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Por Kor 14 - Once issued how binding are they?

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OK, so this is not for me but for my girlfriends sister.


She has a 1 year kid with a guy from Australia and has fallen out with him. They are not married, he is on the birth certificate as the father (I have been through court myself to get registered as the father of my son and have a good knowledge of the requirements etc, but I have not come across the Por Kor 14 before).


He is not sending money to her to help pay for the kids expenses, he is saying that he will only do so when she helps him get registered as the father.


Technically she could make that happen but standard procedure would be for him to instigate the process through a lawyer, and they would want to see at least 6 months payments into her account to show he is doing his bit financially.


She is understandably getting a bit annoyed and is talking about trying to get the Por Kor 14 so she can kinda block him and move on, but I'm not sure it would be that simple.


So the question is can the Por Kor 14 be used like this?


As he is on the birth certificate and has a paid a few small payments already although none for 6 months now, would the local Amphur issue a Por Kor 14?


If they did, would it stop him from being able to apply to the court in the future (after having made some regular payments etc) to be registered as the father?


Thanks in advance.

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I am not an expert on this particular issue.

It is my sense that the Por Kor 14 confirms sole custody, and is necessary in cases like applying for passports for the child. I do not think it guarantees that the father could not petition a court to change the custody arrangement later.

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