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Thai Elite Visa - Official Website

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I am interested in applying for the Thai Elite visa that are expiring by September 15th. I also had some questions before applying:


1) There are many agent websites and I want to apply directly on the official website. Can anyone confirm the official website? 


2) How can I get in touch about questions I have from the official website? I tried emailing SalesGroup@thailandprivilege.co.th but not getting any responses. Is anyone else getting responses from this email?


3) If approved, can I get visa stamp affixed from a local Thai embassy in my home country?


4) Once you get approved and make the payment, is there a requirement that you have to go to Thailand within a specific period of time? Or is it flexible? For example, can I wait a year until I have to go to Thailand for the first time after my application is approved?


5) Can I work outside Thailand or trade stocks in my account outside Thailand to earn income on Elite visa?


6) Can I trade stocks in an account within Thailand while on Elite visa?


Much appreciated!

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Thank you for your quick response, it's really very helpful!


For #3, understanding that the easiest way is to get the visa is at the airport on arrival, is it possible to get it affixed from a Thai embassy / consulate in my home country of Canada? I'd prefer to save a trip until I'm ready to move their officially. 


I also have a question about stay extension. I believe we have to leave Thailand at least once every 365 days but it is possible to extend it from within Thailand for another year. How many times can we extend it from within the country?

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1 hour ago, shady4lyfe said:

I have tried contacting them by phone at +66 (0) 2353 4121, 4122, 4129, 4130. None of the numbers were reachable. Has anyone had any luck getting through to the customer service?

Odd. Are you sure you are interpreting the numbers correctly. The first two numbers are +6623534121 and +6623534122.

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8 hours ago, shady4lyfe said:

For #3, understanding that the easiest way is to get the visa is at the airport on arrival, is it possible to get it affixed from a Thai embassy / consulate in my home country of Canada? I'd prefer to save a trip until I'm ready to move their officially. 

I believe it was possible in the past, though almost never done. I doubt very much it is possible now after the e-visa system entered use in Canada. They are not set up to receive visa applicants at the embassy any more. Anyway, once you are a Thailand Elite member, you can choose when to travel to Thailand to have the visa actually inserted in your passport. The passport sticker is not really important.


8 hours ago, shady4lyfe said:

I also have a question about stay extension. I believe we have to leave Thailand at least once every 365 days but it is possible to extend it from within Thailand for another year. How many times can we extend it from within the country?

During the period of your Thailand Elite membership, you can (if you wish) extend annually at an immigration office in Thailand on payment of 1,900 baht. Apart from still being a Thailand Elite member, there are no other requirements. Of course, this is only ever necessary if you make zero overseas trips in a one-year period.

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10 hours ago, shady4lyfe said:

Thank you for your quick response, it's really very helpful!


For #3, understanding that the easiest way is to get the visa is at the airport on arrival, is it possible to get it affixed from a Thai embassy / consulate in my home country of Canada? I'd prefer to save a trip until I'm ready to move their officially. 


I also have a question about stay extension. I believe we have to leave Thailand at least once every 365 days but it is possible to extend it from within Thailand for another year. How many times can we extend it from within the country?

#3 Nope ... NO Elite Visas are issued and placed in passports outside of the Kingdom (well not that I know of. I have never had any info from Elite, nor any others on Elite Visas to the contrary). 


... You get official approval from the Thai Government (Elite is actually an arm of the Tourist Authority of Thailand (TAT).  

Elite will most likely call and email you in Canada to tell you if you have been successful in your application.

I was given a direct call from my allotted Elite Concierge (you get a specific Concierge to guide you throughout your application and after granting of your visa as part of their personal Elite service),  we got a call while at home in Queensland to inform me of my success in my application. 

A nice personal Executive/Elite touch I thought.


You give Elite your flight entry info ... get on your flight as normal ... and as others have told you, you simply arrive. But from their on its an Elite experience.


Elite, in their sombre elegant uniform, meet at the plane door, carry your bags for you, and golf buggy escort you to the Elite Visa I.O. area (separate from all others I.O. checkpoint streams).

They present your documents to and dialogue with I.O. for you and bingo you get your nice fancy Elite thingamajig in your passport and you are good to go.  

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3 hours ago, BritTim said:

Odd. Are you sure you are interpreting the numbers correctly. The first two numbers are +6623534121 and +6623534122.

They Office is closed this week I believe - email received stating they all had COVID. Sounds very convenient to me.

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2 minutes ago, iaminwa said:

They Office is closed this week I believe - email received stating they all had COVID. Sounds very convenient to me.

Only number given to contact until Thursday 7th is +66 (0) 2352 3000. Office open again on Thuesday 7th.

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16 hours ago, BritTim said:

It has officially changed now, and it auto-redirects for you:  https://www.thailandprivilege.co.th


Watch out for frauds like this one, though:  https://www.thailandelite.com/online/?action=login


Simply fail the login information or click Register to see the full page, then click the same Member Contact Center link in the lower-left and you will see it is a bogus website:  https://elite-web-dev.golfdigg.com/contactus.  Other links on the lower section of the page go to instead of the genuine ones.  

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