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Met cuts ties with adviser who previously praised Hamas founder

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The Metropolitan Police in London has severed ties with Mohammed Kozbar, a prominent mosque chairman, after a social media post from late January raised concerns about his views. Kozbar, who was previously praised as an advisor, faced scrutiny after his past praise for the founder of Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, resurfaced.


The decision to end engagement with Kozbar comes after a series of revelations regarding his online activity. In addition to his previous endorsement of Hamas's founder, Kozbar recently "liked" a post by Dr. Wahid Shaida, a former leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir, another extremist group. This raised further questions about Kozbar's suitability as an advisor to law enforcement agencies.


The Metropolitan Police emphasized the importance of working with faith and community advisor groups to address crime and social issues. However, they stressed the need for these groups to uphold principles of mutual respect and inclusivity. Kozbar's recent social media activity, including sharing a video disseminating conspiracy theories about Israeli influence, was deemed incompatible with this ethos.


Kozbar has defended himself against accusations of extremism, stating that his comments about the founder of Hamas were made before the organization was proscribed. He has also emphasized his condemnation of violence against civilians and his support for the Palestinian cause.


This development reflects a broader trend of scrutiny over individuals associated with extremist views within community leadership roles. The Metropolitan Police's decision to cut ties with Kozbar underscores the importance of ensuring that advisors uphold values of inclusivity and respect while collaborating with law enforcement agencies.






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