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Justice Department investigating door plug blowout on Alaska Airlines flight, report says

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3 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

“Jennifer Homendy, the chair of the NTSB, told FlightGlobal: "I believe the whistleblower has the shipside tracker, which we already have, [and] is not the documents we are looking for."”


https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-whistleblower-alleges-criminal-coverup-over-737-max-blowout-2024-4#:~:text=Boeing whistleblower claims there is,over the 737 Max blowout&text=Boeing has said there's no,whistleblower gave him these documents.


Let me guess you will next tell me the NTSB are wrong, are liars, are part of the conspiracy and are corrupt too!


She believes the whistleblower has the shipside tracker.  Wouldn't it be easy to confirm that, and make a definitive statement?  All she has to do is ask the FBI.


Instead, she makes a weasel statement that can later give her plausible deniability if it's taken to trial.  I believe...


The whistleblower was under oath, pretty adamant, and a lot less weaselly.


A Boeing whistleblower said there is a “criminal coverup” surrounding January’s Alaska Airlines blowout.


“Records do exist documenting in detail the hectic work done on the Alaska Airlines airplane, and Boeing’s corporate leaders know it too,” Pierson said. “I know this Alaska airplane documentation exists because I personally passed it to the FBI.”


(links above)


So who do you believe, the guy who's definitive, under oath, and testifying under penalty of perjury, or the nice lady who claims to believe, is not under oath and isn't really sure?





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8 hours ago, impulse said:


She believes the whistleblower has the shipside tracker.  Wouldn't it be easy to confirm that, and make a definitive statement?  All she has to do is ask the FBI.


Instead, she makes a weasel statement that can later give her plausible deniability if it's taken to trial.  I believe...


The whistleblower was under oath, pretty adamant, and a lot less weaselly.


A Boeing whistleblower said there is a “criminal coverup” surrounding January’s Alaska Airlines blowout.


“Records do exist documenting in detail the hectic work done on the Alaska Airlines airplane, and Boeing’s corporate leaders know it too,” Pierson said. “I know this Alaska airplane documentation exists because I personally passed it to the FBI.”


(links above)


So who do you believe, the guy who's definitive, under oath, and testifying under penalty of perjury, or the nice lady who claims to believe, is not under oath and isn't really sure?





As always so selective, it must be sad to be so paranoid, that you just see conspiracy everywhere.

So the FBI and NTSB are part on the conspiracy now. The incident is under investigation and the final report is still not released, hence why I posted the link about Boeing getting into trouble with the NTSB, but you and your twin ‘wingnut’ continue to push your ill informed opinions as the only “real truth.”


But as normal you’re off down another rabbit hole. Pierson left Boeing in 2018, and do you really think if as he claimed a whistleblower passed him the documents, he would not have keep a copy and been able to produce them to back up his claim, this man likes his 15 minutes of fame, remember the it’s a Max aircraft, I have to get off publicity stunt.


Here is a quote online from someone who worked with him at Boeing.


”Worked directly with him for 3 years, he was my skip level. One of the more incompetent people I worked with. I often wondered how someone so daft could be a senior manager but then again it’s Boeing.


He used to come around to the barges and ask questions about common defects we were tracking and if we needed help escalating the issue. It reminds me of how I have to explain to my parents how to use online banking. The guy is an ambulance chasing fraud.”


Plenty of quotes like that around in the aviation industry, do they hold any or no credibility? That is why I listen to the facts from the authorities, not go looking for reports that just meet my agenda, but of course you never accept facts that differ from your narrative.


You posts continue to show that you lack any critical thinking, are driven by your bigoted, racist and Misogynist tunnel vision, and are clearly not a pleasant person, or maybe that comes about to anyone, if you have to work full time in China at an age when successful people are enjoying their retirement.


So I will politely say bye, I am not wasting my time with cult members, who never accept facts, post conspiracy nonsense. I am stopping repling and feeding you 2 trolls.

