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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Do you actually consider your above reply a viable argument for anything? Incredible!!

I think it's incredible that you attack people, yet don't even know what their name is. Shows a lot of ignorance. Just like Biden.


If you want to compare yourself to Megyn post your qualifications and achievements plus a photo so we can see how attractive you are in comparison.


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1 minute ago, xylophone said:

That is amazing as it shows just how dumb trump is........and some!!

Even worst , it shows how dumb the people who buy all that crap and follow trump are. 

And then they have the nerve to talk about Biden. I guess no one ever told them  that 

"people who live in glass houses should not throw stones" 



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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Even worst , it shows how dumb the people who buy all that crap and follow trump are. 

And then they have the nerve to talk about Biden. I guess no one ever told them  that 

"people who live in glass houses should not throw stones" 



All you got is abuse. Calling people dumb.


Sums up the left these days. 


I bet Megyn is more qualified than you.

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3 minutes ago, Dolf said:

I think it's incredible that you attack people, yet don't even know what their name is. Shows a lot of ignorance. Just like Biden.


If you want to compare yourself to Megyn post your qualifications and achievements plus a photo so we can see how attractive you are in comparison.


Why do you do this to yourself? and keep digging? 

Why don't you pretend you did not see my reply a let it go. 

You do know we are not comparing myself to Kelly? Right? 

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Well the other key takeaways from this are that the Democratic party is broken and they were not able to field a good, younger, more vital candidate. The second takeaway is that Biden stuck with Harris which was a huge mistake, she's a horrific candidate, and that leads us to the third take away, which is that America is a completely broken nation, that seems to want an ignorant, wannabe despot dictator to lead the country, who has successfully hijacked the Republican party, which used to stand for something. 

Politics in general worldwide is broken. It's just a mess. Mostly ex lawyers arguing against one another.


Be much better if engineers or IT guys got more involved. 



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1 minute ago, Dolf said:

All you got is abuse. Calling people dumb.


Sums up the left these days. 


I bet Megyn is more qualified than you.

It is not "calling names" when it is an accurate observation. 

I am not the one who keeps coming back with these comments. 

And Kelly is certainly more qualified than me in some things, But  certainly more qualified than her in others. What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing !!

that's what it means, just word salad the right thinks means sense . 

I am growing tired of this. please excuse me if I don't answer any more of your quotes.

The truth of the matter is that Biden gave a great speech,  Better than your boy ever could, and the Kelly video , was nothing but a conservative opinion video with no facts. 


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Just now, sirineou said:

It is not "calling names" when it is an accurate observation. 

I am not the one who keeps coming back with these comments. 

And Kelly is certainly more qualified than me in some things, But  certainly more qualified than her in others. What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing !!

that's what it means, just word salad the right thinks means sense . 

I am growing tired of this. please excuse me if I don't answer any more of your quotes.

The truth of the matter is that Biden gave a great speech,  Better than your boy ever could, and the Kelly video , was nothing but a conservative opinion video with no facts. 


Nice rant. I'm not going to lower myself to that level. Have a nice day.

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1 hour ago, Dolf said:

All you got is abuse. Calling people dumb.



That's all Trump has too.

Let's see, there's Crooked Hillary, Ron DeSanctimonious, Lying Ted Cruz. Crazy Nancy, Wacky Omarosa, and Governor Newscum. Sleepy Joe Biden morphed into Crooked Joe Biden after Trump got trounced in 2020.

It's called ad hominem argument, attacking the person instead of the issue. Dishonest as it comes, which probably goes for most of your posts as well.

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

It is not "calling names" when it is an accurate observation. 

I am not the one who keeps coming back with these comments. 

And Kelly is certainly more qualified than me in some things, But  certainly more qualified than her in others. What is that supposed to mean?

Nothing !!

that's what it means, just word salad the right thinks means sense . 

I am growing tired of this. please excuse me if I don't answer any more of your quotes.

The truth of the matter is that Biden gave a great speech,  Better than your boy ever could, and the Kelly video , was nothing but a conservative opinion video with no facts. 


Best to ignore @Dolf. He is an antagonist, looking for a fight. Alot of small folks like that around these days, very frustrated with unfulfilled lives, and looking for a battle. They seem to enjoy leveling accusations at people they know nothing about. 

