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Bargirl Appreciation Thread.

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of course, as the tread-starter says. there are all diffrent people allaround.

The pity that some need weeks or months to find out, or a bar, tell more about them than BG's, working people, etc.

As you will see when you start TALKING to people, and not only looking at boobs and asses and thinking with your dick, is that ist common among people to reflect and behave as people, not as a categorized crowd-member.


take the red pill

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So this makes him a better man because he had two "BISEXUAL GIRLS" with him?

I'm not bragging or trying to impress you, but I've had more than two at a time, many times ... not just in Thailand, and not just with paid partners.

That doesn't make me a better man than you. I just dance to a different drum ... and I've had a long time to dance to it.

I just don't get it about bargirls?  I am not here to trash them  I never been with one so i don't know if they are good or bad and i am not talking about in bed
As in all walks of life, there are good and bad ... and I'm not talking about in bed either. Fortunately I'm a good judge of character, and I've always managed to avoid the bad ones.
I am married to a thai woman.

I fell madly in love with one when I was sixteen. I would probably have married her, but her father didn't like farangs, and he backed up his dislike with an


and I have been to thailand 4 times the last 2 times were with my wife.  The first two times  I was 16 and 19   My dad wanted to take me to a massage parlour but my mom found out and yelled at him about it  I am half thai and half farang.  I guess you can say I have lived a sheltered life.  I never went to he parlour and to this day i never went with a bargirl.
My father was straight-laced almost to the point of Puritanism. I couldn't wait to get away from home. I seldom thought about him while I was rampaging across the known world ... I was too busy having a good time. It wasn't until many years later, when he was dying, that I realized how much I loved him.
I have been seeing some adult websites featuring bargirls from thailand.  I was curious and subscribed to one.  well it is porn and it probably is staged. I don't know

Most porn is staged.

But the girls in the videos did nothing different then girls i had been with did.
Activities and the positions in which to perform them are finite. Try them all, and stick with the ones you prefer.
So what is the attraction???

The attraction for me as a young man was that they were beautiful, available, economical, came with no strings attached, and were good company both in and out of bed.

Nothing has changed.

If only more posts were as informative as yours. Thanks for sharing your experiences and wise words :o

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They taught me a lot ... and not just about sex. As the weeks went by I became less arrogant, less callous, less tempermental, less violent, more respectful, more considerate of other peoples' feelings, and more open about my own feelings. In short, they taught me how to be a real man ... something some of the posters in this forum have yet to learn.

Purely out of curiosity, what have you learned from Thai girls (and women in general) outside of the sex industry?

Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but your postings give the impression that all you have ever learned about love, sex, relationships and life in general stems from your many experiences of commercial sex.

If this is in fact the case then you are truly a very sad individual.

Your comments re: being a "real man" are indeed amusing!

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the fact of the matter is, that these girls have an enormous advantage to the average elbowbender visiting Bars and Clubs.

It is always the same: redneck, green behind the ear male foreigner, slightly touched by the "uebermensch" idea, due to the fact that they( girls in bar) are 1. smaller. 2. not instantly recognizable as smart. 3 working in a cliche called go go Bar........ need to unload their stashed up frustrations, not necessarly work related only, but mostly due to the hard reality in places not located in Asia or even worse, a place called Thailand with all it cultural boobytraps!

And since a complaint gets share statisticly with 13 person in average, now you know why the bargirls have a bad reputation.

So the next time you think of using one of this girls, switch from thinking with the small head and switch back to the large one ( handstand helps a lot!!!)


The only way to get "even" is to portrait the highest level of intelligence called: Kindness. And you shall see: it gets even more dangerous! Bar girls know how to spoil a man. Period.

To come to the point: Monkey see - Monkey do!

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To:- The Gentleman Scamp not missing the point at all you said "positive feedback" ...I'm positive they are sleeze bag places, but sadly, a little like condoms, a necessary evil! I'm saying the same thing as meemiathai but maybe in a different way, "look at some of their customers!" :o:D:D

Hi Erco.

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Why should I look down at any lady of the night, it is her business, not mine.

Too bad everyone doesn't share your attitude!