Edited by Georgealbert
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60 Minutes in Australia produced this episode on Being's current situation last week. As you would expect, there's not a lot of in-depth analysis that you can compress into 21 minutes - but it does give a reasonably balanced summation for an audience usually less well informed.


We'll have to wait for the movies that will follow in the few years to get more of an insight into the corporate culture.



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The Justice Department is planning to charge Boeing with fraud after prosecutors said the company failed to implement an agreed upon anti-fraud compliance program following two fatal Max 8 crashes.

The Justice Department will reportedly give Boeing until the end of the week to decide if it will plead guilty or face a trial.


A plea deal would reportedly involve a monitor being appointed to supervise Boeing’s compliance with fraud laws.



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Posted (edited)

Oh no just when you thought there might be justice - Another outrageous sweetheart deal. Of course Boeing will take the plea that waters down any accountability. Appointment of a monitor 555. And note this exempts any employees being prosecuted for criminal negligence. So talk about having your cake and eating it too for Boeing, "justice" department ,FAA. And once again the victims families are getting screwed over. Screw City. .https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-wants-boeing-plead-guilty-201111812.htmlScreenshot_2024-07-01-07-41-34-600_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.849395ad2a6b3e11c1a83fc196703101.jpg

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, morrobay said:

Oh no just when you thought there might be justice - Another  outrageous sweetheart deal. Of course Boeing will take the plea that waters down any accountability. Appointment of a monitor 555. And note this exempts any employees being prosecuted for criminal negligence. So talk about having your cake and eating it too for Boeing, "justice" department ,F AA. And once again the victims families are getting screwed over. Screw City. . https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-wants-boeing-plead-guilty-201111812.htmlScreenshot_2024-07-01-07-41-34-600_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.849395ad2a6b3e11c1a83fc196703101.jpg

Another rant and again no acceptance it was the Trump administration that allowed Boeing to escape their responsibilities.

The DoJ was ready to prosecute before the administration handed them the DPA. But that does not fit your conspiracies and does not fit your political agenda, as you are blinded by your hero worship.


I will now stop replying to you two, as all you are doing is hijacking the thread.

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On 7/1/2024 at 12:53 PM, Georgealbert said:

Another rant and again no acceptance it was the Trump administration that allowed Boeing to escape their responsibilities.

The DoJ was ready to prosecute before the administration handed them the DPA. But that does not fit your conspiracies and does not fit your political agenda, as you are blinded by your hero worship.


Doesn't this kinda throw a wrench in your narrative that it was the Trump DOJ that gave Boeing a sweetheart deal?


Looks like they're getting another from the Biden DOJ.  Let's see if the judge accepts it.


The plea deal, which still must receive the approval of a federal judge to take effect, calls for Boeing to pay an additional $243.6 million fine. That was the same amount it paid under the 2021 settlement that the Justice Department said the company breached. 




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14 hours ago, impulse said:


Doesn't this kinda throw a wrench in your narrative that it was the Trump DOJ that gave Boeing a sweetheart deal?


Looks like they're getting another from the Biden DOJ.  Let's see if the judge accepts it.


The plea deal, which still must receive the approval of a federal judge to take effect, calls for Boeing to pay an additional $243.6 million fine. That was the same amount it paid under the 2021 settlement that the Justice Department said the company breached. 




55555  So still unable to accept the facts. How does this change anything from 2021 when the sweetheart deal was done?

So Biden is to blame for the DoJ now, but your hero Trump had nothing to do with the original FPA. 🤡 

Try this real fact for the paranoid ‘wingnut’ in his own alternative reality, it was the Trump administration that in 2021 that gave Boeing the deferred prosecution agreement, the DoJ were ready to prosecute, but prevented by the administration.


Pointless debating with anyone who refuses to accept facts and are delusional in believing only they have the real facts.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, morrobay said:


A 5 year old post on reddit, but a good read.


Have you actually read it, as it clearly supports my opinion that the MCAS system was not the cause of the crash.


