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A few mates recently recommended Rick Simpson Oil to help me get through chemotherapy.


There’s an article from 2023 showing it’s allowed in Thailand but what’s the current status?




Any of you buying it here or from overseas?


From overseas are there Customs hassles inbound to LOS?





RSO is a strong cannabis extract.  Doubtful that it can be obtained legally when you are in Thailand.  An amount the size of a grain of rice will have you stoned.  


Certainly there is nothing magical about his oil. Just make some of your own cannabis oil using fresh cannabis and then experiment with it to see what dose works well for you. Here is an easy technique to follow:




Inexpensive cannabis is everywhere in Thailand now. Many people order from an online seller that sells decent cannabis for making oil at 30 Baht a gram. And you can order the MCT oil here on Lazada:




You can also buy a machine that will do the whole process of cannabis decarb and oil infusion for you if you are interested:



A shop in Siam also sells some of their own homemade THC oil:




RSO being sold is diluted (like the link above)
RSO is not some wonder product
you can just smoke or eat for the same benefit
or you can easily make RSO, all you need to at least 95% ethanol (99% food grade preferred)
briefly soak the weed in alcohol, drain and evaporate, done.
in all honesty the fact that you had to ask
just stick to smoking a puffs now and then or as required
RSO can be long lasting which may not be desirable 

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