anyone. My all time favorite movie is "West Side Story". I was 18 when I first saw it. I was, as were many teens in those long ago days, still idealistic, and relatively innocent. I was very deeply concerned with the racial prejudice I saw around me in my home town of South Boston, Massachusetts. I was personally hurt by the fact that so many people could not judge a person, as Martin Luther King said, "not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." (I'm white, by the way.)

While "West Side Story" was, as most know, a modern adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet", it differed significantly in that the young lovers were destroyed by a family fued; while the former directly addressed the much broader issue of racial prejudice as the factor that forbid the deep love between Tony and Maria.

Now, add to that the fact that, as I watched that movie, due to my personal preference in women, I literally fell in love with Natalie Wood. Then add the fact that the music was nothing short of spectacular. All of that puts "West Side Story" at the very top of a VERY LONG list of movies that I have loved over the years, most, but not all, of which have been mentioned in this thread.

I'd have a tough time cutting off at less than ... I don't know ... maybe 30, if I were to try to name all of the movies that have given me a great deal of pleasure to watch. There are many, many movies that I watch over and over again, virtually every time they are shown on TV. But, again, the question here was which ONE is your favorite movie. So, why not answer the question that was asked, folks.

I'm holding a gun to your head. You must now name ONE movie, all genres considered, as your all time favorite. Name two or more, in this thread, and I will pull the trigger! NOW, what is your all time favorite movie? I hope that you'll add some reasons why, but, since I didn't start this thread, that's just a suggestion.

From this point forward, I'm going to keep a running list of the movies named for the next month. So, if you've previously posted a single movie, please do so again. One month from today, I'll list the votes for the top 5 or 10 (depending upon the number of votes).

It's clear that there are a lot of serious movie fans here. Let's make this a really valid poll. What is #1 all time for you?


difficult question..some?

Any from Tarantino, he is my favorite director.

D13 (dont remember, but is a French movie.)

Dreams (kurosawa)

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter (Kim Ki-Duk)

Irreversible (Gaspar Noe)

Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet)

Casablanca (Michael Curtiz )

Dead Poets Society (Peter Weir)

It's A Wonderful Life (Frank Capra)


City of God

The 400 Blows

Bande à part

Mars Attacks

The Godfather, Parts I and II

Man on Fire

Taxi Driver

Farewell My Concubine


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Ulysses' Gaze


Heavy Metal


Drunken Master II




Starman 1984

In 1977 Voyager II was launched into space, inviting all lifeforms in the universe to visit our planet.

An alien (Jeff Bridges) arrives on earth takes the form of a young widow's husband and finds earthlings are not as friendly as the invitation suggested so he just wants get back home.

A bit dated now but a magical movie, with a poignant heart warming emotionally story from start to finish.



Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite of all time. I saw it last week here in Seattle at the Cinerama theatre. They bring it in about every other year and I always go.


Good morning vietnam,


Apocolypse now,

Full metal jacket,

Man on fire,

Kill bill,

Killing fields,

The green mile,

The wall (pink floyd)

walk the line,

Ray, (ray charles)

Shaun of the dead. Sorry had to put that one in.

And i can't belive nobody has said Donnie Darko yet, I have been trying for ages to get my head round that film, and still really good to watch...



Great Escape a true classic. Also vote for The Third Man, Blade Runner and one which you can not " Like " as such, however evry parent should make ther kids watch Rush.

  • 2 weeks later...

the game michael douglas ..........at the end when sean penn pays the bill i always want to know how much that costs

  • 2 weeks later...
Speaking of Sidney Potier, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" was a classic with an all-star cast. And lest I forget the Princess of Monaco, Cole Porter's adaptation of "The Philadelphia Story" - "High Society" also had an all star cast, with Sinatra and Crosby singing a duet, and Louis Armstrong.

Also speaking of Sidney Potier, did any of you know his DAUGHTER is also Sidney Potier.

  • 2 weeks later...
Speaking of Sidney Potier, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" was a classic with an all-star cast. And lest I forget the Princess of Monaco, Cole Porter's adaptation of "The Philadelphia Story" - "High Society" also had an all star cast, with Sinatra and Crosby singing a duet, and Louis Armstrong.

Also speaking of Sidney Potier, did any of you know his DAUGHTER is also Sidney Potier.

Saw a movie tonight that fits into my top five of all time

" The Constant Gardener"


Oh so many.

Probably 80% of Kubrick's ouvre.(2001, clockwork orange)

The man who fell to earth(original David Bowie at his best)

Once Upon a Time in The West ( Sergeo Lorene's masterpiece)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Body Heat (they don't make em like that anymore)


Picnic at Hanging rock

Take a look at movies from the 70s especially - the hight of Western film

More recently really impressed by

The Fountain - seems like a 70s movie that believes in itself


Smokin Aces - far better than the trailer may look and a great ending


Apocalypse Now


A Bronx Tale

Full Metal Jacket

What eating Gilbert Grape?


Training Day


One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest


Godfather I


Pale Rider

Hunt for Red October

Shawshank Redemtion


We are Marshall

Schindlers's List



Silence of the lambs


The Green Mile

The Exorcist

The Patriot

The Longest Day

Dumb & Dumber

Legally Blonde

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