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Is S Korea racist towards Thais? Dehumanizing immigration ordeal says yes


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On 2/24/2024 at 12:19 AM, Phil1964 said:

Pot kettle black.

What Thais don't think they're racist? Well I never would have guessed.

They're more racist than the Klan towards those of Afro/Caribbean origin.


Your spot on there. My (Afro) American buddy was there 6 months and he said he would never go back. Not only did parents snatched up their children whenever he was exploring an none tourist area in 'fear', he could speak passable Korea after 6 weeks but quit trying because (in his own words) 'they reacted like they were dealing a talking dog!'.


I've also had observed how some South Koreans on weekend 'fun breaks' in Angelas City treat the bar girls, they slapped them around.

I'm happy to say the locals sorted them out in the nexr alleyway once they had settled their bar bills.



Edited by Ricardo99
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1 hour ago, Ricardo99 said:

Yes, are ferangs constantly being told if they don't like being treated as second class subhumans in Thailand, then don't come to the Land of Smiles?


Don't go crying when the shoe is on the other foot!

We bring an awful lot to the table here and we should be treated with a level of honor. They say they want tourism, and it is obvious they need us, but they don't seem to be willing to treat us with a reasonable level of dignity and respect. 


I find most Thai people to be fine, it's the government officials who are unbelievably toxic and putrid. 

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On 2/23/2024 at 12:39 PM, Thaivisa2006 said:

And what about Thais discriminating foreigners through dual pricing and charging foreigners up to 100x the price what Thais, or just Thai looking, have to pay. 

have you actually paid 100x the the Thai price of something ?    go on tell us what it was 

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1 hour ago, Ricardo99 said:

Yes, are ferangs constantly being told if they don't like being treated as second class subhumans in Thailand, then don't come to the Land of Smiles?

I have never been told that ,  have you?      (being told that by others on here, doesn't count)

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On 3/16/2024 at 11:28 AM, Ricardo99 said:

Yes, are ferangs constantly being told if they don't like being treated as second class subhumans in Thailand, then don't come to the Land of Smiles?


Don't go crying when the shoe is on the other foot!

Funny they don’t want to acknowledge there’s a little ghost problem. Why is nothing ever their fault? 

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