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Are Some Thai Girls Very Sheltered?

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For the Thai middle class, I would say, yes, yes, yes. When I used to teach English

to Thais, mostly well to do young people, I noticed that they are extremely sheltered. Most of them live at home until they marry, never pay rent, have never had a part time job and for the girls, have virtually no experience with boys or men. Many of them study most of the time and for fun go to movies or out to eat with friends. Of the things I mentioned, I think the only negative is that so few are willing to take part time jobs. I think working for young people is a valuable experience for thier future.

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For the Thai middle class, I would say, yes, yes, yes. When I used to teach English

to Thais, mostly well to do young people, I noticed that they are extremely sheltered. Most of them live at home until they marry, never pay rent, have never had a part time job and for the girls, have virtually no experience with boys or men. Many of them study most of the time and for fun go to movies or out to eat with friends. Of the things I mentioned, I think the only negative is that so few are willing to take part time jobs. I think working for young people is a valuable experience for thier future.

Ditto from my experience as well.

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I think you average thai girl from a good family (I dont mean high class) is in some ways a lot more imature, more sort of girly, liking cuddly toys that sort of thing, but in some ways a lot more mature than western girls, but in respect to looking after themselfs, the house cooking and looking after money (possably) they seem more mature.

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Some of the girls in my office are 28, 29, 30 ......and they carry on like teenagers all the time. They are all virgins as well......according to a well trusted and expereinced source.........but I tend to beleive this part as they are just so giggly I cant imagine them being that way if they had had some sexual experience. BUT......they love looking at porn and other stuff on the internet and are always showing me as well.........Mind you, they are not very good looking either.......no wonder they are virgins. :o

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In my limited experience, Thai middle & upper class single girls & young ladies are less wise in the ways of the big bad world.

The lower classes are 'players' in all senses of the word. Farang beware :o

Compared with the Slutty behaviour of many females in UK and USA, Thai women are very conservative

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If by average Thai girl you mean a middle class / educated girl from Bangkok, then the answer is absolutely yes. Very sheltered and innocent existence. Keep in mind strict rules on segregation exist in many good Thai schools and the most Thai's highly conservative nature. High and Low Society in Thailand is like Chalk and Cheese - a bit like cricket supporters and football hooligans in England.

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If by average Thai girl you mean a middle class / educated girl from Bangkok, then the answer is absolutely yes.

That's right.

And take cover.

The "awakening" is always close by.

It will happen.


Only a matter of time.

With devastating effects.

For them and maybe for you,... :o:D

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If by average Thai girl you mean a middle class / educated girl from Bangkok, then the answer is absolutely yes.

That's right.

And take cover.

The "awakening" is always close by.

It will happen.


Only a matter of time.

With devastating effects.

For them and maybe for you,... :D:D

yes Blue cat you are very much correct

it is very devastating on

1. wallet and bank account

2. a man's johnson

3. a man's heart

4. and last but not least a man's nerves :o

but i still love her and i would not trade her for all the tea in china because remember you can't take any of the aboved mention with you!!!!!! :D:D

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Some of the girls in my office are 28, 29, 30 ......and they carry on like teenagers all the time. They are all virgins as well......according to a well trusted and expereinced source.........but I tend to beleive this part as they are just so giggly I cant imagine them being that way if they had had some sexual experience. BUT......they love looking at porn and other stuff on the internet and are always showing me as well.........Mind you, they are not very good looking either.......no wonder they are virgins. :D

Well ned kelly u may have something there but remember with the ugly ones you can put a bag pn their head :D don't count them out because they know how to please well the ones i been with hahahahahahaha :o

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Not really very much on topic, but what i see much more in Thailand than in the US, the women here care much more about men. And no, don't jump in with a line like "its only your wallet, etc" lets leave that BG talk away for a second and look at the average woman here. Most of them will call you if you're not with them for a few hours and check if you're fine, etc. - as compared to my ex-g/f in the US, who didn't give a ###### when i was in the hospital for 4 days because she was "busy training with the college team in the afternoons" and didn't really have time to even come see me, but then when i called her she said she was at a coffee shop with her girl friends.

