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Farangs Hoarding Cash


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I'm not a resident of Pattaya so I'm somewhat intrigued as to why, in many reports of robberies targeting farangs, there are often very large amounts of cash involved.

Why is this ? In my experience, only those engaged in activities outside the law have need for large amounts of cash. Does this hold true for these robbery victims in Pattaya ? Surely the place is not crawling with rogues, or is it ?

In many instances the report states that a safe was forced opened. If the farang wants to protect the cash what's wrong with a bank ?

Such reports of large cash amounts can only encourage robbers to believe that each farang's home is a gold mine.

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Most farangs don't have checking accounts. Maybe they are about to make a major purchase. Maybe someone has noticed they are hoarding cash or recently made a big withdrawal.

Also, tourist from certain countries appear to arrive with a chunk of hard currency rather than using ATM cards.

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Understand the need for cash to make some purchases but this makes me think further........

GF wants to buy a car, tells BF he should pay in cash (BF doesn't know about cashiers checks). GF informs accomplice who then robs BF.

A lot of what I hear reported sounds like a set up for an inside job.

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...why, in many reports of robberies targeting farangs, there are often very large amounts of cash involved...

I guess there must also be an element that, if say, only a small amount like 500 Baht was stolen, it wouldn't make the papers, so only the larger amounts get reported.

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As a victim of credid card fraud years ago. It happened when I was in TL at that time, I remembered using my AX card paid for my hotel room ( 3 weeks stayed and restaurant meals) and charged for merchandises I bought at this large department store. After got back to my home in states, one month later, my card statement came, to my surprise, there were several illegal transactions (without my knowing) appeared on my account. Some were charged in Isaan where I never set a foot on it) Right away I called the AX representative and got things straighten out, they gave me back credid on the following month.

I have to say the AX company standbys it own policies. It's good for the consumers like us to do business with them. Also I've been their member for the past two decades might playing a big part in dealing with. :D

Last year I became a victim of I.D. theft. Up until now I still don't know it was a HE/SHE who stole my personal history to use for applying the credid card. :D It was a long stressfull road and tedious filled with sleepless nights before the court finally cleared my name, :D at the cost of several thousand in hiring a lawyer to represent me.

Afterthat, I carry my credid cards for emergency only. I get by every trip by using cash or travel checks. So it brings back to some postings who wonder why these tourists carry a lot of cash even they know it's a high risk for them. I understand for everything happens for a reason, and their reason might be parallel mine. :o

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