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Pattaya Poulation


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Hi all, I recently spent a few weeks in Pattaya for the first time in a few years and noticed it has got quite a bit bigger...much bigger in fact. Lots of luxury condos going up left, right and centre, especially in the Soi Borkhao area. I was wondering whether someone could tell me the current population and how much it is going up a year.


Edited by Deserted
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Hi all, I recently spent a few weeks in Pattaya for the first time in a few years and noticed it has got quite a bit bigger...much bigger in fact. Lots of luxury condos going up left, right and centre, especially in the Soi Borkhao area. I was wondering whether someone could tell me the current population and how much it is going up a year.


A very good question. I tried to google for an answer, but after typing "population pattaya" and entered, I found numbers from 55.000 up to 72.946 inhabitants and room for 600,000 tourists (boarding).

Nobody really seems to know how much, but for sure the number iincreased and not just a few percent.

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I get the number of around 1/2 million plus around 500,000 "migrant" workers. How many mum-in-laws are living with the daughter but still registered up-country? The million would explain the motor bike insanity now wouldn't it? :o

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Yes, good question - I suppose it's not easy to calculate not only because of the sudden building boom, but because of the transient nature of the place, especially being a resort, it would fluctuate with Thais as well as 'our lot'. I have often wondered about the farang population that are resident, perhaps immigration might have the facts & figures but not sure if they would give this kind of information out?

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Yes, good question - I suppose it's not easy to calculate not only because of the sudden building boom, but because of the transient nature of the place, especially being a resort, it would fluctuate with Thais as well as 'our lot'. I have often wondered about the farang population that are resident, perhaps immigration might have the facts & figures but not sure if they would give this kind of information out?

They might have problems giving accurate numbers.

Apart from the oft commented on mystery that is the Thai Immigration Dept, many places (guest houses, apartments..) do not correctly inform the department of the different people who reside at their abodes.

So assuming that the dept can accurately collate the information sent to them daily, there is a gap in their data from those not fulfilling their legal obligation to inform them of "aliens" staying under their roof. This could also include the friends and relatives that have lobbed on your door step for an extended visit. :o Or the illegals camped at the building sites around town.

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"The city had 101,378 registered inhabitants in 2007. This figure excludes the large number of Thais who work in Pattaya but remain registered in their hometowns, and many long-term expatriate visitors."

This from Wiki so must be true.

No wonder the bib have problems policing this lot. If their budget is based on what the local government is telling them, then that explains a lot.

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