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NGO says mercy killing of stray animals is strictly controlled by Thai government


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On 7/20/2023 at 2:41 PM, JensenZ said:

Each Soi dog is someone's pet. Their "owners" expend a great deal of effort to feed them to the best of their financial capabilities. You don't think a lot of people would be very angry if you killed all their pets? They might not seem like pets in the traditional way, but they are pets and people care about them. You often see people playing with them and even looking for ticks.


As I already illustrated, using the park as very good example, the govenment stands by the dogs. We're talking about a famous public park which is a breeding ground for these dogs. In fact, I'm barred from entering the park between 10pm and 4am, so the dogs have more privileges than park users LOL

Then why don't they take the soi dogs to their home and look after them properly?

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On 7/18/2023 at 10:14 PM, proton said:

Why do people feel the need to have pets at all? seems like they lack something in their lives or need something as an emotional support, weak pathetic people. Or maybe just something they can show off, bully or even as with dogs, have sex with. What ever the reasons they always seem to expect the rest of us to put up with them when they are messing up our property, creating a racket and stinking the place up, never mind devastating the wildlife, attacking people and causing road accidents. The world would be better off without stinking pets.




An <deleted> could say the same thing about children.

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On 7/18/2023 at 10:14 PM, proton said:

Why do people feel the need to have pets at all? seems like they lack something in their lives or need something as an emotional support, weak pathetic people. Or maybe just something they can show off, bully or even as with dogs, have sex with. What ever the reasons they always seem to expect the rest of us to put up with them when they are messing up our property, creating a racket and stinking the place up, never mind devastating the wildlife, attacking people and causing road accidents. The world would be better off without stinking pets.


My neighbor had the same attitude for pets as you,  he was a real prick.  

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2 hours ago, proton said:

So anyone who does not want a pet is a 'prick' says more about you than him.

He is referring to your statement that pet owners are weak, pathetic people who are missing something in their lives. People can not like to have pets and not be pricks. You kinda buried yourself with your prejudiced comments. Pets can be and are valuable additions to our families, military and police forces. In the wrong hands, pets can be nuisances and dangerous. It's people that are to blame for most of our problems.

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28 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

He is referring to your statement that pet owners are weak, pathetic people who are missing something in their lives. People can not like to have pets and not be pricks. You kinda buried yourself with your prejudiced comments. Pets can be and are valuable additions to our families, military and police forces. In the wrong hands, pets can be nuisances and dangerous. It's people that are to blame for most of our problems.

Military and Police mutts are not pets, they are working dogs of variable use. it's the owners not the dogs is a worn out excuse, soi dogs have no owners and some breeds are far too violent to be pets, who over the owners are. This soppy dog nonsense continues to get worse, they are not family, they do not love you and they are not loyal to anything other than food, and they are certainly not 'fur babies' or 'angels'.

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On 7/20/2023 at 2:41 PM, JensenZ said:

Each Soi dog is someone's pet.

No they are not. Because they will not take responsibility for them if they cause any damage to property or even worse, attack people and cause injury/death. People feed them because they take pity on them, not because they are their pets.

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10 hours ago, mike_rad said:

No they are not. Because they will not take responsibility for them if they cause any damage to property or even worse, attack people and cause injury/death. People feed them because they take pity on them, not because they are their pets.

And you can bet your last dollar they won't be shelling out for any neutering operation to prevent another litter of uncared for dogs. 

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10 hours ago, proton said:

Military and Police mutts are not pets, they are working dogs of variable use. it's the owners not the dogs is a worn out excuse, soi dogs have no owners and some breeds are far too violent to be pets, who over the owners are. This soppy dog nonsense continues to get worse, they are not family, they do not love you and they are not loyal to anything other than food, and they are certainly not 'fur babies' or 'angels'.