It highlights the poor standard of maintenance when replacing the Angle of Attack (AOA) vane, and pilot training, see the quotes, from your link.


A - “The captain's flight display was simultaneously indicating both an overspeed and an underspeed situation while he was still rolling down the runway. Whether or not he should have kept the aircraft on the ground after seeing that.”


B - “After a pilot has performed the actions by memory, they would open the checklist and verify that all items were accomplished. Here is the Boeing 737 Runaway Stabiliser checklist.


Item 5 reads: If the runaway continues after the autopilot is disengaged: STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches ..... CUTOUT


This alone would have likely saved Lion Air flight 610.”


C - “The problem came when he transferred controls to the first officer, who by many accounts was under-experienced and under-trained. The amount of counter-input that the captain was making was but a fraction of what the first officer was inputting. Because of this, the airplane eventually added enough nose-down trim to where the pilots could not pull back hard enough to recover. The reasons for transferring the controls to the first officer are still unclear.”


D - ”There is a reason why countries with proper maintenance and pilot training do not experience plane crashes. In fact, that was my entire reason for posting this. I wanted to highlight that any airplane is safe to fly so long as it's operated at a high level of training and scrutiny.”


So thank you for finally admitting you were wrong and clearly have no idea what you were ranting about.


As your own link says “Hear it from the experts: The real reason the 737 MAX crashed” will you now believe the facts?


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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Screenshot_2024-07-09-17-53-02-714_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.a8344accf9e67f2919191bf5c781cd8a.jpgI'll admit this topic is very much more complicated and convoluted with a series of events that led to the crashes : From the comments section. 

55555 so you now choose to ignore the experts that wrote your link, and pick the comments, from an anonymous poster that fits your agenda.


Once again you do not include the reply from the expert to that comment.


“Certainly not going to argue with you there, sir. The system was flawed. I guess the point of the podcast that I had posted (which is what ultimately lead to my reddit post) was not to divert blame from Boeing, but to highlight that it takes a chain of events to cause a crash. Flawed as it may be, the MCAS alone should not have caused a crash.”


You have proved once again you have zero credibility or understanding, just driven by your own agenda not the real facts.


Your own link and the accident report of the Max 8 crashes, posted previously, shows that the MCAS did not cause the crashes.


Doing your own research does not mean finding a comment, 5 years old, that meets your view and then keep repeating, stating only you know the truth, it requires critical analysis, which your tunnel vision prevents.


Bye and thanks again for proving me right.


It is pointless trying to discuss with someone that never accepts real facts.


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Posted (edited)

Screenshot_2024-07-09-18-40-25-486_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.431d7d4c5a0993aa720f7fbbf19cdc7e.jpgScreenshot_2024-07-09-18-41-26-111_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.31e902895683d4bce098fa6e231575da.jpgThe big picture is that Boeing went in the 90's from an engineering driven company to a finance driven company that distanced itself from the technical engineers and teamed up with mba,s running the show at the expense of safety. Educate yourself with a search: How Boeing lost its bearings. The Atlantic has a very good article if you can access it. 



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44 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Screenshot_2024-07-09-18-40-25-486_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.431d7d4c5a0993aa720f7fbbf19cdc7e.jpgScreenshot_2024-07-09-18-41-26-111_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.31e902895683d4bce098fa6e231575da.jpgThe big picture is that Boeing went in the 90's from an engineering driven company to a finance driven company that distanced itself from the technical engineers and teamed up with mba,s running the show at the expense of safety. Educate yourself with a search: How Boeing lost its bearings. The Atlantic has a very good article if you can access it. 



So you lost your argument about the MCAS, so now have to result to deflection.


At no stage in this thread have I said there are not problems with Boeing, that is what this thread is about, the problems that have lead up to any prosecution.


What I do is post up to date facts and articles. I don’t embarrass myself with conspiracy rants, like the two “wingnuts” that continue to try to hijack the thread.

