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Registering Website For Thai Business

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I plan on starting a business in thailand in the next 18 months. A large part of it will depend on marketing through a website. I intend to start this well in advance of launching the actual services and forming the thai company . I will be marketing to N America and Europe primarily although all services and employees would be in thailand.

I am at the very early stages right now and would like to know as much as possible about how the internet, and exsisting website, will fit in with registering a thai company. Particularly interested in finding as much info on ecommerce as my clients are from the west and the nature of the business will depend on advance payment, cxl policies, etc.

Does the website need to be registered through a thai provider?

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Since your target will be the European and North American customer, I would suggest a normal .com/.net domain hosted in the U.S. to avoid the time lag invloved in reaching Thai Servers. Price difference would also be a consideration.

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Hi - great questions. Unfortunately most foreigners that operate internet business in Thailand are not registered with anyone. There is nobody checking on internet business income and as far as I know working on your internet business based in the USA while in Thailand is not anything for the Thais' to care about.

This is assuming your income is coming through PayPal or through bank transfers to Thailand from the USA. If you're taking money directly into thailand from customers - they might want to have a say about taxes. But honestly, everything is so unregulated here.

You'll find registering your site(s) through a Thai provider is slow and ultra frustrating. Get a godaddy.com domain and hosting plan and you'll be so much better off. If you are considering an adult site - reconsider having one because at any time officials can block sites at whim, regardless what the new laws say (need to go to court to block a site).

Why are you registering your company in Thailand? Do you want a work permit?

Hope this helps, it's all opinion, don't take any as fact...

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Consider this..

All the international Bandwidth in this country comes thru CAT. So thers a significant diff in connection times of websites hosting within TH or abroad. If your intended audience is outside TH , then have the website hosted outside thailand. But if your customer base is within TH, then host the web inside thailand.

Hosting with thai providers is preferred because, at times when you need help they can be directly called and spoken with. Try siaminet.com. They can provide hosting for both TH and US based servers.

Need any more info , you can PM me.

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...I will be marketing to N America and Europe ...

Does the website need to be registered through a thai provider?

No. Your website can be hosted on a server any place in the world. Given the location of your potential customers, you certainly don’t want it hosted on a server in Thailand with its slow Internet connection. You may want to check out ThaiVisa’s web hosting service here.



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Simple answer.

a .co.th website needs to be registered through a Thai provider, and the domain name must be the same as the registered co.'s name (i may be wrong about the company name bit.) A.com domain name can and should be hosted outside of Thailand due to reliablity issues here.


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I had tried to register a ".co.th" domain, the hosting company did ask for company registration, work permit and other company related topics - no thanks for me. Registered a ".com" with an US - based host, cheaper, better technology and service, paid by credit card and able to use within 5 minutes. I believe this helps when making a decision. Believe that in regards of taxation it really doesn't matter.

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