Wrong again. Most police and military dogs go on to live with either their handler or a family and make great pets. I've known a few myself. And saying the problems from dogs is the owners is true .IF the dogs are started out as pets, as many have been, and allowed to run free and breed, where the puppies are feral, that was the responsibility of the owner, as it doesn't happen if the dogs are fixed, as they should be as soon as possible if the owners don't want more dogs. And in this case, they shouldn't, as they have proven to be irresponsible in that regard  and allowed the puppies to roam to breed themselves. Dogs are not inherently violent. They are made violent by abuse, neglect or training. Some dogs can just cause more damage to people because they are stronger. There's a pit that comes around my house that is a very gentle dog, to people, although he does fight other males in the area.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Wrong again. Most police and military dogs go on to live with either their handler or a family and make great pets. I've known a few myself. And saying the problems from dogs is the owners is true .IF the dogs are started out as pets, as many have been, and allowed to run free and breed, where the puppies are feral, that was the responsibility of the owner, as it doesn't happen if the dogs are fixed, as they should be as soon as possible if the owners don't want more dogs. And in this case, they shouldn't, as they have proven to be irresponsible in that regard  and allowed the puppies to roam to breed themselves. Dogs are not inherently violent. They are made violent by abuse, neglect or training. Some dogs can just cause more damage to people because they are stronger. There's a pit that comes around my house that is a very gentle dog, to people, although he does fight other males in the area.

But they are working dogs, not primarily pets and they still stink, a very tiny proportion of dogs and nothing at all to do with strays and how to deal with them in Thailand, the topic here Dogs are inherently violent, thats why they have to be trained not to be, no training and they are even more of a menace. You are making the same old excuses - it's never a dogs fault, every time a dog kills a baby it must be because it was provoked, abused or badly trained, the latest excuse is dogs bought in covid years! Pit bulls and bully breeds are always described as gentle, until they are not and attack at random, still tops the kill statistics. 

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35 minutes ago, proton said:

But they are working dogs, not primarily pets and they still stink, a very tiny proportion of dogs and nothing at all to do with strays and how to deal with them in Thailand, the topic here Dogs are inherently violent, thats why they have to be trained not to be, no training and they are even more of a menace. You are making the same old excuses - it's never a dogs fault, every time a dog kills a baby it must be because it was provoked, abused or badly trained, the latest excuse is dogs bought in covid years! Pit bulls and bully breeds are always described as gentle, until they are not and attack at random, still tops the kill statistics. 

You keep making excuses to cover your wrong statements. that doesn't work. Dogs are pets when people take care of them, which is what makes them pets. Dogs that are allowed to roam freely cause problems, more so if they are mistreated. Dogs are not violent unless they are again, abused, neglected or trained to be violent. That's the owners mistakes, unless they are trained to be guard dogs, and are kept enclosed.                                                                                                                            Dogs smell like dogs, but if they are taken care of, eat healthy, and bathed occasionally, they aren't objectionable. Millions of people downright stink. This isn't to say dogs don't smell, of back them up, but just reality. pet owners know what they are getting into, and they don't mind. People who were raised to hate dogs do.           Dogs are among the most loyal of animals and pets, and have saved many lives. Pit bulls ,if loved, treated with respect, and shown that their owners are the boss, are not violent. They are aggressive with other dogs, which is normal. Pits have one of the higher rate of deaths of humans because they, if allowed to get violent, are capable of killing easier than many other dogs. German Shepherds and Dobermans are also dangerous if they aren't trained properly, again because of the bite strength and body strength. Dangerous means they can cause the most damage quickly because of the before mentioned attributes. I've been bit by two dogs in my life, and both were small and very small. Their owners obviously didn't teach them to not attack when someone comes close to their property. Dogs, especially larger ones, should not be allowed to be alone with small children, because children sometimes tease, sit on or hit dogs, and any dog will try to protect itself using what it knows best, biting. Dogs are protective and territorial, which means they will do what they can to protect themselves and their owners and property. Dogs and young children don't mix, because of the sudden movements and playing a child does. Many dogs allow children to do whatever to them, and won't be aggressive back. Some don't, and will bite. Teaching the child not to do certain things helps. Some pits and rottweilers I have seen are very gentle and never aggressive. Yet some will attack when provoked or from fear. This is why they shouldn't be pets of people with small children.                                                                 Back to the topic, I said dogs should be neutered and spayed to control the population, and some could be shot, if they are disabled or proven dangerous. The government is responsible for helping and protecting it;'population. This includes not allowing dogs to run free and breed, increasing the population of dogs that aren't owned. People here aren't going to do much to help with this problem, most being too poor to spay or neuter their dogs, or not caring about them after they're past puppy stage. That's why the government has to step in and control the population by paying for increased spay/neuter programs, and euthanizing the sick and disabled.