Back to the topic, my thai girlfriend is different in many ways from my past relationships with Canadian and US women. I've really only had one serious long time relationship for 3 years (i'm 21 now, been in it from 16-21) so i don't have as much to compare with as some of you guys. She's not high society, but neither low and she's well educated and goes to a good university. She doesn't ask for any money or gifts, however i do occasionally buy her this or that and she does as well give me gifts and she many times even declines when i offer her this or that because its "too expensive", in her own words. And like the thread starter said, she is also very sheltered and shy. But what's wrong with that? Sure i may not get her to sleep in my bed on the first date (before you ask, i didn't), neither the second date or the first week. Maybe not in the first 3 months, maybe not until i marry her. Who knows. And guess what, i don't really care - and i kind of prefer it like that. If she went home with me the first night, i wouldn't even have started a relationship with her. I don't have the time on my hands to play games with BGs or anyone else. And no, i don't have any plans for getting married, not for quite some time as i always want to get to know someone very well before i take that step.

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Does your average thai girl lack everyday experience in the ways of the world?

Obviously I can't speak for all cases, but my fiance' has some of these characteristics. In many ways she is very worldly, but much of this comes from things she has seen and learned outside of Thailand. In many ways, she is very much the shy, naive, proper girl who was raised in a small country village. These characteristics, as well as many others, are part of the reason why I am so attracted to her.

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What do you expect of them when watch Thai TV? Lots of crappy soaps, rarely something educational.

I want to take my gf to my home-country, just to open her eyes a bit to farang culture. Thai people sometimes seem so naieve, so... yeah sheltered.

Too much protected and taken care of by their parents. And that's exactly what they want from future husband. They want security. Many are scared to death to have to stand on their own legs. They want a guy who will protect them (not in the narrow sense), someonewho gives security. Thai girls find this also rather in men who are older than them. I think you won't find many women who have younger partners here. At least less than in farangland.

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I don't believe that they all (or the majority even) fit a particular mould.

I agree that they love watching porn but what gets me is that it doesn't seem to get their juices flowing i.e. they are not rushing to find a guy who will perform as in the XXX scenes they have been watching.

I don't agree that the majority live at home until they meet a guy and start playing houses with him.

There are absolute masses of dormitories either attached to (or in close proximity) to the high schools and universities. And they are filled to overflowing with these nubile things.

I do agree that very many have never lifted a finger (have a job either full or part time) to help themselves and wouldn't know anything about work ethics if they fell over one.

They also have a tendency to find it difficult to get out of be (unfortunately not mine) and just love to sleep until almost midday. (most days)

But the one thing they have in common is that most are very beautiful (although Ned's selection process seems to have some flaws in it :o )

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Absolutely, a shelter is there. Watch out for male family-members, like brothers

who make sure the girl does not fall in wolves' hands until she got married.

Thai man are a bit particular about their spouses they marry (mia nois of course are different)

Even the girlks working are ujsually going home straight after office hours and more often than not, when doing a job-interview the prospective staff told me, her brother brought her and is waiting outside.

NedKelly: Have you got a spouse doing the hiring for you? :o

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I wouldn't say they never lifted a finger, quite the opposite.

There is a cultural difference in perception here. Whereas in the indrustrialised western society we view 'work' as a focused continual activity during set daily hours, I find Thais, particularly in rural environment, more task oriented, i.e. when something needs to be done, or money needs to be earned, they will do what is required, talking about Thai 'girls', let's not forget that housework and looking after siblings is work as well. When need or ambition are not present, they will watch tv, rest and generally enjoy themselves.

I have learned a lot from this, although my customers have been complaining about me being relaxed.

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Tad ta ta da....it's Shopgurl to the rescue!!! :o Does Shopgurl have to come in everytime to defend the integrity of Thai women today?! :D Can't leave you boys alone for a single minute/thread eh??? :D

I will try to explain this the best way that I can manage. IMO, it depends on the household and income, as mentioned, that girls(women) or even Thai boys(umm men? :D ) for that matter are raised in. As we are all aware of, Thailand is a country filled with many religions and a variety of social classes, therefore the Thai demographics are of a reasonable variety as well.