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Lost my argument about MCAS??See this very informative post/argument on Reddit by gargravarr2112 that I agree with . So has gargravarr2112 "lost" the argument too?? Even Stevie Wonder could see the disaster this management fix created trying to do things on the cheap. Screenshot_2024-07-10-07-44-43-281_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.7c3fc26db04b16daf7a4fda8d1dfb62a.jpg


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Oh and before you reply with "wing nuts conspiracies"  (ad nauseam) You need to get educated on the subject out side of your one track replies that don't hold water. So do some much needed research, Reddit is all you need. Then you can continue this discussion.

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

Lost my argument about MCAS??See this very informative post/argument on Reddit by gargravarr2112 that I agree with . So has gargravarr2112 "lost" the argument too?? Even Stevie Wonder could see the disaster this management fix created trying to do things on the cheap. Screenshot_2024-07-10-07-44-43-281_com.android.chrome.thumb.jpg.7c3fc26db04b16daf7a4fda8d1dfb62a.jpg


55555 You post a link, which states “Hear it from the experts: The real reason the 737 MAX crashed”, those experts from your link are the “Flight Safety Detectives John Goglia and Greg Feith, these guys are the real experts”, but then do not believe what the experts are saying in your own posted proof, and just go cherry picking the comments that fit your own agenda.


That is not critical thinking, it is bias tunnel vision.

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

Oh and before you reply with "wing nuts conspiracies" (ad nauseam), you need to get educated on the subject out side of your one track replies that don't hold water. So do some much needed research, Reddit is all you need. Then  you can continue this discussion.

Your most ridiculous post so far. So if I want the truth I need to look at anonymous postings on Reddit, people who I have no idea of their qualifications, training or knowledge, but then your tell me you are not a conspiracy ‘wingnut’ by telling me I only find the real truth on Reddit.

I tend to listen and read the real experts, with real facts and post creditable links to them.


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
Accident Investigation Bureau of Ethiopia's (EAIB)
Indonesia’s  National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT)


You clearly fail to recognise in yourself that when you lack the understanding in the subject, that it requires intelligence and intellectual capability to know and understand your own limits and capabilities. But you choose to continue blindly down your own rabbit hole, solely based on your own opinions., Reddit 55555.


P.S try to educate yourself on how to use the forum, so that you could possibly post a screenshot that shows what you want.


My discussion with you has finished.

Edited by Georgealbert
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FAA orders inspections of 2,600 Boeing 737 airplanes over oxygen mask issue






I wonder how much they saved changing the glue...


Boeing has since returned to using its original adhesive for all new deliveries to ensure the generators remain firmly in place, as intended.


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Let's not get sidetracked about glue and apologies!  This miscreant of a CEO Calhoun should be taken away. He had 4 years and did nothing to earn $33,000,000.  Open question: Is there a country in the world where this jerk & Co. would be held accountable?? Screenshot_2024-07-11-08-03-13-515_com.quora.android.thumb.jpg.91acc21a882d9ab4973baf608d4551ab.jpg


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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

Let's not get sidetracked about glue and apologies!  This miscreant of a CEO Calhoun should be taken away. He had 4 years and did nothing to earn $33,000,000.  Open question: Is there a country in the world where this jerk & Co. would be held accountable?? Screenshot_2024-07-11-08-03-13-515_com.quora.android.thumb.jpg.91acc21a882d9ab4973baf608d4551ab.jpg


55555 Finding more comments to meet your agenda?


Real credible source there, a retired HVAC technician, was that also from your source of the real truth Reddit?


Your comments/rants would be funny if they were not so totally embarrassing. 


Have a good day in your alternative cult reality, as you clearly fail to understand what is a credible/reliable source.




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In the real world, with real facts it is well known that the Dunning–Kruger effect is the cognitive bias in which unknowledgeable people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognise those failings and continue to make the same mistakes. 

The unknowledgeable therefore suffer from this illusory superiority, rating their ability, knowledge and abilities as above average, very much higher than it actually is.


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