Edited by fredwiggy
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9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You keep making excuses to cover your wrong statements. that doesn't work. Dogs are pets when people take care of them, which is what makes them pets. Dogs that are allowed to roam freely cause problems, more so if they are mistreated. Dogs are not violent unless they are again, abused, neglected or trained to be violent. That's the owners mistakes, unless they are trained to be guard dogs, and are kept enclosed. Dogs smell like dogs, but if they are taken care of, eat healthy, and bathed occasionally, they aren't objectionable. Millions of people downright stink. This isn't to say dogs don't smell, of back them up, but just reality. pet owners know what they are getting into, and they don't mind. People who were raised to hate dogs do. Pit bulls ,if loved, treated with respect, and shown that their owners are the boss, are not violent. They are aggressive with other dogs, which is normal. Pits have one of the higher rate of deaths of humans because they, if allowed to get violent, are capable of killing easier than many other dogs. German Shepherds and Dobermans are also dangerous if they aren't trained properly, again because of the bite strength and body strength. Dangerous means they can cause the most damage quickly because of the before mentioned attributes. I've been bit by two dogs in my life, and both were small and very small. Their owners obviously didn't teach them to not attack when someone comes close to their property. Dogs, especially larger ones, should not be allowed to be alone with small children, because children sometimes tease, sit on or hit dogs, and any dog will try to protect itself using what it knows best, biting. Dogs are protective and territorial, which means they will do what they can to protect themselves and their owners and property. Dogs and young children don't mix, because of the sudden movements and playing a child does. Many dogs allow children to do whatever to them, and won't be aggressive back. Some don't, and will bite. Teaching the child not to do certain things helps. Some pits and rottweilers I have seen are very gentle and never aggressive. Yet some will attack when provoked or from fear. This is why they shouldn't be pets of people with small children. Back to the topic, I said dogs should be neutered and spayed to control the population, and some could be shot, if they are disabled or proven dangerous. The government is responsible for helping and protecting it;'population. This includes not allowing dogs to run free and breed, increasing the population of dogs that aren't owned. People here aren't going to do much to help with this problem, most being too poor to spay or neuter their dogs, or not caring about them after they're past puppy stage. That's why the government has to step in and control the population by paying for increased spay/neuter programs, and euthanizing the sick and disabled.

More dog excuse nonsense, if dogs were not violent why do they need training then? Hundreds of thousands are attacked in the USA every year and in the UK the NHS spends about 70 million a year treating dog bites. Killing by dogs continues to rise, dogs are not mans best friend they are dangerous and violent. When it comes to soi dogs the government are never going to do anything and the neutering schemes do not work even locally and where they are done the dogs remain pests. One idea would be to offer a bounty for dead dogs handed in, Thais would leave their hypocritical objection behind if there was cash on offer.

Edited by proton
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2 minutes ago, proton said:

More dog excuse nonsense, if dogs were not violent why do they need training then? Hundreds of thousands are attacked in the USA every year and in the UK the NHS spends about 70 million a year treating dog bites. Killing by dogs continues to rise, dogs are not mans best friend they are dangerous and violent. When it comes to soi dogs the government are never going to do anything and the neutering schemes do not work even locally and where they are done the dogs remain pests. One idea would be to offer a bounty for dead dogs handed in, Thais would leave their hypocritical objection behind if there was cash on offer.

You could say the same thing about people. When not properly raised, abused, neglected or spoiled, they turn into narcissists, who are the bane of society. They kill, maim, molest, and attack the innocents, and are responsible for the wars, especially those narcissists in charge. Again, I'm not excusing dogs for the damage some cause. Dogs that are pets, and are trained properly, are loyal and protective of their owners, and those that are trained to sniff out drugs and explosives save many lives, and are pets to their trainers and to families when they are retired. The fact that the government isn't doing anything shows how much they care about the people they are supposed to be working for. If the spay/neuter programs weren't happening daily, can you imagine how many more strays there would be? If it's stepped up, funded by the government, and they hired people to go around and kill the dangerous and sick, the problem would be lessened. It's up to the people to pay for their own dogs, but as many aren't capable here, it has to be put into other's hands so it happens. You go around killing dogs that some look at as pets, and you'll have a major problem. There are dogs that run loose here, but if you run one over, they will come out of the woodwork and look to get revenge or money. Poor country, more problems that the government has to help with. Sadly, that, with what's happening recently, isn't going to happen anytime soon.

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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And you can bet your last dollar they won't be shelling out for any neutering operation to prevent another litter of uncared for dogs. 

Not only that, but when a dog gets sick, or injured from fighting with other dogs, they won't pay for veterinary care, further demonstrating they are not their pets.