Factors such as family income and the ways of child rearing all contribute to how one turns out, as in all cultures in this world.

Maybe by categorizing, it would make it easy to understand certain types of Thai women....please be reminded that this is all IMO and coming from a more Bangkokian viewpoint, therefore any further comments or corrections are welcomed.

Today, there are the following groups:

Pre-teens aged 12-15 of various family incomes -It's the same for all teenagers today around the world to be growing up faster and beyond their age. Teens today are experiencing and wanting to experience more before the actual age of consent. They are maturing more faster biologically then their fellow sisters of yesteryears. This group nowadays, regardless of family income at times, is being greatly influenced by pop culture and corporate marketing, such easy and gullible prey, and with an added fact that many parents are keen to splurge as well on their children's requests.

16-20 years old - It's like a vital fork in the road at this age range since many are going through so much emotional growth stemming from attending college or the simple fact of much more freedom to go and do as they please. In this age range, most are still slaves to pop culture and corporate marketing but added with their own twist. This is a general aspect of this age group but within this group there are many types or subgroups of girls, which I will break down now as well;

Middle class Thai girl - quite the major population in Bangkok. where the family is financially stable and at this age, going to school should be their major priority, where as some do keep to this but there are some action seekers or many that likes going out to clubs on a weekly and at times daily basis. This does not always mean that they are easy but some due to the fact of peer pressure and curiosity do tend to be judged that way. In a nutshell, at this age fun is the driving factor well as at times education is not the first priority.

Lower and Lower Middle class Thai girl - this is also a major population of Bangkok girls/women today. Many as you can probably see are working in department stores or the many shops around town. They all have the same aspiration of being trendy and fashionable but tend to be more hard working and diligent in their studies as many would like more than to be sales girls all their lives but with all due respect, they may be content with it as well since some manage to be promoted in this field.

Middle Upper and Upper class Thai girl/women - as many would think that all girls/women that fall into this category are Hi-So, it's not always so. There are certain individuals that are quite the scholars and entrepreneurs, being rich doesn't mean you're exempted from mental breakdowns or social dilemmas, as a matter of fact at times it’s even worst since social gossip is a big determining factor and influence in this group. Yes I understand that at times it’s quite nauseating to look upon these individuals (puffy hair and gaudy attire and all) but face it, they have it and aren’t shy to show it.

Now the truth about mid 20ish to 30ish++ working Thai women. Yes, some are virgins and yes, they like looking at porn, but isn’t this also a major case in the US, UK, and plenty of other countries, regardless of gender? A majority are undeniably inexperienced but not because of their own asking, it needs to be understood that those that are in their 30s++, grew up in a society much different than our current fashion and clubbing influenced society today. Many, do want to have a relationship and experience intimacy but due to working restraints and a huge male gay population, the odds are pretty much against them; therefore a contributing factor to more interracial relationships with foreigners.

I think I wrote a handful already….so won’t torment you guys any more than I did already! But just remember this is only my 2 satang…..

Oops almost forgot the "never lifted a finger" issue. This can be clearly explained by the fact that in Thailand domestic help is commonly employed due to cheap wages. This can be summed up with the saying, how can you expect a person to catch fish when you only keep giving the fish to them in the first place?

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Wow ShopGurl Pretty Good, :D Well I was born in Thailand But grew up in the states I only have one thing to say You said that Farang girls look at porn Your talking about Women outside of the US right? I may be mistaken but this is from my experience I knew some American girls before i woke up and saw the light and finally married a Thai girl But those American girls never looked at porn.

Just recently My dad sent me a movie of a Farang Man and a Thai Girl having fun, :o Well I told my wife about this and She wanted to see it Well From all my preconditioning from American women I thought I should not send it because she'll get mad :D My Wife's favorite saying is "backhand, forehand" Well I thought she would do this to me when i Fimally go back and get her

Well to make this short, I couldn't send the movie but my dad also sent me pictures :D So I sent them to her I haven't heard anything yet because she has not emailed me yet. Hey Shopgurl I was wondering this I am not starting a new thread at all just a simple question.

If you were born in Thailand and went to another country to live for the better part of your life Are you considered a Farang?

