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Hi All

So, after all I did follow MZ advise, to check the cows for TB :D (good thing I did that) so instead of 30 heads we now have 6,5 (one is pregnant) :D .

I had to build a new housing for them, the did not like the concrete floor, and my dogs attack one of them the first night they were here :o , so I had to get the wet out again, to have a look at the wounds.

There is 5 females and 1 male, so time will tell if the amount will encrease, and I now have a walking lawn-mover with built in fertilizer.. :D



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Hi All

So, after all I did follow MZ advise, to check the cows for TB :D (good thing I did that) so instead of 30 heads we now have 6,5 (one is pregnant) :D .

I had to build a new housing for them, the did not like the concrete floor, and my dogs attack one of them the first night they were here :o , so I had to get the wet out again, to have a look at the wounds.

There is 5 females and 1 male, so time will tell if the amount will encrease, and I now have a walking lawn-mover with built in fertilizer.. :D



Is this the herd you heard about a few months ago that were going cheap?

How old is the male, he might start going astray if he's reached reproduction age already.

What's happened to MZ by the way?

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Hi All

So, after all I did follow MZ advise, to check the cows for TB :D (good thing I did that) so instead of 30 heads we now have 6,5 (one is pregnant) :D .

I had to build a new housing for them, the did not like the concrete floor, and my dogs attack one of them the first night they were here :o , so I had to get the wet out again, to have a look at the wounds.

There is 5 females and 1 male, so time will tell if the amount will encrease, and I now have a walking lawn-mover with built in fertilizer.. :D



Is this the herd you heard about a few months ago that were going cheap?

How old is the male, he might start going astray if he's reached reproduction age already.

What's happened to MZ by the way?

Yep, but I dident buy that herd after-all, there was some sick ones, so I decided to let it pass, instead I got ones I have now, from a pig-farmer who buys our feed, he was tired looking for grass all the time.

I think the male is about 9-12 month, they are fine looking animals, I will post a picture later.

I have no idea what happend to MZ, the last thing I heard was that he went to India to buy a second hand feed-mill, but that is almost one month ago.



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Hello There

A little update on the cattle business, as I mentioned I had to build some housing for the cattle :bah: , the did not like the concrete floor in the broiler-houses :D , luckey for me, I had some steel and roof plates left, enough to build a 50m2 cow-house. Yesterday I went to check on the guys who are building it, and one of them were sitting down looking very sad, like he had given up on life :D , I asked him what was wrong and he said "this is wrong" pointing at the "cow-house" "it is bigger and better than the house I have for my wife and 3 kids" I couldent stop laugh, so I said "before you are finished welding, then add some supports for fans, incase the cattle should be to hot" :D

I thourght he would drop dead, he jumped on his bike, drove up to my wife, and told her that now the farang had gone completly mental.... :D I know, she said." I told him not to install a bath-top" :o

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Hello There

A little update on the cattle business, as I mentioned I had to build some housing for the cattle :bah: , the did not like the concrete floor in the broiler-houses :D , luckey for me, I had some steel and roof plates left, enough to build a 50m2 cow-house. Yesterday I went to check on the guys who are building it, and one of them were sitting down looking very sad, like he had given up on life :D , I asked him what was wrong and he said "this is wrong" pointing at the "cow-house" "it is bigger and better than the house I have for my wife and 3 kids" I couldent stop laugh, so I said "before you are finished welding, then add some supports for fans, incase the cattle should be to hot" :D

I thourght he would drop dead, he jumped on his bike, drove up to my wife, and told her that now the farang had gone completly mental.... :D I know, she said." I told him not to install a bath-top" :o

My wife asked me to stop rotary tilling the land we reclaimed from the weeds and brush. She said she was embarrassed because the local farmers were laughing at the farang. Burning oil for what? I got pretty aggravated at my wife. She has planted a few things here and a few things there. More weeds growing than anything. Little patches here and there is certainly not very efficient. In the US we planted crops in nice straight rows and kept the weeds down. Here they laugh at those methods. Subsistence farming is all they know. No wonder they stay poor. :bah:

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