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5 ways to protect yourself from Dengue fever

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5 ways to protect yourself from Dengue fever




While Thailand is blessed with year-round warm weather and a tropical climate, this comes at a cost: mosquitos. It’s not only annoying to swat these swarming creatures and deal with the irritation of mosquito bites, but you’ll also need to be mindful of the diseases spread through them. Yes, that’s right. Mosquitos carry a number of viruses that can cause deadly diseases such as, but not limited to, dengue fever.


For those of you who aren’t already aware, the dengue virus is spread from person to person through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. It can result in symptoms like high body temperature, intense joint and muscle pain, nausea and/or vomiting, and more. Given that there are no vaccinations for dengue fever and treatment is symptom based, dengue fever poses a serious threat to individuals - especially those that are vulnerable.


The good news is that there’s a way out. If you take adequate precautions, you can lower your risk of getting bitten. In this article by our friends at Pacific Prime Thailand, we’ll let you in on some of the best ways to dodge mosquitos and protect yourself from dengue fever.

1. Avoid stagnant water

As mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus thrive in stagnant water, the easiest way to avoid mosquitoes is to avoid stagnant water. In simple terms, this means avoiding wastewater, rainwater, natural water bodies, and standing water that remains after an area has been flooded. Within your own homes, be mindful of objects like flower pots and pet’s water bows, and make sure that these are emptied out and cleaned regularly.

2. Mosquito-proof your home

Make it a habit to always close the doors and windows. If you want to open them to let a bit of breeze in, make sure to install netted slide doors. Be especially mindful between the time period dawn and dusk as that’s when mosquitoes responsible for spreading diseases are most active. You can also get a mosquito net to sleep under and keep a couple of mosquito zappers within easy reach in your house.

3. Keep your home airy and well-lit

In addition to loving stagnant water, mosquitos also love dark and damp places. This means that you should keep your home airy and well-lit in order to deter mosquitos. Make sure you get plenty of sunlight during the day and turn on lights during the early evenings and before bedtime. Avoid clutter so that air flows better in your house. Bonus points: sprinkle lemongrass around your house. Not only will it make your house smell delicious, but it’ll also keep the mosquitos at bay as it is a natural mosquito repellent.

4. Cover yourself adequately

If you’re going outdoors, don’t be tempted to wear shorts and sleeveless tops. Although the weather may be warm, wearing clothing that covers your body adequately will leave you with fewer spots for potential bites. Besides, wearing clothing that covers your body will also make sure you don’t get sunburnt. In terms of clothing, we’re talking long-sleeved tops, long pants, socks, and covered shoes. Of course, you don’t have to follow this dress code down to the tee and can be less strict - especially if you aren’t going into dengue-infested areas.

5. Use mosquito repellent

And last, but not least, use mosquito repellent. It’s more important to use mosquito repellent if you’re planning to spend long periods of time outdoors, but you can also apply some if you’re going to be indoors. Simply spray the repellent on bare areas on your body like arms and legs, and remember to top up once every couple of hours. If you have little ones with you, you can use mosquito patches, mosquito bands, and mosquito wipes that are safe for children and infants.  


What if you’ve already been bitten by a mosquito, you may be wondering? Or what if you have one of the above-mentioned symptoms of dengue fever? It’s vital that you seek medical advice immediately by going to your nearest hospital or clinic. If you’re worried that doing so will set you back financially, why not look into getting a private health insurance plan? Whether you’re an expat, individual, or family, Pacific Prime Thailand can help you compare and find the best plan for your needs and budget. Contact them to get started today!

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