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Are Some Thai Girls Very Sheltered?

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I love reading posts from the few Thai women that dare to enter the Farang Pub, but I don't think "being a Thai woman" (a qualifier that appears in almost every posting) necessarily makes the poster an expert on Thai women.

Just as my being a farang does not make me an expert on "farang men" - either way it's just too broad a subject.

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After thinking this over, I think that both Moron's and Shopgurl's arguments point in the same direction without either of them knowing it. I think both of them know full well why Thai women seek Farang men, but they are both too pig headed to admit it.

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I think both of them know full well why Thai women seek Farang men, but they are both too pig headed to admit it.

..and to be fair, why do farang men seek thai women? Lets be honest here. Sometimes its about money, sometimes it isn't. Its the same anywhere in the world. We farang men see many things in thai women that we do not see in farang women, else we wouldn't start relationships with thai women, right? So why can't thai women see something in farang men (and other than money) that they cannot see in thai men? I see what shopgurl is trying to explain here.

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Everyone seeks someone for different reasons. Why is it coming down to that Thai women seeks farang men for money? Not all farang men have the money that they seem to be talking about that they have. Maybe some of us are just fed up with Thai men, or see what others have been through with other men besides farang men.

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I'll tell you why my wife left her ex-husband. Don't get me wrong here; I am not generalising about Thai men. Most of my wife's brothers are all good, hard working men who take good care of their wives and children.

He blew all their money on cigarettes, wiskey and gambling. He chastised her and

physically abused her because she could not bear a child for him. Once they divorced, she was through with it. In most cases a woman like her is tainted in the Thai community. She knew, however, that she had other options in life.

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Been there done that. But i have been with a Farang who was as abusive as my Thai bf. You just look for better than what you have been through. Well most women do.

The way you say, "Been there, done that," so flippantly makes me wonder if you think these are just casual, common experiences that women in Thailand go through, like they go through toilet paper. You are either a very callous individual,

or you have never really been through these experiences first hand as my wife has.

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Haven't read all the posts because I can be arsed picking out the bickering, but in my opinion most middle class Thais are not sheltered at all, but far from it.

Most of the girls in my office (mid-20's to mid-30's) live alone and therefore have all the responsibilities that come attached with it. Most also appreciate that they may never find a partner (although they've got nothing wrong in the looks department) and accept that this is the way it could be for the rest of their lives - the only thing to advance upon is their own careers, of which they're very ambitious about.

The most sheltered people, in my opinion, are the hi-so Thai's. You know, the ones that read Cosmopolitian (ugh!), completely bent on shopping, go to pretentious clubs and watch Sex in the City - believing that's the way most Western women act (just live some people believe Thai girls are sheltered).

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At least she is not posting in Swiss-German or Roman, so the text is there for everybody to read and misunderstand.

Her post in its entirety is a lot more intelligent than the other garbage that gets posted about 'Thai girls'.


You've been around here far too long :D

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The most sheltered people, in my opinion, are the hi-so Thai's. You know, the ones that read Cosmopolitian (ugh!), completely bent on shopping, go to pretentious clubs and watch Sex in the City - believing that's the way most Western women act

And these are the worst Thai girls. big headed and boasting about everything.I'm surprised any of them find boyfriends at all.

None of you lot on this forum would ever find out mind you.

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mbkudu Posted on Wed 2004-07-14, 23:13:34

The way you say, "Been there, done that," so flippantly makes me wonder if you think these are just casual, common experiences that women in Thailand go through, like they go through toilet paper. You are either a very callous individual,
No, i have been there done that. But why keep bringing it up? I know situations like that will change your life, then let it change for the better. Go for men who would treat u the way u deserve. Who cares if hes Thai or Farang. My argument is that Thai, Farang, African American, what ever, they can be equally abusive.

QUOTE (Insight @ Thu 2004-07-15, 16:00:09)

The most sheltered people, in my opinion, are the hi-so Thai's. You know, the ones that read Cosmopolitian (ugh!), completely bent on shopping, go to pretentious clubs and watch Sex in the City - believing that's the way most Western women act

DJ Pat Posted on Thu 2004-07-15, 03:44:48

And these are the worst Thai girls. big headed and boasting about everything.I'm surprised any of them find boyfriends at all.

I strongly agree to that....

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Thailand is a very class oriented society. There's the unskilled labor class, skilled

labor/blue collar, the Hi Sos and the upper classes. I wouldn't put the High Sos into the upper class. The Hi So (middle class) are in my opinion the the most sheltered and least street smart. The upper class, with the most money have experienced world travel so their outlook is more broad than the average Thai.

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