Edited by spidermike007
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8 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Best to ignore @Dolf. He is an antagonist, looking for a fight. Alot of small folks like that around these days, very frustrated with unfulfilled lives, and looking for a battle. They seem to enjoy leveling accusations at people they know nothing about. 

Not at all. I just call out the nonsense. People hiding behind computers abusing Trump supporters are just cowards then claiming Megyn Kelly is stupid whilst getting her name wrong.


An intelligent person would discuss issues and at least do some research on policies and people.


You talk about unfulfilled lives. Well TDS is no greater example of that. 






Edited by Dolf
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3 hours ago, Dolf said:

Not at all. I just call out the nonsense. People hiding behind computers abusing Trump supporters are just cowards then claiming Megyn Kelly is stupid whilst getting her name wrong.

First how does me spelling her name wrong changes anything I said?

It changes nothing!! If I am a witness to a bank robbery is my deposition to the police any less valuable because I did not know how to spell the robbers name? 

   Who claimed she is stupid? show me where I did that.

I happen to think she is a very bright lady . She was doing her job, which is to feed the right with the sweet little nothings they crave. Trust me, if they gave me a multimillion contract  to feed you BS ,

Well all I can say is bon appétit!!:laugh:, I would do it in a heart beat. 

Same is done on  CNN  and MNBC to a lesser degree IMO but it is there  I have seen it. 

It is called spin. All the videos you posted were nothing but spin on the right.

The video compilation of trump gaffes were fact. When he said that water destroys magnets , aside from being ignorant it was something he said, not my Spinning that he said it. 

So answer me this do you think water destroys magnets. 

When he made the speech where he said the continental army  in 1765 (don't quote me on the year  I might be off a couple of years) occupied the airports, why do you think he said that? 

What is this fascination you guys have with ignorant fool? I don't get it. 

I don't think he really went to school one day of his life. Oh he attended some rich boy educational institution where he probably had people write his papers, and hid dad make generous contributions to graduate him. Then he inherited millions and did worst with it than if he had simply invested in the S&P 500 , and went fishing for the rest of his life.  He is a loser with several bankruptcies,.

Do you know what a bankruptcy is? it is a way of not paying your bills. Do you know how many honest hardworking contractors with families he put out of business when he did not pay his bills? 

Are you for that?  

And you think he cheated all these people but he is not going to cheat you. Why?? are you special to him, you two are buddies? You are smarter than the people he cheated?

In NYC where I was managment for one of the top 5 High-rise construction companies, no one would do business with him he was finished. No bank would lend him money. He had to borrow money from Deutsche Bank

You know the Deutsche Bank who " In early 2017, federal regulators punished it for a vast Russian money-laundering scheme meant to convert illicit gains into dollars and other widely used currencies"

"Deutsche Bank’s handling of suspicious activity reports has been a particular source of criticism. In recent years, compliance officers flagged potentially problematic transactions linked to people including Mr. Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Bank "

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/business/deutsche-bank-russia-real-estate-deal.html#:~:text=Deutsche Bank has faced criticism,and other widely used currencies.




Edited by sirineou
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3 hours ago, Dolf said:

Not at all. I just call out the nonsense. People hiding behind computers abusing Trump supporters are just cowards then claiming Megyn Kelly is stupid whilst getting her name wrong.


An intelligent person would discuss issues and at least do some research on policies and people.


You talk about unfulfilled lives. Well TDS is no greater example of that. 






I agree about TDS. Trump deceives his supporters. 

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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

That's all Trump has too.

Let's see, there's Crooked Hillary, Ron DeSanctimonious, Lying Ted Cruz. Crazy Nancy, Wacky Omarosa, and Governor Newscum. Sleepy Joe Biden morphed into Crooked Joe Biden after Trump got trounced in 2020.

It's called ad hominem argument, attacking the person instead of the issue. Dishonest as it comes, which probably goes for most of your posts as well.

That is what juvenile minds do. Trump is not clever enough to formulate a cohesive argument, so he resorts to childish name calling. That's pretty much all the huge bully has. 

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5 hours ago, Dolf said:

All you got is abuse. Calling people dumb.


Sums up the left these days. 


I bet Megyn is more qualified than you.

It is blanket statements like that which make you appear really ignorant. I am a centrist democrat, but I know a lot of republicans I have a lot of republican friends and family and I have nothing but love and respect for them. I understand their positions and the last thing in the world I would call them is dumb. They're not dumb, many of them are smart. They may disagree with me and I may disagree with them on politics, but I would never even consider calling my political adversaries dumb.


