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Alcoholics Not Permitted To Enter Thailand

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leprosy ? Did I read that correctly, anyone confirmed this ?

Welcome to the dark ages.

Perhaps the immigration staff were drunk when they wrote their new policy, lol.

Maybe they're just imitating the UK rules on sick immigrants (Entry Clearance Volume 1 Appendix 24.1). Lobbying kept HIV off the UK list - syphilis was still on it six years ago. It's a shame they didn't copy the exemption for returning residents. Obviously foreigners mustn't garden in Thailand (for fear of leprosy) - but perhaps that's already covered in the prohibition on cultivation.

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only stupid government makes stupid rules :o

no drink, no smoke, no <deleted>$k ...

soon no tourist :D

but may be they think that tourists come only for hte load of rich temple and nice landscape ... :D

stupid and hypocrit toxin and his brainless gang ... and then what next ?

may be can enter Thailand if you are a stupid owner of super privilege card :D


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yep, and I can understand the Thai authorities. What`s wrong if you have to prove while applying for a retirement visa that you are "clean"? I did not have any problems with this regulation.

Do we really want all the addicts and junkies here amongst us?

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yep, and I can understand the Thai authorities. What`s wrong if you have to prove while applying for a retirement visa that you are "clean"? I did not have any problems with this regulation.

Do we really want all the addicts and junkies here amongst us?

The problem is that it seems that you have to stay 'clean'. The implication is that if you catch TB or leprosy in Thailand, you must leave or be deported. Furthermore, what would happen if Thai physicians started refusing to certify people as healthy once they become feeble with age.

What happens now when retired ex-pats (say with a Thai wife) living in Thailand are crippled by strokes? Are they currently certified as 'healthy'?

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Well, listen to this guys. Look at this thread coming from all of you. Many of you do drink. Secondly, yes indeed Thailand really has a problem on the alcoholic drinking. Think about it for a moment. You are driving your car stone sober, and how many of the other drivers out there way over the tipsy stage, and could kill you with one mistake.

Also motorbikes. I do see many of them having their special treat right under the seat or on the side. Thai people really do drink the hard stuff since they socialize a lot with others daily.

Fellas, drinking just to be sociable is fine, but remember that doing it practically every day one tends to become addicted to alcohol over the course of time just like drugs.

If one drinks on occasion which is far and few in between, then that is fine. For me I take Vodka and 7up just once a year, and I don't even finish my glass even two hours later. I have also recently seen many individuals drink a whole bottle before the night is over. Yes they might act and look sober to you (being an alcoholic) but technically they are drunk, cause you can tell as they speak and their memory is so bad they cannot remember what they did one minute later.

Alcohol is also a silent killer. Eventually your liver goes first. As for women it is two times more dangerous than it is for men. Why, because of the body to fat ratio's are much different.


Sorry Daveyo;;But Liver function is down about 7th on the list of things that will kill from booze injestion.

The very first thing that kills you is suicide,of which there seems to be a rash of in Pattaya.

Even ahead of liver is pancreatic cancer. And that ain't even taking into account the accidental deaths.

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On a serious note, it would seem to me that we westerners are applying our cultural attitudes to Thai regulations. We in the west, living under the rule of law for so many centuries, expect our laws to say what they mean and mean what they say and be enforced accordingly, dispite a very broad discretionary prosecutorial power in our governments.

It seems to me that the Thai government, likewise, exercises discretionary prosecutorial power. but extends it more broadly and to most Thai government officials. Thus, an individual immigration officer can excercise discretion in interprting the regulations and the Thai government has many regulations that they can exercise, when they choose, to exclude or deport almost any farang.

While many of us look at this with alarm, where in the west would be see an official government web site explain that if an expat, living a long time in Thailand, and who cannot meet the financial requirements for extention, would none the less be looked upon humanely (ie. requirement waived).

While certainly the exercise of discretion is the cornerstone of corruption, at least we rarely encounter annally retentive Thai officials who mindlessly interpret the regulations to our detriment as we do in the west. I, for one, feel comfortable in retireing here, regardless of the "regulations", as I am confident that as long as I do my best to comply with the intent of Thai law, those laws and regulatons will not be used to treat me unfairly.

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There was a very good Question raised from our member here Guys. It came from Richard W with a quote as follows """""What happens now when retired ex-pats (say with a Thai wife) living in Thailand are crippled by strokes? Are they currently certified as 'healthy'? """""""

Better also include Cancer and Heart Attacks. Will this also be deemed UNHEALTHY?????????? as one of the requirements??????

First off Leprosy still does exist in the world in some spots and has not been totally eradicated.

Secondly Elephantitus is extremely rare nowadays.

Polio is also supposingly eradicated but not completely as of yet.

For some reason HIV is not included worldwide!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This disease is deadly as it comes.

Better include SARS and other common known transmissions of today to better protect the public all around.

Plus some other ones that I cannot think of now.


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“Only foreigners staying in Thailand on a “retirement” visa are required to show a medical certificate verifying that the applicant is healthy and does not suffer from elephantiasis, tuberculosis or leprosy, and is not addicted to alcoholic or a user of illegal drugs.

is not addicted to alcoholic

This sounds like my wife will not be allowed to enter Thailand ?? :o

I agree, I think a lot of people here are over reacting.

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Hmmmm, soon they might require mandatory Blood testing and DNA before you are granted to leave from your home country to visit another if this continues and they wish to enforce it to the dot of the i and the cross of the t

It will be interesting to see how Immigrations is going to handle all this paperwork and what do they do with such sensitive health information as to its disposal?????? Who gets to keep these papers. I would suggest the traveler themselves thus freeing Immigrations of all of this possible headaches. And all they have to do is enter in some spots on their computers yes or no etc and be done.

This also can translate more money in the coffers for the countries, and of course more money expense wise from the travelers to get these health certificates and submitting such before the stamps are applied.

Is this called Inflation or greed or another gem and score for the Governments????? Think about it for a moment here. Blood testing for medical reasons, and DNA for background checks all done at the same time and guess how many new jobs will be created as a result, and how many will get busted once a match is found in the DNA base. Lol and behold, a new era of lifestyle will begin as to our freedoms being in Jeopardy.

On the negative aspect, this can seriously hurt the traveling industry since many may not want to go thru all the hassles and many will cancel trips abroad unless absolutely necessary. So the countries that rely heavily on tourists will indeed suffer if such is put into effect thus goes their economic bubble!!!!!!

I shalt not shudder to think of this and shalt not wish to think of the disaster pending to countries that rely on tourists.


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Better also include Cancer and Heart Attacks. Will this also be deemed UNHEALTHY?????????? as one of the requirements??????

First off Leprosy still does exist in the world in some spots and has not been totally eradicated.

Secondly Elephantitus is extremely rare nowadays.

Polio is also supposingly eradicated but not completely as of yet.

For some reason HIV is not included worldwide!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This disease is deadly as it comes.

Better include SARS and other common known transmissions of today to better protect the public all around.

Plus some other ones that I cannot think of now.


..........chucky flu?

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Just another ridiculous unenforceable law! Like so many of the traffic laws that nobody abides by. A "medical certificate" in Thailand is a fifty baht piece of paper that you can get from any street corner clinic (I got one from a pediatrician!!!). The doctor/nurse/receptionist looks at you, has you fill out your name, they sign it, stamp it, and you're on your way. Hey, you don't even have to stick out your tongue to get a medical certificate! You could be dying from the Ebola virus inside and they'd issue you a 'medical certificate' - they just want to see that you're not blind and that you have all four limbs! Good enough!

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