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Do You Want To Meet Other Members?


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No not really as I find there are many people here who would not be genuine in wanting to meet! I see this forum as a source of information and exchange of ideas! Unfortunately some only want to abuse and stir others! That's not to say if I find someone genuine (and I'd have to be convinced) that just maybe meet someone of interest, I can't say NEVER! :o

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This might seem a strange comment to make on an expat forum, but my feeling is that if I wanted to hang out with westerners, I'd stay in the West.

Plus the drinking culture rules me out on grounds of lack of financial means.

Like a few other posters have said, I see this forum as extremely useful in sharing and acquiring information and the odd laugh, but with very few excpetions indeed I get the impression that I have next to nothing in common with the vast majority of you and would prefer to leave it at that. No offence intended.

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I spend so much time posting, I have no time to go out.


I just do not care, forum is "artificial", my life is elsewhere, thanks god.


I hope I am wrong, but from your post I get the impression, that this is where you spend your life, not elsewhere.

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Jaysus Tony....

You're a bloody Aussie.......... Im stumped!

I would have put any money that you were a Pommy!

Ah well, you mustnt have like Pauline Hanson..... or when that PM of yours groped the Queens butt!

Im mostly polite but get a little bothered when people go on about the irish/english thing.......... it's pretty complicated.....and full of emotion.

Anyway, enjoy your trip........... and know I really know where you live!

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Yeah Mate! We like a bit of fun and stirring the pot! It makes it interesting and gets people "fired up" (but makes them think!) This method can make for a good forum where suddenley you have many people desparate to have their say cause you got them going and they want to spill their guts! Watch this space I'll over time show you how it's done! Bloody good fun!!! :D:D:wub::o:D:D

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