Thanks Chok Dee to everyone

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Tad ta ta da....it's Shopgurl to the rescue!!!  Does Shopgurl have to come in everytime to defend the integrity of Thai women today?!  Can't leave you boys alone for a single minute/thread eh???

Please don't leave us alone, :D and thank you for your excellent post! :o

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out of 30 millions Thai ladies , dont u think its alil hard to really judge ?

my gf is like many girls i guess , but there all got there differences and for me(or anyone for that matter) to judge that isn't a good thing

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If you were born in Thailand and went to another country to live for the better part of your life  Are you considered a Farang?

A very good question and still a wonderment that I have since it's the story of my life. But I would think farang is more of a reference to caucasion men or women, since I don't hear Thais calling africans, japanese, or any other foreigners "farang".

But there is the concept of a "farang point of view" which is widely common with Thai individuals that in some way spent a period of their lives abroad.

As for American women and porn, we do and are curious but not specifically about looking at pornography, we just do it more discreetly. Another reason why maybe Thais make such a big deal over the sex and pornography issue may be stemming from the censoring and repression of it unlike western counterparts where sex is an open issue. But it is a fact that women do like looking at other women's bodies than men's bodies.

STROLL - Thank you and I would never leave a great bunch of people! Whereever there is ThaiVisa there's Shopgurl! :D:o:D

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out of 30 millions Thai ladies , dont u think its alil hard to really judge ?

my gf is like many girls i guess , but there all got there differences and for me(or anyone for that matter) to judge that isn't a good thing

Understand your viewpoint but may I mention again it's only my opinion and not any judgement that I have. If I were judgmental I would be writing about how Thai girls should be more concerned with environmental concerns than what's the upcoming fashion trend but I will not write about this since I do not know each and every female in this country to constitute a relevant and factual analysis of such.

All that I have written is from my own experiences and encounters. I'm still only 25 so maybe I haven't met the entire population of Thailand yet but there's still time eh? :o

But something to think about is that we are all human beings with a general hierarchy of needs, what defers is what each individual holds as a priority and how we act upon attaining or achieving it. Therefore we all have common experiences in our lifetime but just with our own added tailored personal twist to them.

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Ahhh, the rainman story is being posted bit by bit! So far, so good.

Rainman, sounds like you've got a goodie, but it also sounds like you'll be visit'n

the soapies now'n then. The Five Digit Devil gets old after awhile, especially in a country where there is such a variety of delectible, inviting sweeties.

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If you were born in Thailand and went to another country to live for the better part of your life  Are you considered a Farang?

A very good question and still a wonderment that I have since it's the story of my life. But I would think farang is more of a reference to caucasion men or women, since I don't hear Thais calling africans, japanese, or any other foreigners "farang".

But there is the concept of a "farang point of view" which is widely common with Thai individuals that in some way spent a period of their lives abroad.

As for American women and porn, we do and are curious but not specifically about looking at pornography, we just do it more discreetly. Another reason why maybe Thais make such a big deal over the sex and pornography issue may be stemming from the censoring and repression of it unlike western counterparts where sex is an open issue. But it is a fact that women do like looking at other women's bodies than men's bodies.

STROLL - Thank you and I would never leave a great bunch of people! Whereever there is ThaiVisa there's Shopgurl! :D:o:D

Thanks shopgurl for the answers to my questions, your are right about the white farang thai people can spot them from miles away i am joking of course. I was at my wife's home and she had friends come by She had told them I was fom America So they thought i was Farang, They were surprised to see I look thai I am mixed blood so to speak Half Thai and Half Farang.

I think I am lucky to be exposed to two different cultures. Well I was just wondering about this Because after her friends saw me I was not called a farang anymore. But to think of it I am. It's confusing sometimes. I just wanted somone's else's opinion on this.

I understand what you mean about the porn issue, Because come to think of it there are not many Ladies Magazines showing Men Well I only Know of one and that is Playgirl. I am not surprised women look at other women. I guess to see what's going on. I had a female friend and she told me if she went into a nightclub she scoped out the women to see what her compatition was :D Because she knew she could get a man :D Her exact qoute.

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