No matter where we come from, society conditions us from birth to regard a prostitute as a lower form of life. We're trained to ignore the fact that she's someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's mother. We're taught that she's not even a "real" woman with "real" feelings ... she's just a lump of warm meat ... a masturbation machine to jerk off into while she fakes orgasm.

Some of us see prostitutes that way until the day we die.

Some of us don't see them differently until we're old and grey.

A few of us open our eyes when we're young and see behind the bullshit ... then we find ourselves at odds with mainstream society because our views on prostitution are "too liberal".

I was a wild child who grew up quick, powerful, and meaner than catspiss. I left home to seek adventure on my fifteenth birthday and I'd seen and done it all by the time I was seventeen. I learned early that generic typecasting was pure crap ... that there were good whites and bad whites, good blacks and bad blacks, good Asians and bad Asians, and of course, good prostitutes and bad prostitutes. Consequently I have no racial prejudices at all, but I do have a behavioral prejudice ... an <deleted> is an <deleted> regardless of his/her race or color or profession.

I treat a prostitute who acts like a lady as a lady, and I presume all prostitutes to be ladies unless they prove otherwise ... but it wasn't always so. In my youth I treated those who came across like sluts badly ... insulting them and ordering them to get the <deleted> out of my face, and worse ... but I soon realized that even they had feelings and emotions, and that by deliberately hurting those feelings and emotions I became less of a man in their eyes. Being treated with contempt by a low class hooker is a hard lesson, but it's one I brought down on myself, and it's one I'm glad I learned early in life.

No matter how sleazy the advance, a polite "No thank you" is all it takes for both parties to retain their dignity. I can look back and honestly say that every working girl (even the ladyboys) who approached me in the past 40+ years has walked away with her head held high and her pride intact. Respect is a two-way street ... and courtesy costs nothing.

if my friend Paul Smith marries his girl, she will be Mrs. Smith to me.
Way to go Axel!

rod_kalashnikov, you have all my respect. The way you understand life. :o

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To:- The Gentleman Scamp not missing the point at all you said "positive feedback" ...I'm positive they are sleeze bag places, but sadly, a little like condoms, a necessary evil! I'm saying the same thing as meemiathai but maybe in a different way, "look at some of their customers!" :o  :D  :D

Hi Erco.

:D you can say that again!

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rod_kalashnikov, you have all my respect.

Thanks meemiathai.

The way you understand life.
I spent a long time learning to understand it, and I had a lot of help, but I still have much to learn ... maybe in the next life.

A real man tries his best to understand life and see it from the perspective of others - something our Rod does with a natural wisdom and intelligence.

A real man would not claim to know it all, besides, where would be the fun in 'knowing it all'? I can't think of anything I'd hate more than to be 16 again. :o

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In short, they taught me how to be a real man

So a regular woman could not do this? :o

chok dee

I'm afraid you just didn't get the point!

Can u explain then the point to me? I live in the states where their is only one place that prostitution is legal and you wouldn't want to go near the street girls I'd rather go to a bargirl at least she is better looking. well if u want to explain thanks but my case is this i don't live in thailand I can't just walk down the road and get a girl for the night. unlike some places in thailand and don't tell me i am being hard on the girls. it's their business.

chok dee

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Purely out of curiosity, what do you consider makes a man a "real man" ? Getting blind drunk and dropping your pants and pole-dancing in gogo bars ? Calling ladyboys poofters and faggots ? Insulting bargirls to impress your drinking mates, then paying one for a quick blowjob when no-one is watching ?

Well That is a good question The thing is this If you are not exposed to these situations ok like what you are explaining the other questions that you wrote. about pole dancing about ladyboys and making fun of bargirls, these things in my opinion don't make a "real man" In my opinion a real man respect others Maybe i just don't get it, I wish someone could explain like i said in past posts i have never been with a bargirl. I'll tell u this I never even knew about this until i went to thailand in 1987 i left thailand when i was 3 back in 1969. I wish someone could explain it because since i am married i can't experience it.

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the point is simple,men love beautiful young sexy girls,who u can have alot of fun with,when u become more than a bar fine to these girls and get to know them a little u would understand,but you wont get the chance because of your circumstances,life is about living and doing what makes you happy,as long as you understand the rules and dont hurt anyone on the way,ch :o ook dee

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