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Trump flip-flopped absentee voting — don't expect his supporters to start trusting system

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Donald Trump's recent reversal on absentee and early voting, expressed through a post on Truth Social, marks a significant departure from his previous rhetoric, where he often disparaged the voting system and claimed it was rigged. However, political scientist Nicholas Grossman believes that this shift is unlikely to be long-lasting and may not reverse the damage already done by Trump's past statements.




Grossman suggests that Trump's endorsement of absentee and early voting may be a strategic move encouraged by GOP officials or campaign staffers to boost enthusiasm among Republican voters for upcoming elections. Recent reports indicate that some ranking Republicans have embraced early and mail-in voting, possibly influencing Trump's stance on the issue.


Despite Trump's apparent change of heart, Grossman argues that it's too late to undo the damage caused by years of sowing doubt in the electoral system. He notes that Trump's most ardent supporters are unlikely to suddenly regain faith in the electoral process simply because of Trump's new messaging.


Grossman emphasizes that Trump's promotion of conspiracy theories surrounding elections has contributed to a permanent erosion of trust in the democratic system. Even if Trump were to win an election, Grossman predicts that he would continue to propagate falsehoods about the results, as he did in 2016 and 2020.


In essence, Grossman suggests that while Trump's recent statement may signal a tactical shift in messaging, it is unlikely to fully rehabilitate his reputation regarding electoral integrity or restore confidence in the democratic process among his supporters.






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