I've seen it in monasteries in Thailand. Local people dump dogs in the monastery and the monks will feed them yet when they get sick or injured or otherwise in need of veterinary care the monks do nothing. 


So much for the so-called compassion of Buddhists.

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1 hour ago, proton said:

 Hundreds of thousands are attacked in the USA every year and in the UK the NHS spends about 70 million a year treating dog bites. Killing by dogs continues to rise, dogs are not mans best friend they are dangerous and violent. When it comes to soi dogs the government are never going to do anything and the neutering schemes do not work even locally and where they are done the dogs remain pests. One idea would be to offer a bounty for dead dogs handed in, Thais would leave their hypocritical objection behind if there was cash on offer.

In the US the figure is more like around 3 million every year, and that was 10 years or so ago.


Solution: hold the owner directly responsible. If a dog causes death then the owner should be charged with manslaughter or the like. In the case of minor injuries the owner should pay for all medical costs plus compensation for all the trauma caused.

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6 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

You could say the same thing about people. When not properly raised, abused, neglected or spoiled, they turn into narcissists, who are the bane of society. They kill, maim, molest, and attack the innocents, and are responsible for the wars, especially those narcissists in charge. Again, I'm not excusing dogs for the damage some cause. Dogs that are pets, and are trained properly, are loyal and protective of their owners, and those that are trained to sniff out drugs and explosives save many lives, and are pets to their trainers and to families when they are retired. The fact that the government isn't doing anything shows how much they care about the people they are supposed to be working for. If the spay/neuter programs weren't happening daily, can you imagine how many more strays there would be? If it's stepped up, funded by the government, and they hired people to go around and kill the dangerous and sick, the problem would be lessened. It's up to the people to pay for their own dogs, but as many aren't capable here, it has to be put into other's hands so it happens. You go around killing dogs that some look at as pets, and you'll have a major problem. There are dogs that run loose here, but if you run one over, they will come out of the woodwork and look to get revenge or money. Poor country, more problems that the government has to help with. Sadly, that, with what's happening recently, isn't going to happen anytime soon.

 I see the president's (if you can call him that) dog has attacked SEVEN people, should have put down of course. Must have been abused ????If the most powerful man in the world cannot get a mutt trained what hope is there for the rest?

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8 minutes ago, proton said:

 I see the president's (if you can call him that) dog has attacked SEVEN people, should have put down of course. Must have been abused ????If the most powerful man in the world cannot get a mutt trained what hope is there for the rest?

People in power are usually narcissists, which means they have no regard for anyone else but their own fragile egos. It doesn't take money to treat or train a dog right. It takes love, patience and knowledge. A lot of that isn't in government positions as has been proven in most countries for a thousand years. People in high positions usually have others raise their animals and children, because they haven't got the time for such important things.

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14 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

People in power are usually narcissists, which means they have no regard for anyone else but their own fragile egos. It doesn't take money to treat or train a dog right. It takes love, patience and knowledge. A lot of that isn't in government positions as has been proven in most countries for a thousand years. People in high positions usually have others raise their animals and children, because they haven't got the time for such important things.

So the president can't get one dog trained because you claim he's a 'narcissist' he might be many things but i don't think he's that. Again, excuses for violent dogs which are so naturally. Not Bidens fault or his staff, the dog is nasty and needs to be put down, like many others.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/26/2023 at 9:09 AM, fredwiggy said:

 Dogs, especially larger ones, should not be allowed to be alone with small children, because children sometimes tease, sit on or hit dogs, and any dog will try to protect itself using what it knows best, biting. 

This is a true story from the Philippines. A bar/guesthouse owner, an Englishman, had three dogs, one of which was a large breed. One night a Filipino family visited and their little toddler girl was playing with this large dog when it turned on her and chewed her ear off. The father wanted action taken and called the cops. But the bar owner bribed them to stay away. He valued his dog over the welfare of  a little toddler girl. 


That sums up the mentality of so many dog owners. 

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4 minutes ago, mike_rad said:

This is a true story from the Philippines. A bar/guesthouse owner, an Englishman, had three dogs, one of which was a large breed. One night a Filipino family visited and their little toddler girl was playing with this large dog when it turned on her and chewed her ear off. The father wanted action taken and called the cops. But the bar owner bribed them to stay away. He valued his dog over the welfare of  a little toddler girl. 


That sums up the mentality of so many dog owners. 

And the world around us. Money talks to many. If that happened in the US, just as an example of one country, the man would lose that dog, and the dog would be put down.

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