If I did that it would make me look dumb! 

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

First how does me spelling her name wrong changes anything I said?

It changes nothing!! If I am a witness to a bank robbery is my deposition to the police any less valuable because I did not know how to spell the robbers name? 

   Who claimed she is stupid? show me where I did that.

I happen to think she is a very bright lady . She was doing her job, which is to feed the right with the sweet little nothings they crave. Trust me, if they gave me a multimillion contract  to feed you BS ,

Well all I can say is bon appétit!!:laugh:, I would do it in a heart beat. 

Same is done on  CNN  and MNBC to a lesser degree IMO but it is there  I have seen it. 

It is called spin. All the videos you posted were nothing but spin on the right.

The video compilation of trump gaffes were fact. When he said that water destroys magnets , aside from being ignorant it was something he said, not my Spinning that he said it. 

So answer me this do you think water destroys magnets. 

When he made the speech where he said the continental army  in 1765 (don't quote me on the year  I might be off a couple of years) occupied the airports, why do you think he said that? 

What is this fascination you guys have with ignorant fool? I don't get it. 

I don't think he really went to school one day of his life. Oh he attended some rich boy educational institution where he probably had people write his papers, and hid dad make generous contributions to graduate him. Then he inherited millions and did worst with it than if he had simply invested in the S&P 500 , and went fishing for the rest of his life.  He is a loser with several bankruptcies,.

Do you know what a bankruptcy is? it is a way of not paying your bills. Do you know how many honest hardworking contractors with families he put out of business when he did not pay his bills? 

Are you for that?  

And you think he cheated all these people but he is not going to cheat you. Why?? are you special to him, you two are buddies? You are smarter than the people he cheated?

In NYC where I was managment for one of the top 5 High-rise construction companies, no one would do business with him he was finished. No bank would lend him money. He had to borrow money from Deutsche Bank

You know the Deutsche Bank who " In early 2017, federal regulators punished it for a vast Russian money-laundering scheme meant to convert illicit gains into dollars and other widely used currencies"

"Deutsche Bank’s handling of suspicious activity reports has been a particular source of criticism. In recent years, compliance officers flagged potentially problematic transactions linked to people including Mr. Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Bank "

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/business/deutsche-bank-russia-real-estate-deal.html#:~:text=Deutsche Bank has faced criticism,and other widely used currencies.




Most people do worse than the S&P 500, even most fund managers.


I don't think ranting on the internet will change a single vote. Really not sure what your aim is. You sound very unhappy.

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1 minute ago, Dolf said:

Most people do worse than the S&P 500, even most fund managers.


I don't think ranting on the internet will change a single vote. Really not sure what your aim is. You sound very unhappy.

How about your ranting, Is that fine ?


at the very least answer me this. What do you think trump meant with his magnets statement? 

explain to stupid little me that. 

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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

But I don't get it. 

What is it about tramp and these people? 

They can't be that stupid. If they were sitting in a bar and someone sat next to them and started talking crap like trump they will laugh at him and turn their back to him,.

So what is their fascination with trump? 


Tramp or Trump? Trump is entertaining. Biden is slow and boring. Plus the working class feel their lives are worse now.


You seem to be anti democratic and want to stop people voting a certain way.

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Just now, sirineou said:

How about your ranting, Is that fine ?


at the very least answer me this. What do you think trump meant with his magnets statement? 

explain to stupid little me that. 

Show me where I ranted on for 200 words? No idea about magnets. 

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6 minutes ago, Dolf said:

Show me where I ranted on for 200 words? No idea about magnets. 

to many words, Sorry next time I will keep is shorter and speak slower, 

But I am glad that;s all you found wrong with what I said, because I don't hear you disputing anything I said. 

Ok so about magnets., this is from a recent trump speech. Itls short so it should be good for you. 


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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

to many words, Sorry next time I will keep is shorter and speak slower, 

But I am glad that;s all you found wrong with what I said, because I don't hear you disputing anything I said. 

Ok so about magnets., this is from a recent trump speech. Itls short so it should be good for you. 


No thanks. You have no manners. You should learn to discuss things without insults. Very bad habit you have. I see it's common with Trump haters.

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